Creating Hope for a Healthy Lifestyle: A Public Health Education Workshop


We think about hope every day, even if we do not consciously think about it. It is an important part of our lives. It affects our subjective well-being and physical health. Yet, many people do not know the importance of

We think about hope every day, even if we do not consciously think about it. It is an important part of our lives. It affects our subjective well-being and physical health. Yet, many people do not know the importance of hope and how it can be created within one's self. A workshop was designed to increase the knowledge of hope, primarily for college students. The workshop focused on defining hope, explaining how hope plays a part in a healthy lifestyle, and how to create hope for themselves. This project looked at the Hope Theory, discovered by Charles Snyder, and how it can be measured hope through goal attainment<br/>onattainment.

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Effects of Positive Affirmations on Depressive Symptoms among Female and Male Senior Barrett Honors Students

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The purpose of this study was to examine whether positive affirmations can lower depressive symptoms amongst male and female Arizona State University (ASU) honors students. Male and female ASU honors students (20-22 years of age; N=40) were recruited from Barrett,

The purpose of this study was to examine whether positive affirmations can lower depressive symptoms amongst male and female Arizona State University (ASU) honors students. Male and female ASU honors students (20-22 years of age; N=40) were recruited from Barrett, the Honors College, through email and online newsletters. Students who had been previously or were at the time diagnosed with clinical depression were not permitted to participate in the study. Only 9 female and 14 males completed the entire study. Participants completed a pre- and post- test that each consisting of reading aloud questions and their answers from the Beck's Depression Inventory (BDI) while being video and audio recorded. Participants were given a list of 20 affirmations after the pre-test and were instructed to choose and read to themselves a new affirmation three times a day, 3 times a week for a total of 6 weeks. There was an average increase among all participants' BDI scores, but no significance was found in the improvement. Emotional responses were captured using the facial recognition software, Noldus FaceReader, and was used to observe whether there was emotional dissonance in the BDI answers. The correlation between the emotion "sad" and the answer chosen was found by using Pearson's r for each participants. There were only 2 total interviews that indicated a strong positive correlation and 1 interview that indicated strong negative correlation. All others were either moderate or minimal correlation, showing that the majority of participants' emotions may have not affected their answer choices. Results indicated there is no significant improvement when using affirmations to improve depressive symptoms and mood.
Date Created