A Regional Analysis of Police Shootings Through Local Media Coverage

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A Regional Analysis of Police Shootings Through Local Media Coverage studies broadcast reports of officer-involved shootings in the most dangerous cities across the country in order to determine if bias is present while providing readers with a tool they can

A Regional Analysis of Police Shootings Through Local Media Coverage studies broadcast reports of officer-involved shootings in the most dangerous cities across the country in order to determine if bias is present while providing readers with a tool they can use to analyze officer-involved shooting stories in their own community. Based on the geographical regions of the United States, the website analyzes the most dangerous city of the region and the most dangerous city in the most dangerous state in the region. For each city, a random broadcast piece is selected from the local media coverage. I then created a list of 10 points journalists should be aware of when reporting on officer-involved shootings. I used this list to break down and analyze how the story fared against my list. In the beginning of this process, I believed that all local media would have a slight bias depending on the region from which they were reporting. In my original hypothesis, I believed that the reports from the West would be against police, reports from the South and Southwest would be pro police, reports from the Midwest would be against police, and reports from the Northeast would be pro police. After analysis, many of the reports did not show any obvious bias. I wanted this project to be a tool readers and viewers could use in order to learn more about officer-involved shootings. With the help of my checklist, viewers would be able to then analyze stories on officer-involved shootings and determine the quality of the reporting. Not only did this project open my eyes to the different reporting styles that could be used to report an officer-involved shooting, it instilled a deeper sense of pride for local journalism. Even through the recent eruptions surrounding officer-involved shootings, the stories I analyzed continue to stick to journalistic ethics and remain unbiased, even in breaking news.
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Changing the Social Stigma of Law Enforcement Officers Through Youth Education

This research investigates how the current social stigma of law enforcement officers is established and the effect it has on the future of community-police relations. The research begins by finding the public’s perception of law enforcement over the last 50

This research investigates how the current social stigma of law enforcement officers is established and the effect it has on the future of community-police relations. The research begins by finding the public’s perception of law enforcement over the last 50 years and how the public’s perception of law enforcement has or has not changed in the 21st century. To do this, three eras and one sporadic incident are investigated; the civil rights era, Rodney King incident in 1991, the war on terrorism and the millennial revolution. The idea there is still a large presence of systematic racism and police brutality against minority citizens from the 1960s (civil rights era) until now (millennial revolution) has led to the fall of law enforcement legitimacy. The public’s opinion that law enforcement is not a credible institution is supported by modern influences such as contemporary news networks and public figures. These influences have changed the future generation’s perceptions of law enforcement and promoted the ‘war on cops,’ which alters how law enforcement performs their duties. In response to the negativity built over the last 50 years, police department are working towards building community-police relations to create a positive change. The Phoenix Police Department (PPD) Community Relations Bureau is used as a case study. The PPD was chosen because it is the fastest growing city in the United States and there is personal connection to the author including residency and the opportunity for direct observations and interviews with Phoenix law enforcement personnel. The review of current community-police relation programs in Phoenix only includes three programs for children from seventh grade and up. This has produced the opportunity to create a program that targets elementary aged children. A children’s book, Discovering LEO, helps change the current social stigma of law enforcement through youth education. The story focuses on sharing the positivity of law enforcement officers’ role in the community and how officers are humans just like everyone else. The students who listen to the story learn that police officers are people to trust when you need help, even when the television is sharing negative rhetoric about law enforcement. The story also aims to teach children that the person inside the law enforcement uniform may also be a parent, spouse, friend, and/or neighbor, in addition to their role as a police officer.
Date Created

Gun Violence in America: An International Comparison

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The purpose of this study was to compare and contrast gun legislation and gun violence in the United States against two international countries. The countries that were chosen were the United Kingdom and Switzerland. The goal was to use the

The purpose of this study was to compare and contrast gun legislation and gun violence in the United States against two international countries. The countries that were chosen were the United Kingdom and Switzerland. The goal was to use the existing gun control models from the two international countries to develop an opinion of what can be done differently in the United States to reduce gun-related crime rates on the home front. Analysis of crime rates between the three countries proved that the United States is the country with the highest gun crime incidence. Specifically, the United States has, on average, 35 times the number of gun-related deaths per 100,000 people per year as the United Kingdom, and 2 times more gun-related deaths per 100,000 people per year than Switzerland. It has been determined that both legislative and cultural related changes need to be implemented in the United States in order for violent crime rates related to guns to ever be reduced.
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The Media's Effect on the Public's Perception of Law Enforcement

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In this paper I examined whether the media, for example news outlets and social media sites, had any effect on how the public viewed police officers. I wanted to see if the police and citizen incidents that were dominating the

In this paper I examined whether the media, for example news outlets and social media sites, had any effect on how the public viewed police officers. I wanted to see if the police and citizen incidents that were dominating the airwaves actually happened as frequently as it seemed, whether the media and social media outlets had anything to do with the increase of these types of incidents, and if these incidents and reporting styles had any effect, negative or positive, on how citizens watching viewed police officers. I think it is important to see if the media can influence the way citizens think especially in regards to law enforcement officers because their role in society is crucial to keeping everyone safe and peaceful. I also believe it is important to see how these citizens are being influenced. Ultimately, I wanted to see if I could prove that the media and social media have an effect on how citizens view police officers through the way they report on certain issues. In order to do this I conducted research looking into the various news reports that have been going on, I also looked into the different issues going on and looked at research going into both the sides of police officers and media outlets. I also conducted my own research by interviewing four police officers three retired and one active, as well as distributing a survey asking specific questions relating to my thesis to college students ages 18 and over. At the end of all this research I found that media does in fact have an effect on the opinions of citizens because they seem to report on only negative incidents or those dealing with different races. Social media also plays a big part by allowing everyone to see clips of incidents without any information allowing people to form uneducated biased opinions and running with it. Which in turn influences citizens to think a certain way and believe in "facts" that are not true.
Date Created

Law Enforcement Officers' Training and their Use of Force

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The purpose of this paper was to identify issues that have arisen from lack of police officer training and misuse of force. The data analyzed is from the last 20 years and represents the ratio of shots fired to hit

The purpose of this paper was to identify issues that have arisen from lack of police officer training and misuse of force. The data analyzed is from the last 20 years and represents the ratio of shots fired to hit ratios in officer involved shootings. Using this information, the next step was to look at different training simulations and scenario studies and how they relate to real life application in the field. The effects of the training and simulation studies provided insight into what training could implement. Specifically, FIRST training and simulations that replicated adrenaline and anxiety were effective in their results. Police officer training needs to implement similar programs as they could reduce the mistakes of officers and their use of force.
Date Created