Bayesian Network Approach to Assessing System Reliability for Improving System Design and Optimizing System Maintenance

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A quantitative analysis of a system that has a complex reliability structure always involves considerable challenges. This dissertation mainly addresses uncertainty in- herent in complicated reliability structures that may cause unexpected and undesired results.

The reliability structure uncertainty cannot be handled

A quantitative analysis of a system that has a complex reliability structure always involves considerable challenges. This dissertation mainly addresses uncertainty in- herent in complicated reliability structures that may cause unexpected and undesired results.

The reliability structure uncertainty cannot be handled by the traditional relia- bility analysis tools such as Fault Tree and Reliability Block Diagram due to their deterministic Boolean logic. Therefore, I employ Bayesian network that provides a flexible modeling method for building a multivariate distribution. By representing a system reliability structure as a joint distribution, the uncertainty and correlations existing between system’s elements can effectively be modeled in a probabilistic man- ner. This dissertation focuses on analyzing system reliability for the entire system life cycle, particularly, production stage and early design stages.

In production stage, the research investigates a system that is continuously mon- itored by on-board sensors. With modeling the complex reliability structure by Bayesian network integrated with various stochastic processes, I propose several methodologies that evaluate system reliability on real-time basis and optimize main- tenance schedules.

In early design stages, the research aims to predict system reliability based on the current system design and to improve the design if necessary. The three main challenges in this research are: 1) the lack of field failure data, 2) the complex reliability structure and 3) how to effectively improve the design. To tackle the difficulties, I present several modeling approaches using Bayesian inference and nonparametric Bayesian network where the system is explicitly analyzed through the sensitivity analysis. In addition, this modeling approach is enhanced by incorporating a temporal dimension. However, the nonparametric Bayesian network approach generally accompanies with high computational efforts, especially, when a complex and large system is modeled. To alleviate this computational burden, I also suggest to building a surrogate model with quantile regression.

In summary, this dissertation studies and explores the use of Bayesian network in analyzing complex systems. All proposed methodologies are demonstrated by case studies.
Date Created

Data Analysis and Experimental Design for Accelerated Life Testing with Heterogeneous Group Effects

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In accelerated life tests (ALTs), complete randomization is hardly achievable because of economic and engineering constraints. Typical experimental protocols such as subsampling or random blocks in ALTs result in a grouped structure, which leads to correlated lifetime observations. In this

In accelerated life tests (ALTs), complete randomization is hardly achievable because of economic and engineering constraints. Typical experimental protocols such as subsampling or random blocks in ALTs result in a grouped structure, which leads to correlated lifetime observations. In this dissertation, generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) approach is proposed to analyze ALT data and find the optimal ALT design with the consideration of heterogeneous group effects.

Two types of ALTs are demonstrated for data analysis. First, constant-stress ALT (CSALT) data with Weibull failure time distribution is modeled by GLMM. The marginal likelihood of observations is approximated by the quadrature rule; and the maximum likelihood (ML) estimation method is applied in iterative fashion to estimate unknown parameters including the variance component of random effect. Secondly, step-stress ALT (SSALT) data with random group effects is analyzed in similar manner but with an assumption of exponentially distributed failure time in each stress step. Two parameter estimation methods, from the frequentist’s and Bayesian points of view, are applied; and they are compared with other traditional models through simulation study and real example of the heterogeneous SSALT data. The proposed random effect model shows superiority in terms of reducing bias and variance in the estimation of life-stress relationship.

The GLMM approach is particularly useful for the optimal experimental design of ALT while taking the random group effects into account. In specific, planning ALTs under nested design structure with random test chamber effects are studied. A greedy two-phased approach shows that different test chamber assignments to stress conditions substantially impact on the estimation of unknown parameters. Then, the D-optimal test plan with two test chambers is constructed by applying the quasi-likelihood approach. Lastly, the optimal ALT planning is expanded for the case of multiple sources of random effects so that the crossed design structure is also considered, along with the nested structure.
Date Created

Analytical Methods for High Dimensional Physiological Sensors

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This dissertation proposes a new set of analytical methods for high dimensional physiological sensors. The methodologies developed in this work were motivated by problems in learning science, but also apply to numerous disciplines where high dimensional signals are present. In

This dissertation proposes a new set of analytical methods for high dimensional physiological sensors. The methodologies developed in this work were motivated by problems in learning science, but also apply to numerous disciplines where high dimensional signals are present. In the education field, more data is now available from traditional sources and there is an important need for analytical methods to translate this data into improved learning. Affecting Computing which is the study of new techniques that develop systems to recognize and model human emotions is integrating different physiological signals such as electroencephalogram (EEG) and electromyogram (EMG) to detect and model emotions which later can be used to improve these learning systems.

