Microglia Motility in the Context of a PDGF Induced Glioblastoma

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Tumor associated microglia-and-macrophages (TAMS) may constitute up to 30% of the composition of glioblastoma. Through mechanisms not well understood, TAMS are thought to aid the progression and invasiveness of glioblastoma. In an effort to investigate properties of TAMS in the

Tumor associated microglia-and-macrophages (TAMS) may constitute up to 30% of the composition of glioblastoma. Through mechanisms not well understood, TAMS are thought to aid the progression and invasiveness of glioblastoma. In an effort to investigate properties of TAMS in the context of glioblastoma, I utilized data from a PDGF-driven rat model of glioma that highly resembles human glioblastoma. Data was collected from time-lapse microscopy of slice cultures that differentially labels glioma cells and also microglia cells within and outside the tumor microenvironment. Here I show that microglia localize in the tumor and move with greater speed and migration than microglia outside the tumor environment. Following previous studies that show microglia can be characterized by certain movement distributions based on environmental influences, in this study, the majority of microglia movement was characterized by a power law distribution with a characteristic power law exponent lower than outside the tumor region. This indicates that microglia travel at greater distances within the tumor region than outside of it.
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