Investigating Students' Thought Processes While Engaging in Proof-Related Activities in Mathematical Contexts

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This thesis is an extension of previous research done by Roh and Lee (2018). Their research involved the design and implementation of a survey to analyze students’ cognitive inconsistencies. This thesis expands upon this research to interview students who demonstrated

This thesis is an extension of previous research done by Roh and Lee (2018). Their research involved the design and implementation of a survey to analyze students’ cognitive inconsistencies. This thesis expands upon this research to interview students who demonstrated logical inconsistencies and evaluates the kinds of struggles students faced while evaluating statements and validating arguments. Three students who demonstrated logical inconsistencies were interviewed and asked to answer questions originally pulled from Roh and Lee’s (2018) survey. This thesis found that there were many aspects of each section of the survey that students had struggled with, including use of intuition, analyzing a proof-by-contradiction that utilized a negated statement, and distrust of alternate proving methods. Overall, these techniques the students used while evaluating statements and validating arguments gives interesting insight into the pedagogy of teaching proofs.

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