Bioreactor Alternative to Conventional Landfills

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Currently conventional Subtitle D landfills are the primary means of disposing of our waste in the United States. While this method of waste disposal aims at protecting the environment, it does so through the use of liners and caps that

Currently conventional Subtitle D landfills are the primary means of disposing of our waste in the United States. While this method of waste disposal aims at protecting the environment, it does so through the use of liners and caps that effectively freeze the breakdown of waste. Because this method can keep landfills active, and thus a potential groundwater threat for over a hundred years, I take an in depth look at the ability of bioreactor landfills to quickly stabilize waste. In the thesis I detail the current state of bioreactor landfill technologies, assessing the pros and cons of anaerobic and aerobic bioreactor technologies. Finally, with an industrial perspective, I conclude that moving on to bioreactor landfills as an alternative isn't as simple as it may first appear, and that it is a contextually specific solution that must be further refined before replacing current landfills.
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Investigation of Subgrade Moisture Flow Caused by Hydro-Thermal Gradients In Airfield Pavements

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Recent research efforts have been directed to improve the quality of pavement design procedures by considering the transient nature of soil properties due to environmental and aging effects on pavement performance. The main purpose of this research study was to

Recent research efforts have been directed to improve the quality of pavement design procedures by considering the transient nature of soil properties due to environmental and aging effects on pavement performance. The main purpose of this research study was to investigate the existence of subgrade soil moisture changes that may have arisen due to thermal and hydraulic gradients at the Atlantic City NAPTF and to evaluate their effect on the material stiffness and the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) strength parameter of the clay subgrade materials. Laboratory data showed that at the same water content, matric suction decreases with increasing temperature; and at the same suction, hydraulic conductivity increases with increasing temperature. Models developed, together with moisture/temperature data collected from 30 sensors installed in the test facility, yielded a maximum variation of suction in field of 155 psi and changes in hydraulic conductivity from 2.9E-9 m/s at 100% saturation to 8.1E-12 at 93% saturation. The maximum variation in temperature was found to be 20.8oC at the shallower depth and decreased with depth; while a maximum variation in moisture content was found to be 3.7% for Dupont clay and 4.4% for County clay. Models developed that predicts CBR as a function of dry density and moisture content yielded a maximum variation of CBR of 2.4 for Dupont clay and 2.9 for County clay. Additionally, models were developed relating the temperature with the bulk stress and octahedral stress applied on the subgrade for dual gear, dual tandem and triple tandem gear types for different tire loads. It was found that as the temperature increases the stresses increase. A Modified Cary and Zapata model was used for predicting the resilient modulus(Mr) of the subgrade. Using the models developed and the temperature/moisture changes observed in the field, the variation of suction, bulk and octahedral stresses were estimated, along with the resilient modulus for three different gear types. Results indicated that changes in Mr as large as 9 ksi occur in the soils studied due to the combined effect of external loads and environmental condition changes.
Date Created

Strain concentrations in polyethylene geomembranes adjacent to seams and scratches

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Laboratory testing was conducted to quantify strain concentrations adjacent to seams and scratches in high density polyethylene (HDPE) geomembranes. The tensile strain profile of remnants meeting the ASTM criteria for wide-width tensile testing from samples of field seams recovered for

Laboratory testing was conducted to quantify strain concentrations adjacent to seams and scratches in high density polyethylene (HDPE) geomembranes. The tensile strain profile of remnants meeting the ASTM criteria for wide-width tensile testing from samples of field seams recovered for construction quality assurance testing was evaluated using digital image correlation (DIC). Strains adjacent to scratches on laboratory prepared samples loaded in tension were also measured using DIC. The tensile strain in the zone adjacent to a seam and the tensile strain adjacent to a scratch were compared to the tensile strains calculated using theoretical strain concentration factors. The relationship between the maximum tensile strain adjacent to a seam and the global nominal strain in the sample was quantified for textured and smooth geomembranes of common thicknesses. Using statistical analysis of the data, bounds were developed for the allowable nominal tensile strain expected to induce maximum tensile strains adjacent to the seam less than or equal to the typical yield strain of HDPE geomembranes, at several confidence levels. Where nominal strain is the global or average strain applied to the sample and maximum strain is the largest tensile strain induced in the sample.

