Gendered Differences in Fantasy Football Play

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Scholarly work, industry profile analyses, and sports entertainment, similarly posit the normative fantasy football fan as an uber fan, defined largely by the vast amount of time spent per week consuming sports media content. The average fantasy football participant is

Scholarly work, industry profile analyses, and sports entertainment, similarly posit the normative fantasy football fan as an uber fan, defined largely by the vast amount of time spent per week consuming sports media content. The average fantasy football participant is also defined as a white, middle-class, married man in his late 20s ( However, by drawing on qualitative interview data of 48 fantasy football participants, we argue that this typical profile of a fantasy football participant as an uber fan is limiting in a masculinist way precisely because it reifies a gendered category of fan as normal, making anything outside of that category deviant. Close analysis of the experiences of thirteen of the 48 fantasy football players, all of whom identify as women, indicate an alternative, cohesive fantasy football participant profile that is centered on being competitive while also being efficient with one's time and resources. Additionally, we find that these women fantasy fans actively reject the notion of the uber fan as the only way to be a normal fantasy football fan because they want to play and win on their own terms.
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ASU4Food's objective is to increase the visibility of the statewide hunger crisis among Arizona State University's campuses, and to raise monetary and food donations to alleviate this issue. By collaborating with a multitude of organizations both on and off-campus, we

ASU4Food's objective is to increase the visibility of the statewide hunger crisis among Arizona State University's campuses, and to raise monetary and food donations to alleviate this issue. By collaborating with a multitude of organizations both on and off-campus, we aim to become a well-known, powerful, and stable student organization. This thesis will cover the endeavors of Elana Niren, Theresa Reckamp, and Sidath Wijetunga regarding the maintenance, growth, and expansion of ASU4Food. ASu4Food has been striving to gain connections and the reputation that would allow it to become an "umbrella organization" with the ability to coordinate all of the food-raising endeavors at ASU. The effects of our actions can be seen in the club's stability. We are now being sought out by organizations such as the Salvation Army, Sunflower Farmers Market, and Shutterfly. However, there is still more work to be done, and we hope that this thesis will act as a guide for future generation of club members and officers, and that ASU4Food will continue improving in activity and efficiency for many years to come.
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