Mugs for all; an investigation into adaptive technology, the value of handmade art, and the future of multi-scalar solutions.

For my thesis, I made a series of handmade adaptable ceramic mugs for people with a variety of different needs. This includes limited neck mobility, limited hand/wrist strength and flexibility, hand tremors, and more. In order to do this, I

For my thesis, I made a series of handmade adaptable ceramic mugs for people with a variety of different needs. This includes limited neck mobility, limited hand/wrist strength and flexibility, hand tremors, and more. In order to do this, I collected feedback from a variety of people involved in functional movement and adaptive technology to produce multiple handmade mugs.
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Assessing Social Sustainability in U.S. Cities: A Systems Approach

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Brundtland’s definition of sustainability is the ability to “meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs” (IISD, 2021). But what if there are no future generations? Social sustainability, the sector of

Brundtland’s definition of sustainability is the ability to “meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs” (IISD, 2021). But what if there are no future generations? Social sustainability, the sector of sustainability that foregrounds the well-being and livelihoods of people (and thereby continuation of humanity), is included in definitions within the sustainability field, but less developed in sustainability practice. In an effort to bridge this gap of knowledge, 14 U.S. cities and over 100 sustainability policies were analyzed for their social sustainability performance. An eight-item analytical framework that deals with differing areas of social equity guided the analysis. Results found that most cities’ sustainability departments fell short of truly addressing social sustainability concerns. Out of the eight items, the most frequently addressed were housing security and racial and gender equality whereas few, if any, cities addressed the more specific social concerns of immigration, technology and media, or arts/cultural preservation. Future research is recommended to gain a better understanding of the ways existing cities can improve in this area.

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The Carbon Impact of the Electrification of the Transportation System

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In theory, Electric Vehicle (EV) ownership and renewable energy seem like a perfect solution to our climate crisis; however, unless done properly, the effects can be less than ideal. We need to find a way to maximize the impact of

In theory, Electric Vehicle (EV) ownership and renewable energy seem like a perfect solution to our climate crisis; however, unless done properly, the effects can be less than ideal. We need to find a way to maximize the impact of our efforts to reduce carbon emissions, which is exactly what the heart of my paper gets to. Carbon emissions are bad for the environment because they comprise a large majority of greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases have recently become dramatically out of balance and have resulted in an increase in respiratory diseases from smog and air pollution, as well as extreme weather and an increase in wildfires. Getting these greenhouse gases back in balance and maintaining an ecological balance is the goal of sustainability. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (the EPA), transportation makes up 29% of greenhouse gas emissions in the US followed closely by electricity generation at 28%, which makes Electric Vehicles the perfect target for reducing greenhouse gas emissions<br/>Arizona has many unique constraints when it comes to its electric infrastructure and its electric generation energy mix, which means the impacts of EV ownership become extremely complicated.<br/> In my paper, I aim to address the question: What are the carbon impact effects of Electric Vehicles (EVs) in Arizona through the lens of 1) the time of day that charging occurs, 2) the infrastructure needed to support EV penetration and 3) the incentives given to the public to help provide the impetus for making greener choices? Using the best available research on how EVs are being adopted to reduce emissions, I will provide conclusive recommendations and a framework for how Arizona can best reduce carbon emissions through EVs.

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Responsible governance of artificial intelligence: an assessment, theoretical framework, and exploration

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While artificial intelligence (AI) has seen enormous technical progress in recent years, less progress has occurred in understanding the governance issues raised by AI. In this dissertation, I make four contributions to the study and practice of AI governance. First,

While artificial intelligence (AI) has seen enormous technical progress in recent years, less progress has occurred in understanding the governance issues raised by AI. In this dissertation, I make four contributions to the study and practice of AI governance. First, I connect AI to the literature and practices of responsible research and innovation (RRI) and explore their applicability to AI governance. I focus in particular on AI’s status as a general purpose technology (GPT), and suggest some of the distinctive challenges for RRI in this context such as the critical importance of publication norms in AI and the need for coordination. Second, I provide an assessment of existing AI governance efforts from an RRI perspective, synthesizing for the first time a wide range of literatures on AI governance and highlighting several limitations of extant efforts. This assessment helps identify areas for methodological exploration. Third, I explore, through several short case studies, the value of three different RRI-inspired methods for making AI governance more anticipatory and reflexive: expert elicitation, scenario planning, and formal modeling. In each case, I explain why these particular methods were deployed, what they

produced, and what lessons can be learned for improving the governance of AI in the future. I find that RRI-inspired methods have substantial potential in the context of AI, and early utility to the GPT-oriented perspective on what RRI in AI entails. Finally, I describe several areas for future work that would put RRI in AI on a sounder footing.
Date Created

Liminal Space

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Liminal Space is a pen-and-paper roleplaying game designed to facilitate performative, personalized, and critical exploration of identity, value and truth dissensus; contemporary social, technological, political, and environmental issues; and modes of relating to socio-technical change, instability, and uncertainty. Pen-and-paper roleplaying

Liminal Space is a pen-and-paper roleplaying game designed to facilitate performative, personalized, and critical exploration of identity, value and truth dissensus; contemporary social, technological, political, and environmental issues; and modes of relating to socio-technical change, instability, and uncertainty. Pen-and-paper roleplaying games emerge from a 40-year history as an entertainment medium, but in recent decades have displayed the ability to personally speak to more "serious" issues. Mechanically, they combine elements of classroom or public-engagement, pedagogic, roleplaying exercises with benefits or participatory scenario construction, allowing players to immerse themselves in bespoke situations reflecting their personal interests, anxieties, and pedagogic aims and to reflexively and critically engage with contested truths or social disruptions in a safe space. Formal studies of roleplaying games are sparse, and I, the author, hope that Liminal Space can draw more study to a unique communication, entertainments, and performance medium and to the unique communities that surround it.
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