The reduction in the nominal yield strain due to a scratch in a HDPE geomembrane was also quantified. The yield strain was approximately the same as predicted using theoretical strain concentration factors. The difference in the average measured maximum strains adjacent to the seams of textured and smooth HDPE geomembranes was found to be statistically insignificant. However, maximum strains adjacent to extrusion welded seams were somewhat greater than adjacent to fusion welded seams for nominal strains on the order of 3% to 4%. The results of the testing program suggest that the nominal tensile strain should be limited to 4% around dual hot wedge seams and 3% around extrusion fillet seams to avoid maximum strains equal to 11%, a typical yield strain for HDPE geomembranes.
Date Created

Mitigation of earthquake-induced soil liquefaction via microbial denitrification: a two-stage process

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The dissimilatory reduction of nitrate, or denitrification, offers the potential of a sustainable, cost effective method for the non-disruptive mitigation of earthquake-induced soil liquefaction. Worldwide, trillions of dollars of infrastructure are at risk for liquefaction damage in earthquake prone

The dissimilatory reduction of nitrate, or denitrification, offers the potential of a sustainable, cost effective method for the non-disruptive mitigation of earthquake-induced soil liquefaction. Worldwide, trillions of dollars of infrastructure are at risk for liquefaction damage in earthquake prone regions. However, most techniques for remediating liquefiable soils are either not applicable to sites near existing infrastructure, or are prohibitively expensive. Recently, laboratory studies have shown the potential for biogeotechnical soil improvement techniques such as microbially induced carbonate precipitation (MICP) to mitigate liquefaction potential in a non-disruptive manner. Multiple microbial processes have been identified for MICP, but only two have been extensively studied. Ureolysis, the most commonly studied process for MICP, has been shown to quickly and efficiently induce carbonate precipitation on particle surfaces and at particle contacts to improve the stiffness, strength, and dilatant behavior of liquefiable soils. However, ureolysis also produces copious amounts of ammonium, a potentially toxic byproduct. The second process studied for MICP, denitrification, has been shown to precipitate carbonate, and hence improve soil properties, much more slowly than ureolysis. However, the byproducts of denitrification, nitrogen and carbon dioxide gas, are non-toxic, and present the added benefit of rapidly desaturating the treated soil. Small amounts of desaturation have been shown to increase the cyclic resistance, and hence the liquefaction resistance, of liquefiable soils. So, denitrification offers the potential to mitigate liquefaction as a two-stage process, with desaturation providing short term mitigation, and MICP providing long term liquefaction resistance. This study presents the results of soil testing, stoichiometric modeling, and microbial ecology characterization to better characterize the potential use of denitrification as a two-stage process for liquefaction mitigation.
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An instructional design and development research study with an interdisciplinary instructional design (IdID) team in geotechnical engineering

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The purpose of this instructional design and development study was to describe, evaluate and improve the instructional design process and the work of interdisciplinary design teams. A National Science Foundation (NSF) funded, Transforming Undergraduate Education in Science (TUES) project was

The purpose of this instructional design and development study was to describe, evaluate and improve the instructional design process and the work of interdisciplinary design teams. A National Science Foundation (NSF) funded, Transforming Undergraduate Education in Science (TUES) project was the foundation for this study. The project developed new curriculum materials to teach learning content in unsaturated soils in undergraduate geotechnical engineering classes, a subset of the civil engineering. The study describes the instructional design (ID) processes employed by the team members as they assess the need, develop the materials, disseminate the learning unit, and evaluate its effectiveness, along with the impact the instructional design process played in the success of the learning materials with regard to student achievement and faculty and student attitudes. Learning data were collected from undergraduate geotechnical engineering classes from eight partner universities across the country and Puerto Rico over three phases of implementation. Data were collected from students and faculty that included pretest/posttest scores and attitudinal survey questions. The findings indicated a significant growth in the learning with the students of the faculty who were provided all learning materials. The findings also indicated an overall faculty and student satisfaction with the instructional materials. Observational and anecdotal data were also collected in the form of team meeting notes, personal observations, interviews and design logs. Findings of these data indicated a preference with working on an interdisciplinary instructional design team. All these data assisted in the analysis of the ID process, providing a basis for descriptive and inferential data used to provide suggestions for improving the ID process and the work of interdisciplinary instructional design teams.
Date Created

Use of X-ray diffraction to identify and quantify soil swelling potential

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Expansive soils impose challenges on the design, maintenance and long-term stability of many engineered infrastructure. These soils are composed of different clay minerals that are susceptible to changes in moisture content. Expansive clay soils wreak havoc due to their volume

