Aiding Musicians: A Content Analysis of Select Music Schools' Wellness Courses in the United States

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This thesis describes a survey of multiple universities accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM) that offer wellness courses. The survey sought to identify topics to aid in furthering musicians' wellness. Ideally, the information provided will hel

This thesis describes a survey of multiple universities accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM) that offer wellness courses. The survey sought to identify topics to aid in furthering musicians' wellness. Ideally, the information provided will help aid Arizona State University and other universities create a wellness course for their students. For this research, 65 university music schools, departments, and conservatories were asked to provide information and syllabi on musicians' wellness courses they offered. Thirty-one schools replied and provided information (48%), and syllabi from 38 music courses were collected and analyzed. Content analysis revealed: (1) Topics of musicians' wellness varied from studying a specific technique to general overviews of multiple approaches to wellness; (2) The most frequently discussed topics were health, the Alexander Technique, wellness, prevention, anxiety, anatomy, Body Mapping, alignment, yoga, hearing, relaxation, and neurology; (3) All wellness courses offered one to three credits toward a music degree; (4) The courses were generally taught by a variety of professionals; (5) Intended course audiences ranged from undergraduates to graduate students and included specific vocal/instrumental performance areas. Results indicated that there are many ways that universities successfully aid their students by providing wellness information. Further consideration for wellness course options is suggested in practice and research, with the goal of offering performers strategies for optimal health and wellness.
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