Tuzee: On-demand Tutoring for College Students

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For students on a college campus, many courses can present challenges to them academically. Some universities have taken an initiative to respond to this by offering tutoring opportunities at a central location. Generally this provides help for some struggling students,

For students on a college campus, many courses can present challenges to them academically. Some universities have taken an initiative to respond to this by offering tutoring opportunities at a central location. Generally this provides help for some struggling students, but others are left with many questions unanswered. Two primary reasons for this are that some tutoring services are broad in scope and that there may not be sufficient one-on-one time with a tutor. With the development of a mobile application, a solution is possible to improve upon the tutoring experience for all students. The concept revolves around the formation of a labor market of freelancers, known as a gig economy, to create a large supply of tutors who can provide their services to a student looking for help in a specific course. A strategic process was followed to develop this mobile application, called Tuzee. To begin, an early concept and design was drafted to shape a clear vision statement and effective user experience. Planning and research followed, where technical requirements including an efficient database and integrated development environment were selected. After these prerequisites, the development stage of the application started and a working app produced. Subsequently, a business model was devised along with possible features to be added upon a successful launch. With a peer-to-peer approach powering the app, monitoring user engagement lies as a core principle for consistent growth. The vision statement will frequently be referred to: enhance university academics by enabling the interaction of students with each other.
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