Introducing Child Life into the Classroom: A Curriculum for Teachers on Common Childhood Diagnosis


When earning a teaching certification, there is no curriculum when it comes to the treatment of students with a diagnosis as well as how to educate their fellow classmates. Diagnoses affect the process of child development of the diagnosed as

When earning a teaching certification, there is no curriculum when it comes to the treatment of students with a diagnosis as well as how to educate their fellow classmates. Diagnoses affect the process of child development of the diagnosed as well as the friends and family. Children of all different ages have different responses and reactions to the world of health. Looking at a developmental perspective, teachers can properly educate themselves and their students about these diagnoses. To be able to successfully inform students of diagnoses, there must be an overall understanding of how well they are able to acquire the knowledge. According to Jean Piaget, a key researcher in cognitive development, the age of the child correlates with their overall understanding and comprehension. In his theory, he explained how he believed that the environment of an organism affects how it will respond and adapt to the situations at hand. There are four stages that are connected to age, from infancy to adolescence and adulthood. Therefore, this project will focus on school-age children who are in the concrete operational stage. The concrete operational stage is made up of elementary and early adolescents and focuses on intelligence that is demonstrated through logical and precise thinking of concrete ideas (Huitt, W., & Hummel, J, 2003). This type of thinking applies to all parts of the child’s life and informs their behaviors on how to “adapt” to new information. Knowing this information, we will be able to create a curriculum of lectures, informational videos, worksheets and quizzes that can properly assess the student’s and their knowledge of the diagnoses.

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