Nefarious- An Academic Approach to True Crime.pdf

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Nefarious: An Academic Approach to True Crime


This is a composition of information derived from the research conducted to produce each episode of Nefarious. As part of my final thesis project for my undergraduate degrees in criminal justice and forensic psychology, I created a podcast on the

This is a composition of information derived from the research conducted to produce each episode of Nefarious. As part of my final thesis project for my undergraduate degrees in criminal justice and forensic psychology, I created a podcast on the topic of true crime with an academic approach titled Nefarious. Each episode of Nefarious examines a particular case in relation to some academic theme learned throughout my educational career at Arizona State University. Episode one examines the life and crimes of Richard Ramirez and different criminological theories that could be used to explain his behavior. Episode two looks at the case of Brock Turner and Chanel Miller and focuses on the larger problem of rape culture in America and sexual assault on college campuses. In episode three the case of the Central Park Five is detailed in relation to false confessions and wrongful convictions within the legal system. Episode four is centered around Kyle Rittenhouse and the use of self-defense as a legal defense in the justice system as well as the political atmosphere surrounding this case. The fifth episode explores three cases of police brutality against racial minorities and the history of police in America. The final episode of Nefarious covers the life and crimes of Jeffrey Dahmer and analyzes such actions from a forensic psychology approach.

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The Perspective of Current Police Officers on Recent Anti-Police Sentiments

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Since the Summer of 2020, there has been an increase in distrust and dissatisfaction with policing in America. Several key events of perceived police brutality have caused this dissatisfaction, which has become a focal point among leaders in political discourse

Since the Summer of 2020, there has been an increase in distrust and dissatisfaction with policing in America. Several key events of perceived police brutality have caused this dissatisfaction, which has become a focal point among leaders in political discourse and has led to backlash from the community and significant policy proposals. However, while politicians and unions have had a platform to share their opinions, current police officers have not had much of a voice to discuss how their jobs have been affected. This study seeks to identify whether the attitudes of police in Arizona have been adversely affected since the Summer of 2020 and to see how the community’s behavior towards the police has been affected, if both of these things have changed at all. The officers interviewed were split evenly on whether their personal job satisfaction has been affected. Most officers saw an increase in both support and hostility from the community. A majority of officers also reported that their fellow officers have experienced an overall decrease in morale since the Summer of 2020. The last significant takeaway is that the officers were largely pessimistic about the future of policing due to an increase in their fellow officers quitting and a decrease in new recruits.

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Changing the Social Stigma of Law Enforcement Officers Through Youth Education

This research investigates how the current social stigma of law enforcement officers is established and the effect it has on the future of community-police relations. The research begins by finding the public’s perception of law enforcement over the last 50

This research investigates how the current social stigma of law enforcement officers is established and the effect it has on the future of community-police relations. The research begins by finding the public’s perception of law enforcement over the last 50 years and how the public’s perception of law enforcement has or has not changed in the 21st century. To do this, three eras and one sporadic incident are investigated; the civil rights era, Rodney King incident in 1991, the war on terrorism and the millennial revolution. The idea there is still a large presence of systematic racism and police brutality against minority citizens from the 1960s (civil rights era) until now (millennial revolution) has led to the fall of law enforcement legitimacy. The public’s opinion that law enforcement is not a credible institution is supported by modern influences such as contemporary news networks and public figures. These influences have changed the future generation’s perceptions of law enforcement and promoted the ‘war on cops,’ which alters how law enforcement performs their duties. In response to the negativity built over the last 50 years, police department are working towards building community-police relations to create a positive change. The Phoenix Police Department (PPD) Community Relations Bureau is used as a case study. The PPD was chosen because it is the fastest growing city in the United States and there is personal connection to the author including residency and the opportunity for direct observations and interviews with Phoenix law enforcement personnel. The review of current community-police relation programs in Phoenix only includes three programs for children from seventh grade and up. This has produced the opportunity to create a program that targets elementary aged children. A children’s book, Discovering LEO, helps change the current social stigma of law enforcement through youth education. The story focuses on sharing the positivity of law enforcement officers’ role in the community and how officers are humans just like everyone else. The students who listen to the story learn that police officers are people to trust when you need help, even when the television is sharing negative rhetoric about law enforcement. The story also aims to teach children that the person inside the law enforcement uniform may also be a parent, spouse, friend, and/or neighbor, in addition to their role as a police officer.
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