Dual Participation in SNAP and WIC: Household Characteristics and Barriers and Facilitators to Participation

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In 2020, approximately 55% of households facing food insecurity participated in one or more of the three largest federal nutrition assistance programs. Food insecurity rates have been relatively unchanged since 2019 but federal nutrition assistance programs have continued to see

In 2020, approximately 55% of households facing food insecurity participated in one or more of the three largest federal nutrition assistance programs. Food insecurity rates have been relatively unchanged since 2019 but federal nutrition assistance programs have continued to see a decline in participation. Many families meet the income guidelines to participate in both the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) programs, yet almost half of those participants are not utilizing WIC. The WIC program is an essential safety net for low-income families to combat food insecurity and improve diet quality. The purpose of this study was to examine differences in household characteristics among families participating in SNAP only and households participating in both SNAP and WIC. Additionally, we examined potential barriers and facilitators to participating in WIC among WIC-eligible SNAP participants. Hispanics made up 40% of SNAP Only households and about 65% of SNAP and WIC. Households with a larger number of beneficiaries and those with an infant in the household were more likely to participate in both SNAP and WIC. The main barriers identified by respondents previously enrolled in WIC were a lack of knowledge regarding WIC eligibility and issues with appointments. The two most common misconceptions regarding WIC eligibility were being unaware that simultaneous enrollment in both programs was allowable, and being unaware that household members were still eligible for WIC services. For the facilitators toward WIC enrollment, more than half of respondents knew to enroll in WIC when they needed nutrition or breastfeeding assistance. Results from this study suggest the need for targeted outreach campaigns that highlight the possibility and benefits of dual participation in SNAP and WIC. Understanding how SNAP can increase enrollment in WIC demonstrates to policymakers the benefits of streamlining the certification process.

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Parental Perceptions of Child Mental Health Stigma: Mixed-Method Study

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This study considered three main aims of (1) developing and validating a tool to measure parental perceived child mental health (MH) stigma, (2) determining whether perceived stigma levels corresponded in any way to parental identities, and (3) producing a decision-making

This study considered three main aims of (1) developing and validating a tool to measure parental perceived child mental health (MH) stigma, (2) determining whether perceived stigma levels corresponded in any way to parental identities, and (3) producing a decision-making process flow identifying where barriers such as perceived child MH stigma may affect families dealing with child MH issues. Recruitment of parents/guardians (18 years or older) with children (under the age of 18 years) was done through convenience and respondent-driven sampling in Phoenix, Arizona. A 44-prompt MH stigma tool was developed and validated (N=65, Cronbach's alpha 0.89) prior to utilizing (N=623) it to measure levels of perceived child MH stigma in the community. Analysis of variance showed potential significant (p<.005) interactions among education, income, and race/ethnicity (white, non-Hispanic/Latinx and Hispanic/Latinx) and levels of stigma. Specifically, higher education and lower income among the Hispanic/Latinx population in Phoenix showed a greater likelihood for higher levels of perceived child MH stigma. Factor analysis yielded three underlying factors of this stigma: interaction with MH, discrimination, and positive aspects. Content and thematic analysis of free response questions in the survey conveyed parents talk about MH diagnoses differently between general MH and child MH (e.g., child MH included ADD/ADHD while general MH included anxiety and schizophrenia). Fifteen, one hour-long, semi-structured interviews were completed, transcribed, and analyzed using narrative analysis to develop a parental decision-making process flow. The resulting flow showed parents went through informal methods of accessing MH care (e.g., research, awareness of MH issue) prior to formal methods such as seeking medical experts or school support. While the study was able to address these three aims, a significant shift in the landscape of MH occurred with the COVID-19 pandemic, increasing child MH risk and decreasing care access. This study developed a tool and set of methods that may be applied to identify changes in perceived child MH stigma and in how parents make decisions to access child MH care.
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The Impact of SNAP Participation on Pregnancy Weight Related Outcomes and Program Participation of Pregnant WIC Participants in Arizona; a Cross Sectional Study

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Purpose: Although numerous studies exist regarding the health impact of the Special, Supplemental Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) on their participants’, limited studies have examined how participation in one federal nutrition

