The Secondary Integration of Somalis in Phoenix

"The Secondary Integration of Somalis in Phoenix" is a multifaceted thesis research project consisting of a full literature review, an economic report, a reflection, and a 30-minute TV Documentary entitled Speak. Speak can be view for free at: The

"The Secondary Integration of Somalis in Phoenix" is a multifaceted thesis research project consisting of a full literature review, an economic report, a reflection, and a 30-minute TV Documentary entitled Speak. Speak can be view for free at: The literature review is divided into three main categories: current literature on issues of citizenship and identity, the economic position of Somalis, and basic demographic studies of specific Somali communities. The economic report focuses on job placement and employer data, which greatly connects to Somali housing patterns. The reflection document is a "behind the scenes" look at the project manifestation, process, and meaning. The documentary, Speak, examines the lives of two Somali refugee student's experiences in the Phoenix public school system. Overall, the literature, workplace integration, housing, and education of Somali refugees in Phoenix are examined in this thesis. The majority of the available information focuses on primary integration, not secondary integration. The economic literature currently available only brushes the surface of secondary integration. So, the goal of this thesis is to survey the field of opportunities, but more importantly, start the secondary integration research process. It is argued throughout the thesis that scholars, researchers, and communities would be positively affected if more research focused on the secondary integration of Somali immigrants and/or refugees. Studies of secondary integration have the potential to increase awareness, both informational and cultural, within the Somali community, and to the larger communities they are entering.
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