Mathematical Modeling of Social Insect Colonies as Complex Adaptive Systems

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This research focuses on the intricate dynamical systems of eusocial insects, particularly ants, and honey bees, known for their highly organized colonies and cooperative behaviors. Research on eusocial insects contributes to understanding of animal and social behavior and promises to

This research focuses on the intricate dynamical systems of eusocial insects, particularly ants, and honey bees, known for their highly organized colonies and cooperative behaviors. Research on eusocial insects contributes to understanding of animal and social behavior and promises to help agriculture and have huge economic impacts. Collaborating closely with ecologists, I construct diverse mathematical models tailored to different environmental contexts. These models encompass individual stochastic (Agent-based model), Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE), non-autonomous, and Delay Differential Equation (DDE) models, rigorously validated with experimental data and statistical methods. Employing dynamical theory, bifurcation analysis, and numerical simulations, I gain deeper insights into the adaptive behaviors exhibited by these insects at both colony and individual levels. Our investigation addresses pivotal questions: 1) What mechanisms underlie spatial heterogeneity within social insect colonies, influencing the spread of information and pathogens through their intricate social networks?2) How can I develop accurate mathematical models incorporating age structures, particularly for species like honeybees, utilizing delayed differential equations? 3) What is the influence of seasonality on honeybee population dynamics in the presence of parasites, as explored through non-autonomous equations? 4) How do pesticides impact honeybee population dynamics, considering delayed equations and seasonality? Key findings highlight:1) The spatial distribution within colonies significantly shapes contact dynamics, thereby influencing the dissemination of information and the allocation of tasks. 2) Accurate modeling of honeybee populations necessitates the incorporation of age structure, as well as careful consideration of seasonal variations. 3) Seasonal fluctuations in egg-laying rates exert varying effects on the survival of honeybee colonies. 4) Pesticides wield a substantial influence on adult bee mortality rates and the consumption ratios of pollen. This research not only unveils the intricate interplay between intrinsic and environmental factors affecting social insects but also provides broader insights into social behavior and the potential ramifications of climate change.
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Sublethal Behavioral and Physiological Effects of an Agricultural Fungicide on Honey Bees

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Pollinator populations globally have declined at concerning rates in recent years, which is problematic given that roughly a third of all food production depends on them. Managed honey bee colony losses in particular have alarmed beekeepers and scientists, especially in

Pollinator populations globally have declined at concerning rates in recent years, which is problematic given that roughly a third of all food production depends on them. Managed honey bee colony losses in particular have alarmed beekeepers and scientists, especially in the United States. Widespread agrochemical use has been implicated as one of the major causes of these colony losses. While the lethal effects of agrochemicals often receive the most attention, sublethal effects can occur at lower doses and can substantially weaken colonies over time. Impaired associative learning ability is a sublethal effect of a number of agrochemicals, and is particularly concerning, as it may hinder the abilities of bees to forage for food or find their way back to the colony. Here, I focus on the fungicide Pristine® (active ingredients: 25.2% boscalid, 12.8% pyraclostrobin), which is sprayed on honey bee-pollinated crops during bloom and is known to poison bee mitochondria at ppm levels. First, I show that Pristine® impairs performance on an associative learning assay in the laboratory. Next, I show that Pristine® alters carbohydrate absorption in honey bees, providing a possible mechanism underlying this impaired learning performance. Finally, I demonstrate that Pristine® interacts with high temperatures to induce homing failure in exposed bees. My results raise concerns that this common fungicide may not be safe for pollinators and will be relevant to policymakers as they make decisions surrounding the regulation of fungicide use in agriculture.
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The effect of Pristine fungicide on honey bee (Apis mellifera) taste and responsiveness to sucrose

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Honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies have experienced substantial losses due to colony collapse disorder (CCD) since the first officially reported cases in 2006. Many factors have been implicated in CCD, including pests, pathogens, malnutrition, and pesticide use, but no correlation

Honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies have experienced substantial losses due to colony collapse disorder (CCD) since the first officially reported cases in 2006. Many factors have been implicated in CCD, including pests, pathogens, malnutrition, and pesticide use, but no correlation has been found between a single factor and the occurrence of CCD. Fungicides have received less research attention compared to insecticides, despite the fact that fungicide application coincides with bloom and the presence of bees. Pristine fungicide is widely used in agriculture and is commonly found as a residue in hives. Several studies have concluded that Pristine can be used without harming bees, but reports of brood loss following Pristine application continue to surface across the country. The primary objectives of this study were to determine whether Pristine causes an aversive gustatory response in bees and whether consumption of an acute dose affects responsiveness to sucrose. An awareness of how foragers interact with contaminated food is useful to understand the likelihood that Pristine is ingested and how that may affect bees' ability to evaluate floral resources. Our results indicated that Pristine has no significant effect on gustatory response or sucrose responsiveness. There was no significant difference between bee responses to Pristine contaminated sucrose and sucrose alone, and no significant effect of Pristine on sucrose responsiveness. These results indicate that honey bees do not have a gustatory aversion to Pristine. A lack of aversion means that honey bees will continue collecting contaminated resources and dispersing them throughout the colony where it can affect brood and clean food stores.
Date Created