The first contribution proposes an event-crossover (ECO) methodology to analyze performance in learning environments. The methodology is relevant to studies where it is desired to evaluate the relationships between sentinel events in a learning environment and a physiological measurement which is provided in real time.

The second contribution introduces analytical methods to study relationships between multi-dimensional physiological signals and sentinel events in a learning environment. The methodology proposed learns physiological patterns in the form of node activations near time of events using different statistical techniques.

The third contribution addresses the challenge of performance prediction from physiological signals. Features from the sensors which could be computed early in the learning activity were developed for input to a machine learning model. The objective is to predict success or failure of the student in the learning environment early in the activity. EEG was used as the physiological signal to train a pattern recognition algorithm in order to derive meta affective states.

The last contribution introduced a methodology to predict a learner's performance using Bayes Belief Networks (BBNs). Posterior probabilities of latent nodes were used as inputs to a predictive model in real-time as evidence was accumulated in the BBN.

The methodology was applied to data streams from a video game and from a Damage Control Simulator which were used to predict and quantify performance. The proposed methods provide cognitive scientists with new tools to analyze subjects in learning environments.
Date Created

Optimal design of experiments for dual-response systems

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The majority of research in experimental design has, to date, been focused on designs when there is only one type of response variable under consideration. In a decision-making process, however, relying on only one objective or criterion can lead to

The majority of research in experimental design has, to date, been focused on designs when there is only one type of response variable under consideration. In a decision-making process, however, relying on only one objective or criterion can lead to oversimplified, sub-optimal decisions that ignore important considerations. Incorporating multiple, and likely competing, objectives is critical during the decision-making process in order to balance the tradeoffs of all potential solutions. Consequently, the problem of constructing a design for an experiment when multiple types of responses are of interest does not have a clear answer, particularly when the response variables have different distributions. Responses with different distributions have different requirements of the design.

Computer-generated optimal designs are popular design choices for less standard scenarios where classical designs are not ideal. This work presents a new approach to experimental designs for dual-response systems. The normal, binomial, and Poisson distributions are considered for the potential responses. Using the D-criterion for the linear model and the Bayesian D-criterion for the nonlinear models, a weighted criterion is implemented in a coordinate-exchange algorithm. The designs are evaluated and compared across different weights. The sensitivity of the designs to the priors supplied in the Bayesian D-criterion is explored in the third chapter of this work.

The final section of this work presents a method for a decision-making process involving multiple objectives. There are situations where a decision-maker is interested in several optimal solutions, not just one. These types of decision processes fall into one of two scenarios: 1) wanting to identify the best N solutions to accomplish a goal or specific task, or 2) evaluating a decision based on several primary quantitative objectives along with secondary qualitative priorities. Design of experiment selection often involves the second scenario where the goal is to identify several contending solutions using the primary quantitative objectives, and then use the secondary qualitative objectives to guide the final decision. Layered Pareto Fronts can help identify a richer class of contenders to examine more closely. The method is illustrated with a supersaturated screening design example.
Date Created

A Bayesian network approach to early reliability assessment of complex systems

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Bayesian networks are powerful tools in system reliability assessment due to their flexibility in modeling the reliability structure of complex systems. This dissertation develops Bayesian network models for system reliability analysis through the use of Bayesian inference techniques.

Bayesian networks generalize

Bayesian networks are powerful tools in system reliability assessment due to their flexibility in modeling the reliability structure of complex systems. This dissertation develops Bayesian network models for system reliability analysis through the use of Bayesian inference techniques.

Bayesian networks generalize fault trees by allowing components and subsystems to be related by conditional probabilities instead of deterministic relationships; thus, they provide analytical advantages to the situation when the failure structure is not well understood, especially during the product design stage. In order to tackle this problem, one needs to utilize auxiliary information such as the reliability information from similar products and domain expertise. For this purpose, a Bayesian network approach is proposed to incorporate data from functional analysis and parent products. The functions with low reliability and their impact on other functions in the network are identified, so that design changes can be suggested for system reliability improvement.

A complex system does not necessarily have all components being monitored at the same time, causing another challenge in the reliability assessment problem. Sometimes there are a limited number of sensors deployed in the system to monitor the states of some components or subsystems, but not all of them. Data simultaneously collected from multiple sensors on the same system are analyzed using a Bayesian network approach, and the conditional probabilities of the network are estimated by combining failure information and expert opinions at both system and component levels. Several data scenarios with discrete, continuous and hybrid data (both discrete and continuous data) are analyzed. Posterior distributions of the reliability parameters of the system and components are assessed using simultaneous data.

Finally, a Bayesian framework is proposed to incorporate different sources of prior information and reconcile these different sources, including expert opinions and component information, in order to form a prior distribution for the system. Incorporating expert opinion in the form of pseudo-observations substantially simplifies statistical modeling, as opposed to the pooling techniques and supra Bayesian methods used for combining prior distributions in the literature.

