Beautiful Accidents: A Debut Feature Screenplay

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Beautiful Accidents is a debut drama-comedy feature screenplay written as a thesis project. For a screenwriter trying to bloom in the Film Industry, the big question is "where is your great feature script?" and "how many do you have?" The

Beautiful Accidents is a debut drama-comedy feature screenplay written as a thesis project. For a screenwriter trying to bloom in the Film Industry, the big question is "where is your great feature script?" and "how many do you have?" The pressure is all about the quality of the work and how many feature screenplays are written. Thus, this draft has been in pre-production and conception for a year and a half now. The draft presented as the thesis project is the third draft of a total of three versions of the script. The first and second drafts are drastically different from this third draft in content and character development. After having the opportunity to attend the Cannes Film Festival, the inspiration for another new and improved third draft came to be. It runs 93 pages, and goes beyond presenting an example debut feature screenplay. Throughout the process of writing a feature screenplay, learning to write several drafts to reach a polished draft is a crucial part of the journey as a writer. This was not only a project that included writing a feature film screenplay, but it also contained valuable lessons about the growth of an inspiring writer in regards to being willing to go through several drafts. In addition to the third draft of the script, a teaser opening of the first scene was produced, directed, and starred in as another segment of the thesis project. Run Time: 2:51. The goal for this teaser opening is to serve as a visual sample along with the screenplay. When the time comes to search for investors and producers for the script, this teaser will accompany the material. The script is intentionally written to be a low budget film, so that production could take place independently and locally for a tight budget. The ultimate goal is to produce this film as either an independent film or a semi-independent as writer/director of the project. Synopsis: A quirky romantic comedy about two individuals, Meg and Dave, who believe they are narcissists explore their own perceived narcissism in one another. Meg is a budding music genius who is stuck at Law school, while Dave is a bartender and pool shark. At the ripe age of 22, Meg finds herself for the first time in her life, deeply fascinated in one other person other than herself: Dave, who happens to also be ten years older than her. Her first meeting with Dave is purely an accident, as their continued journey appears to have plenty of them. These accidents prove to be, however, beautiful.
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