Honest Intentions & Unforeseen Consequences: The unintended negative effects of the international focus upon wartime sexual violence
Throughout the last two decades, the topic of wartime sexual violence has received significant attention from the international community. Despite honest intentions, this recent focus, by way of the framing the issue has received, has produced a range of unintended negative consequences. These consequences fall into one of four overarching themes: a) effects upon victims, b) issue displacement, c) competition among NGOs, and d) incentives for combatants. Unfortunately, the world is largely unaware or unwilling to confront the problems caused by their well-intended activism. If left unnoticed, these unintended effects threaten to maintain, and perhaps exacerbate, the prevalence of wartime sexual violence. The international community would be wise to acknowledge the results of its misguided attempts of activism and explore new strategies to avoid previous pitfalls.
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- Author (aut): Johnson, Mackenzie Shea
- Thesis director: Lake, Milli
- Committee member: Woodall, Gina
- Contributor (ctb): School of Politics and Global Studies
- Contributor (ctb): Barrett, The Honors College