The methods proposed are demonstrated with several case studies.
Date Created

Distinct feature learning and nonlinear variation pattern discovery using regularized autoencoders

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Feature learning and the discovery of nonlinear variation patterns in high-dimensional data is an important task in many problem domains, such as imaging, streaming data from sensors, and manufacturing. This dissertation presents several methods for learning and visualizing nonlinear variation

Feature learning and the discovery of nonlinear variation patterns in high-dimensional data is an important task in many problem domains, such as imaging, streaming data from sensors, and manufacturing. This dissertation presents several methods for learning and visualizing nonlinear variation in high-dimensional data. First, an automated method for discovering nonlinear variation patterns using deep learning autoencoders is proposed. The approach provides a functional mapping from a low-dimensional representation to the original spatially-dense data that is both interpretable and efficient with respect to preserving information. Experimental results indicate that deep learning autoencoders outperform manifold learning and principal component analysis in reproducing the original data from the learned variation sources.

A key issue in using autoencoders for nonlinear variation pattern discovery is to encourage the learning of solutions where each feature represents a unique variation source, which we define as distinct features. This problem of learning distinct features is also referred to as disentangling factors of variation in the representation learning literature. The remainder of this dissertation highlights and provides solutions for this important problem.

An alternating autoencoder training method is presented and a new measure motivated by orthogonal loadings in linear models is proposed to quantify feature distinctness in the nonlinear models. Simulated point cloud data and handwritten digit images illustrate that standard training methods for autoencoders consistently mix the true variation sources in the learned low-dimensional representation, whereas the alternating method produces solutions with more distinct patterns.

Finally, a new regularization method for learning distinct nonlinear features using autoencoders is proposed. Motivated in-part by the properties of linear solutions, a series of learning constraints are implemented via regularization penalties during stochastic gradient descent training. These include the orthogonality of tangent vectors to the manifold, the correlation between learned features, and the distributions of the learned features. This regularized learning approach yields low-dimensional representations which can be better interpreted and used to identify the true sources of variation impacting a high-dimensional feature space. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of this method for nonlinear variation pattern discovery on both simulated and real data sets.
Date Created

Efficient formulations for next-generation choice-based network revenue management for airline implementation

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Revenue management is at the core of airline operations today; proprietary algorithms and heuristics are used to determine prices and availability of tickets on an almost-continuous basis. While initial developments in revenue management were motivated by industry practice, later developments

Revenue management is at the core of airline operations today; proprietary algorithms and heuristics are used to determine prices and availability of tickets on an almost-continuous basis. While initial developments in revenue management were motivated by industry practice, later developments overcoming fundamental omissions from earlier models show significant improvement, despite their focus on relatively esoteric aspects of the problem, and have limited potential for practical use due to computational requirements. This dissertation attempts to address various modeling and computational issues, introducing realistic choice-based demand revenue management models. In particular, this work introduces two optimization formulations alongside a choice-based demand modeling framework, improving on the methods that choice-based revenue management literature has created to date, by providing sensible models for airline implementation.

The first model offers an alternative formulation to the traditional choice-based revenue management problem presented in the literature, and provides substantial gains in expected revenue while limiting the problem’s computational complexity. Making assumptions on passenger demand, the Choice-based Mixed Integer Program (CMIP) provides a significantly more compact formulation when compared to other choice-based revenue management models, and consistently outperforms previous models.

Despite the prevalence of choice-based revenue management models in literature, the assumptions made on purchasing behavior inhibit researchers to create models that properly reflect passenger sensitivities to various ticket attributes, such as price, number of stops, and flexibility options. This dissertation introduces a general framework for airline choice-based demand modeling that takes into account various ticket attributes in addition to price, providing a framework for revenue management models to relate airline companies’ product design strategies to the practice of revenue management through decisions on ticket availability and price.

Finally, this dissertation introduces a mixed integer non-linear programming formulation for airline revenue management that accommodates the possibility of simultaneously setting prices and availabilities on a network. Traditional revenue management models primarily focus on availability, only, forcing secondary models to optimize prices. The Price-dynamic Choice-based Mixed Integer Program (PCMIP) eliminates this two-step process, aligning passenger purchase behavior with revenue management policies, and is shown to outperform previously developed models, providing a new frontier of research in airline revenue management.
Date Created

Categorical responses in mixture experiments

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Mixture experiments are useful when the interest is in determining how changes in the proportion of an experimental component affects the response. This research focuses on the modeling and design of mixture experiments when the response is categorical namely, binary

Mixture experiments are useful when the interest is in determining how changes in the proportion of an experimental component affects the response. This research focuses on the modeling and design of mixture experiments when the response is categorical namely, binary and ordinal. Data from mixture experiments is characterized by the perfect collinearity of the experimental components, resulting in model matrices that are singular and inestimable under likelihood estimation procedures. To alleviate problems with estimation, this research proposes the reparameterization of two nonlinear models for ordinal data -- the proportional-odds model with a logistic link and the stereotype model. A study involving subjective ordinal responses from a mixture experiment demonstrates that the stereotype model reveals useful information about the relationship between mixture components and the ordinality of the response, which the proportional-odds fails to detect.

