Understanding the Self-assembly Pathway of Higher Plant Rubisco Activase

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Rubisco activase (Rca) from higher plants is a stromal ATPase essential for reactivating Rubiscos rendered catalytically inactive by endogenous inhibitors. Rca’s functional state is thought to consist of ring-like hexameric assemblies, similar to other members of the AAA+ protein superfamily.

Rubisco activase (Rca) from higher plants is a stromal ATPase essential for reactivating Rubiscos rendered catalytically inactive by endogenous inhibitors. Rca’s functional state is thought to consist of ring-like hexameric assemblies, similar to other members of the AAA+ protein superfamily. However, unlike other members, it does not form obligate hexamers and is quite polydisperse in solution, making elucidation of its self-association pathway challenging. This polydispersity also makes interpretation of traditional biochemical approaches difficult, prompting use of a fluorescence-based technique (Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy) to investigate the relationship between quaternary structure and function. Like cotton β Rca, tobacco β Rca appears to assemble in a step-wise and nucleotide-dependent manner. Incubation in varying nucleotides appears to alter the equilibrium between varying oligomers, either promoting or minimizing the formation of larger oligomers. High concentrations of ADP seem to favor continuous assembly towards larger oligomers, while assembly in the presence of ATP-yS (an ATP analog) appears to halt continuous assembly in favor of hexameric species. In contrast, assembly in the “Active ATP Turnover” condition (a mixture of ATP and ADP) appears to favor an almost equal distribution of tetramer and hexamer, which when compared with ATPase activity, shows great alignment with maximum activity in the low µM range. Despite this alignment, the decrease in ATPase activity does not follow any particular oligomer, but rather decreases with increasing aggregation, suggesting that assembly dynamics may regulate ATPase activity, rather than the formation/disappearance of one specific oligomer. Work presented here also indicates that all oligomers larger than hexamers are catalytically inactive, thus providing support for the idea that they may serve as a storage mechanism to minimize wasteful hydrolysis. These findings are also supported by assembly work carried out on an Assembly Mutant (R294V), known for favoring formation of closed-ring hexamers. Similar assembly studies were carried out on spinach Rca, however, due to its aggregation propensity, FCS results were more difficult to interpret. Based on these findings, one could argue that assembly dynamics are essential for Rca function, both in ATPase and in regulation of Rubisco carboxylation activity, thus providing a rational for Rca’s high degree of polydispersity.
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Subunit exchange in spinach short-form Rubisco activase

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The primary carbon fixing enzyme Rubisco maintains its activity through release of trapped inhibitors by Rubisco activase (Rca). Very little is known about the interaction, but binding has been proposed to be weak and transient. Extensive effort was made to

The primary carbon fixing enzyme Rubisco maintains its activity through release of trapped inhibitors by Rubisco activase (Rca). Very little is known about the interaction, but binding has been proposed to be weak and transient. Extensive effort was made to develop Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) based assays to understand the physical interaction between Rubisco and Rca, as well as understand subunit exchange in Rca.

Preparations of labeled Rubisco and Rca were utilized in a FRET-based binding assay. Although initial data looked promising, this approach was not fruitful, as no true FRET signal was observed. One possibility is that under the conditions tested, Rca is not able to undergo the structural reorganizations necessary to achieve binding-competent conformations. Rca may also be asymmetric, leading to less stable binding of an already weak interaction.

To better understand the structural adjustments of Rca, subunit exchange between different oligomeric species was examined. It was discovered that subunit exchange is nucleotide dependent, with ADP giving the fastest exchange, ATP giving slower exchange and ATPS inhibiting exchange. Manganese, like ADP, destabilizes subunit-subunit interactions for rapid and facile exchange between oligomers. Three different types of assemblies were deduced from the rates of subunit exchange: rigid types with extremely slow dissociation of individual protomers, tight assemblies with the physiological substrate ATP, and loose assemblies that provide fast exchange due to high ADP.

