Combatting Produce Waste in Grocery Stores in Arizona through a Social and Environmental Lens


Food waste is a crucial issue in stores, restaurants and other institutions. Specifically, there is a high amount of food waste in grocery stores, especially in the produce section. As a result, environmental damage occurs, and many individuals struggle to

Food waste is a crucial issue in stores, restaurants and other institutions. Specifically, there is a high amount of food waste in grocery stores, especially in the produce section. As a result, environmental damage occurs, and many individuals struggle to have food in their homes. This thesis will analyze the cause, quantity, and effect of this waste, and how it can be changed or mitigated. An overarching question was posed to analyze these causes and effects of waste, asking how does the amount of produce waste that occurs in Scottsdale, Arizona contribute to environmental issues and what is being done to remedy this issue? As this is a difficult question to answer on its own, the research was broken down into two more answerable questions, which are Why does produce get wasted in grocery stores? How much of this occurs? and What remedies already exist to limit/reduce this waste? These questions are important because they contribute to knowledge and understanding about food waste, consumer waste, as well as the overall environmental impact of being wasteful. It is also important for both retailers and consumers to understand that waste has an immense and negative impact on the environment and contributes to climate change, and that taking steps to reduce this waste is essential.

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Automating Genocide: Forced Pregnancies during the Cambodian and Bosnian Genocides

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Forced pregnancy has been and remains a tactic of implementing genocide and inflicting long-lasting damage on a population. Forced marriages during the Cambodian genocide (1975-1979) and rape camps established during the Bosnian genocide (1992-1995) are two of many ways in

Forced pregnancy has been and remains a tactic of implementing genocide and inflicting long-lasting damage on a population. Forced marriages during the Cambodian genocide (1975-1979) and rape camps established during the Bosnian genocide (1992-1995) are two of many ways in which forced pregnancies can be implemented. This comparative study has identified social constructs within Bosnian and Cambodian cultures that allowed forced pregnancy to impact these populations. In the context of the Cambodian genocide, the Khmer Rouge implemented forced marriages in order to reproduce an agricultural labor force that would sustain the state of Democratic Kampuchea without foreign aid. The cultural construct of marriage promoted childbearing and sustained these marriages even after the fall of the Khmer Rouge regime. The Bosnian genocide, on the other hand, was an ethnic cleansing against Bosnian Muslims. Serbian forces established rape camps to impregnate Bosnian Muslim women in order to stigmatize them to the extent that they would (culturally) no longer be able to bear children for their own ethnic community. The cultural constructs of virginity and patrilineal descent acted as key factors in the effectiveness of forced pregnancy as a method of ethnic cleansing. While Bosnian Muslim rape camp survivors faced stigma for having been raped and for keeping their children if they chose to, Cambodian survivors would not. Cambodian women faced social expectations to stay in their marriages and keep their children in order to fulfill their duties as wives and mothers. In Bosnia, however, no social construct existed to support children born outside of marriage. In addition to these cultural constructs, various other factors influenced survivors' attitudes towards their children, including the presence of third party rapists in the Cambodian genocide and the fact that many Bosnian Muslim survivors did not know the identity of the father of their children. Comparative analysis of these two genocides has contributed to a more holistic understanding of the impacts of genocide and has informed how forced pregnancy operates across multiple cultural ideologies and lifestyles.
Date Created


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In Mistvon, everyone is happy. The people there go about their daily duties with wistful smiles, and unburdened hearts, their worldly cares both trivial and meaningless. Jobs have been abolished, people are financially set, and everywhere the gleaming city of

In Mistvon, everyone is happy. The people there go about their daily duties with wistful smiles, and unburdened hearts, their worldly cares both trivial and meaningless. Jobs have been abolished, people are financially set, and everywhere the gleaming city of Mistvon burns brightly, a beacon of mankind. And yet, from the shadows, the Gentlemen lurk. They rule the citizens of Mistvon with an iron thumb that few even realize exists, destroying their creativity and robbing them of their free will; a result of the mysterious Avatos. Because of this, Gaven Vos, a citizen who has seen the truth, and is under the employ of the enigmatic Creator, must free Mistvon from the clutches of the evil Gentlemen. But, is the Creator truly what he says he is? And is their journey truly righteous? Through this, a story of political discourse, betrayals, and ambiguous morality, these questions are answered. But, the ultimate question may not be; do the ends justify the means?
Date Created

The Interaction of Hegemonic Masculinity and Social Power Structures in American School Shootings

