Quantitative Analysis of Creative Factors Driving TV Streaming Success


This thesis includes three separate documents: a) a comprehensive document detailing the methods and analysis of the creative factors tied to series success, b) an hour long pilot script based on this data, and c) an industry-standard pitch deck for

This thesis includes three separate documents: a) a comprehensive document detailing the methods and analysis of the creative factors tied to series success, b) an hour long pilot script based on this data, and c) an industry-standard pitch deck for a TV show created with data insights. In a larger sense, the aim of this study is to take the first steps in remedying information asymmetry between streaming services and content creators. If streaming services were more transparent with their data and communicated to their creators what has been proven to work in the past, showrunners and staff writers could have a new tool to increase the competitiveness of their series and aid in show renewal each year.

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