Information gained about Rca subunit exchange can be used to reexamine the physical interaction between Rubisco and Rca using the FRET-binding assay. These binding assays will provide insight into Rca states able to interact with Rubisco, as well as define conditions to generate bound states for structural analysis. In combination with assembly assays, subunit exchange assays and reactivation studies will provide critical information about the structure/function relationship of Rca in the presence of different nucleotides. Together, these FRET-based assays will help to characterize the Rca regulation mechanism and provide valuable insight into the Rubisco reactivation mechanism.
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Understanding the mechanistic regulation of Rubisco activase using steady state enzyme kinetic analysis of ATPase activity

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The catalytic chaperone of Rubisco is AAA+ protein Rubisco activase (Rca), which hydrolyzes ATP and thus undergoes conformational change, helping in reactivating Rubisco. Rca reactivates Rubisco plausibly by removing its C- terminal tail from the opening of its


The catalytic chaperone of Rubisco is AAA+ protein Rubisco activase (Rca), which hydrolyzes ATP and thus undergoes conformational change, helping in reactivating Rubisco. Rca reactivates Rubisco plausibly by removing its C- terminal tail from the opening of its active site thus releasing the inhibitor, a sugar phosphate molecule. Rubisco and Rca are regulated by the stromal environment, which includes the ATP/ADP ratio, Mg2+ concentration, redox potential etc. Here the mechanistic regulation of tobacco β-Rca was studied using steady state enzyme kinetics in terms of product inhibition, Mg2+ activation, cooperativity and asymmetry. A continuous Pi measurement assay was developed, and using this assay catalytic parameters were obtained, such as kcat 20.6 ± 6.5 min-1 ( n = 9) and KM 0.113 ± 0.033 mM (n = 4). A Mg2+ induced increase of substrate affinity in Rca was observed, where the KM changes from 0.452 mM to 0.069 mM, with the changing of free Mg2+ concentration from 0.1 mM to 10 mM. Fitting the catalytic efficiency as a function free Mg2+ concentration by use of a binding model gave a Hill coefficient of 2.2, which indicates a secondary magnesium binding site on the enzyme. A 8.4 fold increase of catalytic efficiency with increasing magnesium from 0.1 mM to 6.5 mM suggests a significant Mg2+ induced regulation of Rca. Moderate product inhibition was observed in inhibition study (Ki = 0. 063 ± 0.018 mM). A positive cooperativity (nH = 2.1) in ATP hydrolysis between two subunits was observed in the presence of 0.132 mM ADP, but not in the absence of ADP. This indicated the presence of two different classes of subunits, suggesting an asymmetric model for the enzyme. Inhibited Rubisco (ER) up to 20 μM concentration did not affect ATPase activity, in line with previous reports. The concentration dependent correlation of Rca activity (tobacco β-Rca) and oligomerization (cotton β-Rca) suggested that the dimer maybe the most active oligomeric species. A nucleotide induced thermal stabilization of Rca was observed, where ADP is more stabilizing than ATP in the absence of Mg2+. Mg2+ has a small destabilizing effect alone and in presence of the ADP, but a stabilizing effect in presence of ATP. The ligand induced thermal stability was similar for cotton and tobacco β-Rca.
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Structural and functional interrogation of single amino acid residues in fluorescent proteins

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Acquisition of fluorescence via autocatalytic processes is unique to few proteins in the natural world. Fluorescent proteins (FPs) have been integral to live-cell imaging techniques for decades; however, mechanistic information is still emerging fifty years after the discovery of the

