The Reality of Imagination: An Animated Short Film

"The Reality of Imagination" is short animated film about a young girl name Isabel who, with her sketchbook and box of crayons, demonstrates the power of imagination through her drawings. From her own bedroom, her simple sketches transform into more

"The Reality of Imagination" is short animated film about a young girl name Isabel who, with her sketchbook and box of crayons, demonstrates the power of imagination through her drawings. From her own bedroom, her simple sketches transform into more complicated, realistic drawings, bringing her artistic creation to life. From a bouncing red ball, to flying on a plane, to a thunderstorm, her world extends beyond her sketchbook. The overall message is to demonstrate the importance of art and the power of imagination, especially seen from the perspective of a young child where much of that development is evident. In addition, further exploration of the film industry and learning about the production process was conducted to continue exercising my interest for film editing and graphic designing. This involved devising the script, selecting the appropriate actors, planning the production set, purchasing the tools and equipment, putting together a production crew, and applying the concepts learned about editing to create a short film that was approximately 3 minutes long. The editing software application used for this production was Final Cut Pro X distributed by Apple while the camera used was a Canon EOS Rebel T6. At least three different editing techniques were applied in the film and included stop-motion, keying, and split-screening. Furthermore, other concepts such as transforming and resizing video clips were applied along with learning to use the audio and visual effect resources available from Final Cut Pro X to enhance the quality of the film. An in-depth analysis of the entire process is also given in detailed.
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