Expansive soils impose challenges on the design, maintenance and long-term stability of many engineered infrastructure. These soils are composed of different clay minerals that are susceptible to changes in moisture content. Expansive clay soils wreak havoc due to their volume change property and, in many cases, exhibit extreme swelling and shrinking potentials. Understanding what type of minerals and clays react in the presence of water would allow for a more robust design and a better way to mitigate undesirable soil volume change. The relatively quick and widely used method of X-ray Diffraction (XRD) allows identifying the type of minerals present in the soil. As part of this study, three different clays from Colorado, San Antonio Texas, and Anthem Arizona were examined using XRD techniques. Oedometer-type testing was simultaneously preformed in the laboratory to benchmark the behavior of these soils. This analysis allowed performing comparative studies to determining if the XRD technique and interpretation methods currently available could serve as quantitative tools for estimating swell potential through mineral identification. The soils were analyzed using two different software protocols after being subjected to different treatment techniques. Important observations include the formation of Ettringite and Thaumasite, the effect of mixed-layer clays in the interpretation of the data, and the soils being subject to Gypsification. The swelling data obtained from the oedometer-type laboratory testing was compared with predictive swelling functions available from literature. A correlation analysis was attempted in order to find what index properties and mineralogy parameters were most significant to the swelling behavior of the soils. The analysis demonstrated that Gypsification is as important to the swelling potential of the soil as the presence of expansive clays; and it should be considered in the design and construction of structures in expansive soils. Also, the formation of Ettringite and Thaumasite observed during the treatment process validates the evidence of Delayed Ettringite Formation (DEF) reported in the literature. When comparing the measured results with a proposed method from the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA), it was found that the results were somewhat indicative of swell potential but did not explain all causes for expansivity. Finally, it was found that single index properties are not sufficient to estimate the free swell or the swell pressure of expansive soils. In order to have a significant correlation, two or more index properties should be combined when estimating the swell potential. When properties related to the soil mineralogy were correlated with swell potential parameters, the amount of Gypsum present in the soil seems to be as significant to the swell behavior of the soil as the amount of Smectite found.
Date Created

Enzyme-induced carbonate precipitation for the mitigation of fugitive dust

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ABSTRACT Enzyme-Induced Carbonate Precipitation (EICP) using a plant-derived form of the urease enzyme to induce the precipitation of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) shows promise as a method of stabilizing soil for the mitigation of fugitive dust. Fugitive dust is a significant

ABSTRACT Enzyme-Induced Carbonate Precipitation (EICP) using a plant-derived form of the urease enzyme to induce the precipitation of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) shows promise as a method of stabilizing soil for the mitigation of fugitive dust. Fugitive dust is a significant problem in Arizona, particularly in Maricopa County. Maricopa County is an EPA air quality non-attainment zone, due primarily to fugitive dust, which presents a significant health risk to local residents. Conventional methods for fugitive dust control, including the application of water, are either ineffective in arid climates, very expensive, or limited to short term stabilization. Due to these limitations, engineers are searching for new and more effective ways to stabilize the soil and reduce wind erosion. EICP employs urea hydrolysis, a process in which carbonate precipitation is catalyzed by the urease enzyme, a widely occurring protein found in many plants and microorganisms. Wind tunnel experiments were conducted in the ASU/NASA Planetary Wind Tunnel to evaluate the use of EICP as a means to stabilize soil against fugitive dust emission. Three different soils were tested, including a native Arizona silty-sand, a uniform fine to medium grained silica sand, and mine tailings from a mine in southern Arizona. The test soil was loosely placed in specimen container and the surface was sprayed with an aqueous solution containing urea, calcium chloride, and urease enzyme. After a short period of time to allow for CaCO3 precipitation, the specimens were tested in the wind tunnel. The completed tests show that EICP can increase the detachment velocity compared to bare or wetted soil and thus holds promise as a means of mitigating fugitive dust emissions.
Date Created

Probabilistic based assessment of the influence of nonlinear soil behavior and stratification on the performance of laterally loaded drilled pier foundations

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This thesis presents a probabilistic evaluation of multiple laterally loaded drilled pier foundation design approaches using extensive data from a geotechnical investigation for a high voltage electric transmission line. A series of Monte Carlo simulations provide insight about the computed