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Over the past few decades, concern over the issue of school shootings has increased in the United States of America. Although these events are rare in comparison to other violent crime statistics, they have a huge impact on the communities

Over the past few decades, concern over the issue of school shootings has increased in the United States of America. Although these events are rare in comparison to other violent crime statistics, they have a huge impact on the communities they occur in and the nation in general. Many causes have been suggested and studied, including gun availability, violent video games, changing communities, bullying, and a number of others. In 2004, a new, more generalized focus began to appear in these studies. Several academics started to focus on hegemonic masculinity as the main cause behind the previously studied causes. This theoretical approach examines prior research regarding the nature and cause of school shootings. This paper focuses primarily on the works of Katherine Newman, Peter Langman, and Jessie Klein looking for common findings across disciplines. The common finding between all three studies was that hegemonic masculinity has an impact on school shootings. Additionally, their definitions of masculinity revealed the pursuit of social power is the underlying purpose of masculinity, as well as other suggested causes for school shootings. Struggles for social power are ingrained in American culture can be correlated to other forms of violent crime. Viewing school shootings through "social power theory" perspective allows school shootings to be compared to other violent crimes. This new theory also reveals how embedded the issue of school shootings is in American culture.
Date Created

Fostering Exploitation

Fostering Exploitation is a thesis project that examines the link between foster care and prostitution. It identifies and explains the various factors that contribute to the significant percentage of foster care children who end up as victims of sex trafficking.

Fostering Exploitation is a thesis project that examines the link between foster care and prostitution. It identifies and explains the various factors that contribute to the significant percentage of foster care children who end up as victims of sex trafficking. Specifically, it addresses three main elements that make foster children more vulnerable to being trafficked and recruited into the sex industry: sexual/physical/emotional abuse, negative understanding of self, and running away, which leads to homelessness. In addition, it highlights several suggestions that can help curtail this issue and assist in rehabilitating the children, including the development of adequate housing solutions, drug addiction treatment services, and legislation/policy changes. While part of this thesis is a literature review that includes in-depth research, the largest aspect of this project comes in the form of a video. The video presents interviews from a sex trafficking survivor, care provider, and a police lieutenant. Ultimately, it serves as a resource and informational tool that raises awareness on the modern day form of slavery.
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Sign Below

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The gendered pay gap is a phenomenon experienced by many within the workplace. Title IX is presented because of its significance in aiding women to get fair and equal treatment, particularly in sports. Intersectionality is a research lens used to

The gendered pay gap is a phenomenon experienced by many within the workplace. Title IX is presented because of its significance in aiding women to get fair and equal treatment, particularly in sports. Intersectionality is a research lens used to examine how the various aspects that make up an individual (e.g. race, class, sexuality, or gender) impact their life experiences, and is utilized to examine the experiences of athletes in the United States and overseas. The field of professional sports possess salary disparities and in order to analyze them between men and women in professional sports, case studies are presented. Case studies of basketball and soccer, along with interviews and secondary research, are utilized and analyzed to understand how the gendered pay gap continues to persist. In comparison to the United States, women are being paid significantly more in other nations. Women continue to go overseas because of money and the treatment athletes get from local fans. Fans in other nations love their athletes and view them as an expression of pride in their nation. Women in sports currently experience salary disparities and will continue to do so because of various factors.
Date Created

Police Violence Against African-American Men: An Analysis of New York Times Media Representations

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The purpose of this study is to examine media representations of police violence. The scholarly literature suggests that issues of race, class, and gender within policing organizations contribute to police violence. Such works argue that mainstream media coverage tends to

The purpose of this study is to examine media representations of police violence. The scholarly literature suggests that issues of race, class, and gender within policing organizations contribute to police violence. Such works argue that mainstream media coverage tends to focus on the faults of individual police officers. This study uses a systematic sample and content analysis of sixty-one (61) New York Times articles to retrieve dominant analytical themes in media coverage of police violence. The New York Times articles are analyzed to look for the presence of themes of Individualization, Organizational Issues, Societal Level and Regional Problems of Race and Class, and Structures of Media Reporting that have been identified in scholarly literature. The most significant finding reveals that media coverage of police violence in the New York Times no longer centers only on individual police officers as "bad apples" in an otherwise solid "barrel/organization". The New York Times discussions include examination of organizational issues that contribute to police violence. However, police violence continues to be a societal issue that is in need of a long-term solution. It is recommended that Community Policing be implemented to help reduce police violence against African-American men.
Date Created