The Effects of Manufacturing Technology on the Microstructure of Carbon Nanotube Membranes

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Carbon nanotube (CNT) membranes (buckypaper) are manufactured with multiple procedures, vacuum filtration, surfactant-free, and 3D printing. A post-manufacturing process for resin impregnation is subjected to the membranes. The effects of manufacturing processes on the microstructure and material properties are investigated

Carbon nanotube (CNT) membranes (buckypaper) are manufactured with multiple procedures, vacuum filtration, surfactant-free, and 3D printing. A post-manufacturing process for resin impregnation is subjected to the membranes. The effects of manufacturing processes on the microstructure and material properties are investigated for both pristine and resin saturated samples manufactured using all procedures. Microstructural characteristics that are studied include specific surface area, porosity, pore size distribution, density, and permeability. Scanning electron microscopy is used to characterize the morphology of the membrane. Brunauer-Emmett-Teller analysis is conducted on membrane samples to determine the specific surface area. Barrett-Joyner-Halenda analysis is conducted on membrane samples to determine pore characteristics. Once the microstructure is characterized for each manufacturing process for both pristine and resin saturated samples, material properties of the membrane and nanocomposite structures are explored and compared on a manufacturing basis as well as a microstructural basis. Membranes samples are interleaved in the overlap of carbon fiber polymer matrix composite tubes, which are subjected to fracture testing. The effects of carbon nanotube membrane manufacturing technology on the fracture properties of nanocomposite structures with tubular geometries are explored. In parallel, the influences of manufacturing technology on the electromechanical properties of the membrane that effect a piezoresistive response are investigated for both pristine and resin saturated membranes manufactured using both methods. The result of this study is a better understanding of the relationships between manufacturing technology and the effected microstructure, and the resulting influences on material properties for both CNT membranes and derivative nanocomposite structures. Developing an understanding of these multiscale relationships leads to an increased capacity in designing manufacturing processes specific to optimizing the expression of desired characteristics for any given application.
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