The Development and Validation of LGBT Bias Content for Use in an Online Training Program

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Previous research has shown that an individual's bias can have a negative impact on behavior. One proposed method of modifying such behavior is vicarious (observational) learning. In the current study, the researcher explored the possibility of using vicarious learning to

Previous research has shown that an individual's bias can have a negative impact on behavior. One proposed method of modifying such behavior is vicarious (observational) learning. In the current study, the researcher explored the possibility of using vicarious learning to create an effective training video on LGBT bias. The researcher predicted that a vicarious learning video would be more effective at reducing negative LGBT bias than an informationally-equivalent control video. Participants completed the Explicit Attitudes of Sexuality questionnaire (EASQ), were randomized into one of two groups (vicarious or control), watched the assigned training video, and then completed the EASQ again to measure any changes in LGBT bias. The results of the study indicated that the vicarious video was no more effective in reducing negative LGBT bias when compared to the control. Additionally it was found that the vicarious training video was significantly more effective in eliciting new knowledge when compared to the control. The researcher discusses these findings in relation to Social Cognitive Theory for Personal and Social Change by Enabling Media. The researcher also explains how findings of insignificance could have been caused by a selection bias, self-report bias, and/or not enough treatment dosage.
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