The second half of this research deals with the construction of exact D-optimal designs for binary and ordinal responses. For both types, the base models fall under the class of Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) with a logistic link. First, the properties of the exact D-optimal mixture designs for binary responses are investigated. It will be shown that standard mixture designs and designs proposed for normal-theory responses are poor surrogates for the true D-optimal designs. In contrast with the D-optimal designs for normal-theory responses which locate support points at the boundaries of the mixture region, exact D-optimal designs for GLMs tend to locate support points at regions of uncertainties. Alternate D-optimal designs for binary responses with high D-efficiencies are proposed by utilizing information about these regions.

The Mixture Exchange Algorithm (MEA), a search heuristic tailored to the construction of efficient mixture designs with GLM-type responses, is proposed. MEA introduces a new and efficient updating formula that lessens the computational expense of calculating the D-criterion for multi-categorical response systems, such as ordinal response models. MEA computationally outperforms comparable search heuristics by several orders of magnitude. Further, its computational expense increases at a slower rate of growth with increasing problem size. Finally, local and robust D-optimal designs for ordinal-response mixture systems are constructed using MEA, investigated, and shown to have high D-efficiency performance.
Date Created

Measurement systems analysis studies: a look at the partition of variation (POV) method

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The Partition of Variance (POV) method is a simplistic way to identify large sources of variation in manufacturing systems. This method identifies the variance by estimating the variance of the means (between variance) and the means of the variance (within

The Partition of Variance (POV) method is a simplistic way to identify large sources of variation in manufacturing systems. This method identifies the variance by estimating the variance of the means (between variance) and the means of the variance (within variance). The project shows that the method correctly identifies the variance source when compared to the ANOVA method. Although the variance estimators deteriorate when varying degrees of non-normality is introduced through simulation; however, the POV method is shown to be a more stable measure of variance in the aggregate. The POV method also provides non-negative, stable estimates for interaction when compared to the ANOVA method. The POV method is shown to be more stable, particularly in low sample size situations. Based on these findings, it is suggested that the POV is not a replacement for more complex analysis methods, but rather, a supplement to them. POV is ideal for preliminary analysis due to the ease of implementation, the simplicity of interpretation, and the lack of dependency on statistical analysis packages or statistical knowledge.
Date Created

Optimal design of experiments for functional responses

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Functional or dynamic responses are prevalent in experiments in the fields of engineering, medicine, and the sciences, but proposals for optimal designs are still sparse for this type of response. Experiments with dynamic responses result in multiple responses taken over

Functional or dynamic responses are prevalent in experiments in the fields of engineering, medicine, and the sciences, but proposals for optimal designs are still sparse for this type of response. Experiments with dynamic responses result in multiple responses taken over a spectrum variable, so the design matrix for a dynamic response have more complicated structures. In the literature, the optimal design problem for some functional responses has been solved using genetic algorithm (GA) and approximate design methods. The goal of this dissertation is to develop fast computer algorithms for calculating exact D-optimal designs.

First, we demonstrated how the traditional exchange methods could be improved to generate a computationally efficient algorithm for finding G-optimal designs. The proposed two-stage algorithm, which is called the cCEA, uses a clustering-based approach to restrict the set of possible candidates for PEA, and then improves the G-efficiency using CEA.

The second major contribution of this dissertation is the development of fast algorithms for constructing D-optimal designs that determine the optimal sequence of stimuli in fMRI studies. The update formula for the determinant of the information matrix was improved by exploiting the sparseness of the information matrix, leading to faster computation times. The proposed algorithm outperforms genetic algorithm with respect to computational efficiency and D-efficiency.

The third contribution is a study of optimal experimental designs for more general functional response models. First, the B-spline system is proposed to be used as the non-parametric smoother of response function and an algorithm is developed to determine D-optimal sampling points of a spectrum variable. Second, we proposed a two-step algorithm for finding the optimal design for both sampling points and experimental settings. In the first step, the matrix of experimental settings is held fixed while the algorithm optimizes the determinant of the information matrix for a mixed effects model to find the optimal sampling times. In the second step, the optimal sampling times obtained from the first step is held fixed while the algorithm iterates on the information matrix to find the optimal experimental settings. The designs constructed by this approach yield superior performance over other designs found in literature.
Date Created