Purpose: Although numerous studies exist regarding the health impact of the Special, Supplemental Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) on their participants’, limited studies have examined how participation in one federal nutrition assistance program, may impact participation or perceived benefit of the other. This study aimed to examine how SNAP participation may impact weight-related pregnancy outcomes and participation of pregnant WIC participants. Methods: The present study is a cross-sectional, secondary data analysis of data available from the Arizona Department of Health Services. A total of 35,659 pregnant woman participated in the Arizona WIC program during 2018 and were included in the study. Pregnant participants were assigned to Group WIC or Group WIC+SNAP respectively. Data was aggregated to the clinic level and clinics with less than 10 pregnant participants were combined for a total of 101 clinics included in the analysis. Weight-related pregnancy outcomes measures included average pre-pregnancy weight, average gestational weight gain, BMI class, and delivery weight. Participation indicator outcomes included average number of visits during pregnancy, timing of first prenatal and postnatal WIC appointment, and entry into WIC within the first trimester. Race, ethnicity, language, and education were also analyzed. Results: This study found average pre-pregnancy weight was statistically significant for women in group SNAP+WIC weighing 2.8 kg more than women in group WIC(p<0.001). Group WIC had a lower delivery weight average (p<0.001) and a higher amount of women beginning pregnancy with a normal BMI (p=0.004). Group WIC participants were statistically more likely to not enroll in WIC during the first trimester compared with Group WIC+SNAP (p=0.049). Group WIC was more likely to enroll in the 8th (p=0.045) and 9th month (p=0.009) of pregnancy and attend their first postpartum visit 6 months after delivery (p=0.007) as compared to Group WIC+SNAP. Conclusions: This study found that pregnant WIC participants, not enrolled in SNAP have a lower pre-pregnancy weight and are more likely not to enroll within the first trimester. Future research should focus on individualized characteristics of WIC participants to further improve prenatal and postnatal support.
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Fat as a Basic Taste: CD36 and its Role in Fat Taste

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Epidemiological studies have identified obesity as a risk factor for numerous chronic diseases such as adult onset diabetes, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia. In both humans and laboratory animals, high-fat diets have been shown to cause obesity. Increases in dietary fat lead

Epidemiological studies have identified obesity as a risk factor for numerous chronic diseases such as adult onset diabetes, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia. In both humans and laboratory animals, high-fat diets have been shown to cause obesity. Increases in dietary fat lead to increased energy consumption and, consequently, significant increases in body fat content. CD36 has been implicated in fat perception, preference, and increased consumption, but it is yet to be tested using a behavior paradigm. To study the effect of CD36 on fat taste transmission and fat consumption, four CD36 knockout (experimental) mice and four Black 6 wildtype (control) mice underwent 20 days of fat preference and perception testing. Both groups of mice were exposed to foods with progressively increasing fat content (10%, 12.5%, 15% 17.5%, 20%, 45%) in order to assess the effect of CD36 on fat preference. Afterward, the mice were subjected to an aversive conditioning protocol designed to test the effect of CD36 on fat taste perception; development of a conditioned taste aversion was indicative of ability to taste fat. Especially, knockout mice exhibited diminished preference for and reduced consumption of fat during preference testing and were unable to identify fat taste as the conditioned stimulus during aversive conditioning. A repeated measures ANOVA with Bonferroni correction revealed a significant main effect of group on fat consumption, energy intake, and weight. Linear regression revealed CD36 status to account for a majority of observed variance in fat consumption across both phases of the experiment. These results implicate CD36 in fat taste perception and preference and add to the growing body of evidence suggesting fat as a primary taste.
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The Dietary Habits of College Freshmen in Early Adulthood

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College students enter a critical period during early adulthood that involves transitioning to college and making independent dietary choices. As this time period is marked by new health habits and actions, this study observed what dietary habits may be occurring

College students enter a critical period during early adulthood that involves transitioning to college and making independent dietary choices. As this time period is marked by new health habits and actions, this study observed what dietary habits may be occurring during the initial transition into college. We observed dietary habits of college students during their first semester in college. Forty participants (33% male, 67% female) completed the study with the mean BMI of females being 25.1 (overweight) and the mean BMI of males being 23.4 (normal-weight). Two sets of online surveys (pre-test and post-test) assessing the daily number of servings of fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, oils, dairy, combination/other were administered. The results showed that overall the number of food servings consumed between the pre-test period and the post-test period varied by both gender and food group. Men ate more servings from all food groups (besides vegetables and combination/other) during the pre-test period than females (all p < .05). Except for vegetables and combination foods, men showed a significantly greater drop in number of servings for all food groups from pre to post-test as compared to females, whereas, women showed no difference in number of servings consumed between pre-test and post-test for any food. Males were classified as average weight at the beginning of the study and they may have not been aware of the amount of food they were consuming initially (unlike the female group who was overweight). Also, males may have been displaying evolutionary behavior of "showing off" when dining around females and thus consumed more. Keywords: early adulthood, dietary habits, freshmen
Date Created