stillHUMAN: An Educational Empowerment Program

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The purpose of this creative project was to establish the foundation of an educational program that teaches financial literacy to the local homeless population. The name of this program is stillHUMAN. The project consisted of two parts, a needs analysis

The purpose of this creative project was to establish the foundation of an educational program that teaches financial literacy to the local homeless population. The name of this program is stillHUMAN. The project consisted of two parts, a needs analysis and a prototyping phase. The needs analysis was conducted at the Phoenix Rescue Mission Center, a faith-based homeless shelter that caters to male "clients", through written surveys and one-on-one interviews. Before interviewing the clients, the team acquired IRB approval as well as consent from the Center to carry out this study. These needs were then organized into a House of Quality. We concluded from Part 1 that we would need to create 3 - 7-minute-long video modules that would be available on an online platform and covered topics including professional development, budgeting, credit, and Internet literacy. In order to commence Part 2, each team member recorded a video module. These three videos collectively conveyed instruction regarding how to write a resume, use the Internet and fill out an application online, and how to budget money. These videos were uploaded to YouTube and shown to clients at Phoenix Rescue Mission, who were each asked to fill out a feedback survey afterwards. The team plans to use these responses to improve the quality of future video modules and ultimately create a holistic lesson plan that covers all financial literacy topics the clients desire. A website was also made to store future videos. The team plans to continue with this project post-graduation. Future tasks include creating and testing the a complete lesson plan, establishing a student organization at Arizona State University and recruiting volunteers from different disciplines, and creating an on-site tutoring program so clients may receive individualized attention. Once the lesson plan is demonstrated to be effective at Phoenix Rescue Mission, we plan to administer this lesson plan at other local homeless shelters and assess its efficacy in a non-faithbased and non-male environment. After a successful financial literacy program has been created, we aim to create lesson plans for other topics, including health literacy, human rights, and basic education. Ultimately stillHUMAN will become a sustainable program that unites the efforts of students and professionals to improve the quality of life of the homeless population.
Date Created


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The goal of this research study was to empirically study the effects of a project based learning activity. The effectiveness of this study was benchmarked according to two results: the effectiveness in communicating the scope and impact of engineering, and

The goal of this research study was to empirically study the effects of a project based learning activity. The effectiveness of this study was benchmarked according to two results: the effectiveness in communicating the scope and impact of engineering, and the effectiveness in increasing interest in computer systems engineering (CSE). This research report presents an analysis of the effects of making engineering education socially relevant, interesting and accessible. High school students participated in a learning experience in which they designed flood evacuation systems that could warn a city of incoming floods. Both pre-assessments and post-assessments were implemented to capture students' awareness of engineering tasks and their interest levels in engineering tasks. Data on students' perceptions of specific engineering tasks were analyzed quantitatively through Wilcoxon signed-rank testing and determined that the program had significant positive effects on developing more accurate conceptions of engineering tasks. The results relating to student interest in CSE indicated that there was an increased level of interest in CSE engineering tasks after the program. There was a 14% increase in number of students who found engineering tasks interesting from 64% to 78%. However, as participants self-selected to participate in this learning experience, many students had positive perceptions of engineering tasks prior to engaging in the learning experience. This study was successful and met both of its primary goals of enhancing awareness and interest in engineering in this particular group of high school students.
Date Created

33 Buckets: Implementation of a Novel Water Distribution System

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Access to clean water is an issue that abounds in many areas across the world. It is estimated that over 770 million people lack access to improved sources of water. However, the lack of access to clean water does not

Access to clean water is an issue that abounds in many areas across the world. It is estimated that over 770 million people lack access to improved sources of water. However, the lack of access to clean water does not just affect people's health; it is a problem that affects three major areas. Because people do not have clean drinking water, millions of school days are missed per year due to water-related disease or children being forced to procure clean water. Also, gender inequalities result from women bearing the majority of the responsibility of walking long distances to find a source of potable water. Therefore, lack of access to clean water affects people's health, their education, and gender equality. The problem is not that there is a lack of technologies to provide clean water; the problem is that these technologies are not being implemented sustainably in the areas that need them most. To bring better access of clean water to people in developing nations, 33 Buckets has designed a distribution platform that uses schools as the central point for water distribution to local communities. A sustainable filtration system will be installed at the school to provide clean water for the people at the school. People in the nearby community will also be able to get free water if they bring their own containers to the school. To maintain the filter and provide it with any repairs that are necessary, water will be sold to nearby businesses lower than the current market prices. These profits will be used to ensure the quality of the filtration system and also to provide educational improvements to the school. An advisory committee made up of men and women will be assembled to run the filtration business and handle the finances. A pilot project to implement this model has been identified as the Rahima Hoque Girls School in rural Bangladesh. The team will travel to Bangladesh in Summer 2014 to install a filter at the school, purchase water testing supplies and containers, and meet with the advisory committee to go over final logistical details. Financial projections show that if the filter operates at 50% of its expected frequency and water is sold 5 days a week for 52 weeks, the school will generate $33,532.31. These profits are more than enough to maintain the system and pay for educational improvements to the school. Once implementation of the site is completed, the project will be monitored to track how the water selling business is operating. If the model is shown to be successful, it can then be scaled to other nearby schools or other countries with water contamination problems.
Date Created

The Comprehensive Analysis of Concussions and Their Ramifications on Society

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Over the past several years, there has been growing concern regarding concussions and traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) in all levels of sports. A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that occurs from a blow to the head. When a concussion

Over the past several years, there has been growing concern regarding concussions and traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) in all levels of sports. A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that occurs from a blow to the head. When a concussion occurs, the brain knocks against the walls of the skull. A concussion causes temporary loss of brain function leading to cognitive, physical, and emotional symptoms, such as confusion, vomiting,headache, nausea,depression, disturbed sleep, moodiness, and amnesia. Although the short-term effects of concussions are limited, the long-term effects of concussions, if untreated, can be devastating and even life-threatening. Concussions are having detrimental ramifications on society and it is important to know what these ramifications are. Concussions are a common occurrence in traditional physical sports such as soccer, basketball, and football. However, due to the violent nature of football (American football), concussions are more prevalent and the effects are more severe. Changes to rules and equipment, specifically helmets, have been made to reduce head impacts in football but there is not currently enough evidence to conclude that they significantly lessen the frequency and severity of concussions.
Date Created

Project Build-A-Hero: Enhancing Biomedical Engineering as a Socially Relevant Discipline

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The goal of this research study was to empirically study a poster-based messaging campaign in comparison to that of a project-based learning approach in assessing the effectiveness of these methods in conveying the scope of biomedical engineering to upper elementary

The goal of this research study was to empirically study a poster-based messaging campaign in comparison to that of a project-based learning approach in assessing the effectiveness of these methods in conveying the scope of biomedical engineering to upper elementary school students. For the purpose of this honors thesis, this research paper specifically reflects and analyzes the first stage of this study, the poster-based messaging campaign. 6th grade students received socially relevant messaging of juniors and seniors at ASU achieving their biomedical aspirations, and received information regarding four crucial themes of biomedical engineering via daily presentations and a website. Their learning was tracked over the course of the weeklong immersion program through a pre/post assessment. This data was then analyzed through the Wilcoxon matched pairs test to determine whether the change in biomedical engineering awareness was statistically significant. It was determined that a poster-based messaging campaign indeed increased awareness of socially relevant themes within biomedical engineering, and provided researchers with tangible ways to revise the study before a second round of implementation. The next stage of the study aims to explain biomedical engineering through engaging activities that stimulate making while emphasizing design-aesthetic appeal and engineering habits of mind such as creativity, teamwork, and communication.
Date Created