Fluid Dynamic Comparison of Treated and Untreated Aneurysms of Variable Dome Size

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Intracranial aneurysms are blood \u2014filled sacs along the blood vessels in the brain. These aneurysms can be particularly dangerous due to difficulty in detection and potential lifethreatening outcome. When these aneurysms are detected, there are few treatment options to prevent

Intracranial aneurysms are blood \u2014filled sacs along the blood vessels in the brain. These aneurysms can be particularly dangerous due to difficulty in detection and potential lifethreatening outcome. When these aneurysms are detected, there are few treatment options to prevent rupture, one of which is endovascular stents. By placing a stent across the parent vessel, blood flow can be diverted from the aneurysm. Reduced flow reduces the chance of rupture and promotes clotting within the aneurysm. In this study, hemodynamics in idealized basilar tip aneurysm models were investigated at three flow rates using particle imaging velocimetry (PIV). Two models were created with increasing dome size (4mm vs 6mm), and constant dome-to-neck ratio (3:2) and parent vessel contact angle to represent growing aneurysm. With the pulsatile flow, data is acquired at three separate points in the cardiac cycle. Both of the models were studied untreated, treated with Enterprise stent and treated with Pipeline stent. Enterprise stent was developed mainly for structural support while the Pipeline stent was developed as a flow diverter. Due to target functions of the stents, Enterprise stent is more porous than the Pipeline stent. Hemodynamics were studied using a stereo particle image velocimetry technique. The flow in models was characterized by neck and aneurysmal RMS velocity, neck and aneurysm kinetic energy, cross neck flow. It was found that both of the stents are capable diverting flow. Enterprise reduced aneurysmal RMS velocity in model 1 by 38.7% and in model 2 by 76.2%. Pipeline stent reduced aneurysmal RMS velocity in model 1 by 71.4% and in model 2 by 88.1%. Both reductions are data for 3ml/s at peak systole pulsatile flow. Data shows that the Pipeline stent is better than Enterprise stent at reducing flow to the aneurysm.
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