The Voices Behind Robocalls in the Telephone Spam Ecosystem

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The rampant occurrence of spam telephone calls shows a clear weakness of authentication and security in our telephone systems. The onset of cheap and effective voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology is a major factor in this as our existing

The rampant occurrence of spam telephone calls shows a clear weakness of authentication and security in our telephone systems. The onset of cheap and effective voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology is a major factor in this as our existing telephone ecosystem is virtually defenseless by many features of this technology. Our telephone systems have also suffered tremendously from a lack of a proper Caller ID verification system. Phone call spammers are able to mask their identities with relative ease by quickly editing their Caller ID. It will take a combination of unique innovations in implementing new authentication mechanisms in the telephone ecosystem, novel government regulation, and understanding how the people behind the spam phone calls themselves operate.<br/><br/>This study dives into the robocall ecosystem to find more about the humans behind spam telephone calls and the economic models they use. Understanding how the people behind robocalls work within their environments will allow for more insight into how the ecosystem works. The study looks at the human component of robocalls: what ways they benefit from conducting spam phone calls, patterns in how they identify which phone number to call, and how these people interact with each other within the telephone spam ecosystem. This information will be pivotal to educate consumers on how they should mitigate spam as well as for creating defensive systems. In this qualitative study, we have conducted numerous interviews with call center employees, have had participants fill out surveys, and garnered data through our CallFire integrated voice broadcast system. While the research is still ongoing, initial conclusions in my pilot study interview data point to promising transparency in how the voices behind these calls operate on both a small and large scale.

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