This thesis presents a probabilistic evaluation of multiple laterally loaded drilled pier foundation design approaches using extensive data from a geotechnical investigation for a high voltage electric transmission line. A series of Monte Carlo simulations provide insight about the computed level of reliability considering site standard penetration test blow count value variability alone (i.e., assuming all other aspects of the design problem do not contribute error or bias). Evaluated methods include Eurocode 7 Geotechnical Design procedures, the Federal Highway Administration drilled shaft LRFD design method, the Electric Power Research Institute transmission foundation design procedure and a site specific variability based approach previously suggested by the author of this thesis and others. The analysis method is defined by three phases: a) Evaluate the spatial variability of an existing subsurface database. b) Derive theoretical foundation designs from the database in accordance with the various design methods identified. c) Conduct Monti Carlo Simulations to compute the reliability of the theoretical foundation designs. Over several decades, reliability-based foundation design (RBD) methods have been developed and implemented to varying degrees for buildings, bridges, electric systems and other structures. In recent years, an effort has been made by researchers, professional societies and other standard-developing organizations to publish design guidelines, manuals and standards concerning RBD for foundations. Most of these approaches rely on statistical methods for quantifying load and resistance probability distribution functions with defined reliability levels. However, each varies with regard to the influence of site-specific variability on resistance. An examination of the influence of site-specific variability is required to provide direction for incorporating the concept into practical RBD design methods. Recent surveys of transmission line engineers by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) demonstrate RBD methods for the design of transmission line foundations have not been widely adopted. In the absence of a unifying design document with established reliability goals, transmission line foundations have historically performed very well, with relatively few failures. However, such a track record with no set reliability goals suggests, at least in some cases, a financial premium has likely been paid.
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A study of the significant number of modes in moment frames

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The computation of the fundamental mode in structural moment frames provides valuable insight into the physical response of the frame to dynamic or time-varying loads. In standard practice, it is not necessary to solve for all n mode shapes in

The computation of the fundamental mode in structural moment frames provides valuable insight into the physical response of the frame to dynamic or time-varying loads. In standard practice, it is not necessary to solve for all n mode shapes in a structural system; it is therefore practical to limit the system to some determined number of r significant mode shapes. Current building codes, such as the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), require certain class of structures to obtain 90% effective mass participation as a way to estimate the accuracy of a solution for base shear motion. A parametric study was performed from the collected data obtained by the analysis of a large number of framed structures. The purpose of this study was the development of rules for the required number of r significant modes to meet the ASCE code requirements. The study was based on the implementation of an algorithm and a computer program developed in the past. The algorithm is based on Householders Transformations, QR Factorization, and Inverse Iteration and it extracts a requested s (s<< n) number of predominate mode shapes and periods. Only the first r (r < s) of these modes are accurate. To verify the accuracy of the algorithm a variety of building frames have been analyzed using the commercially available structural software (RISA 3D) as a benchmark. The salient features of the algorithm are presented briefly in this study.
Date Created

Introducing unsaturated soil mechanics to undergraduate students through the net stress concepts

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The purpose of this research was to introduce unsaturated soil mechanics to the undergraduate geotechnical engineering course in a concise and easy to understand manner. Also, it was essential to develop unsaturated soil mechanics teaching material that merges smoothly into

The purpose of this research was to introduce unsaturated soil mechanics to the undergraduate geotechnical engineering course in a concise and easy to understand manner. Also, it was essential to develop unsaturated soil mechanics teaching material that merges smoothly into current undergraduate curriculum and with sufficient flexibility for broad adaptation by faculty. The learning material consists of three lecture modules and a laboratory module. The lecture modules introduced soil mechanics for the general 3-phase medium condition with the saturated soil as a special case. The three lecture modules that were developed are (1) the stress state variables for unsaturated soils, (2) soil-water characteristic curves, and (3) axis translation. A PowerPoint presentation was created to present each module in an easy to understand manner so that the students will enjoy the learning material. Along with the lecture modules, a laboratory module was developed that reinforced the key aspects and concepts for unsaturated soil behavior. A laboratory manual was created for the Tempe Pressure Cell and Fredlund SWC-150 device (one-dimensional oedometer pressure plate device) in order to give the instructor and institution a choice of which testing equipment best fits their program. Along with the laboratory manuals, an analysis guide was created to help students with constructing SWCCs from their laboratory. A soil type recommendation was also researched for use in the laboratory module. The soil ensured acceptably short equilibrium times along with a wide range or suction values controllable by both testing equipment (Tempe Pressure Cell and Fredlund SWC-150). A silt type soil material was recommended for the laboratory module. As a part of this research, a smooth transition from unsaturated to saturated condition was demonstrated through laboratory volume change experiments using a silt soil tested in an oedometer-type pressure plate device. Three different experiments were conducted: (1) volume change for unsaturated soils in response to suction and net normal stress change, (2) volume change for saturated soils in response to effective stress change, as determined using unsaturated soils testing equipment, and (3) traditional consolidation tests on saturated soil using a conventional consolidometer device.
Date Created