Acquisition of fluorescence via autocatalytic processes is unique to few proteins in the natural world. Fluorescent proteins (FPs) have been integral to live-cell imaging techniques for decades; however, mechanistic information is still emerging fifty years after the discovery of the original green fluorescent protein (GFP). Modification of the fluorescence properties of the proteins derived from GFP allows increased complexity of experiments and consequently, information content of the data acquired. The importance of arginine-96 in GFP has been widely discussed. It has been established as vital to the kinetics of chromophore maturation and to the overall fold of GFP before post-translational self-modification. Its value during chromophore maturation has been demonstrated by mutational studies and a hypothesis proposed for its catalytic function. A strategy is described herein to determine its pKa value via NMR to determine whether Arg96 possesses the chemical capacity to function as a general base during GFP chromophore biosynthesis. Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) techniques commonly employ Enhanced Cyan Fluorescent Proteins (ECFPs) and their derivatives as donor fluorophores useful in real-time, live-cell imaging. These proteins have a tryptophan-derived chromophore that emits light in the blue region of the visible spectrum. Most ECFPs suffer from fluorescence instability, which, coupled with their low quantum yield, makes data analysis unreliable. The structural heterogeneity of these proteins also results in undesirable photophysical characteristics. Recently, mCerulean3, a ten amino acid mutant of ECFP, was introduced as an optimized FRET-donor protein (1). The amino acids changed include a mobile residue, Asp148, which has been mutated to a glycine in the new construct, and Thr65 near the chromophore has been mutated to a serine, the wild-type residue at this location. I have solved the x-ray crystal structure of mCerulean3 at low pH and find that the pH-dependent isomerization has been eliminated. The chromophore is in the trans-conformation previously observed in Cerulean at pH 8. The mutations that increase the quantum yield and improve fluorescence brightness result in a stable, bright donor fluorophore well-suited for use in quantitative microscopic imaging.
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Color evolution of Kaede-type red fluorescent proteins

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The green fluorescent protein (GFP)-like fluorescent proteins play an important role for the color of reef-building corals. Different colors of extant coral fluorescent proteins (FPs) have evolved from a green ancestral protein. Interestingly, green-to-red photoconversion FPs (Kaede-type Red FPs) are

The green fluorescent protein (GFP)-like fluorescent proteins play an important role for the color of reef-building corals. Different colors of extant coral fluorescent proteins (FPs) have evolved from a green ancestral protein. Interestingly, green-to-red photoconversion FPs (Kaede-type Red FPs) are only found in clade D from Scleractinia (Faviina suborder). Therefore, I focus on the evolution of Kaede-type FPs from Faviina suborder ancestral FP. A total of 13 mutations have been identified previously that recapitulate the evolution of Kaede-type red FPs from the ancestral green FP. To examine the effect of each mutation, total ten reconstructed FPs were analyzed and six x-ray crystal structures were solved. These substitutions created a more hydrophilic environment around the carbonyl group of Phe61. Also, they increased the flexibility of the c-terminal chain, which keeps it from interacting with the entrance of the putative solvent channel. The photoconversion reaction shows a twophase kinetics. After the rapid initial phase, the overall reaction followed the firstorder kinetics. Based on the crystal structure analysis, I propose a new mechanism for Kaede-type FP photoconversion process, which a proton transfers via Gln38 to the carbonyl group of Phe61.
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Exploring the telomeric repeat addition processivity of vertebrate telomerase

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Telomerase is a special reverse transcriptase that extends the linear chromosome termini in eukaryotes. Telomerase is also a unique ribonucleoprotein complex which is composed of the protein component called Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase (TERT) and a telomerase RNA component (TR). The

Telomerase is a special reverse transcriptase that extends the linear chromosome termini in eukaryotes. Telomerase is also a unique ribonucleoprotein complex which is composed of the protein component called Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase (TERT) and a telomerase RNA component (TR). The enzyme from most vertebrate species is able to utilize a short template sequence within TR to synthesize a long stretch of telomeric DNA, an ability termed "repeat addition processivity". By using human telomerase reconstituted both in vitro (Rabbit Reticulocyte Lysate) and in vivo (293FT cells), I have demonstrated that a conserved motif in the reverse transcriptase domain of the telomerase protein is crucial for telomerase repeat addition processivity and rate. Furthermore, I have designed a "template-free" telomerase to show that RNA/DNA duplex binding is a critical step for telomere repeat synthesis. In an attempt to expand the understanding of vertebrate telomerase, I have studied RNA-protein interactions of telomerase from teleost fish. The teleost fish telomerase RNA (TR) is by far the smallest vertebrate TR identified, providing a valuable model for structural research.
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