Learning Generalized Heuristics Using Deep Neural Networks

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Classical planning is a field of Artificial Intelligence concerned with allowing autonomous agents to make reasonable decisions in complex environments. This work investigates
the application of deep learning and planning techniques, with the aim of constructing generalized plans capable of solving

Classical planning is a field of Artificial Intelligence concerned with allowing autonomous agents to make reasonable decisions in complex environments. This work investigates
the application of deep learning and planning techniques, with the aim of constructing generalized plans capable of solving multiple problem instances. We construct a Deep Neural Network that, given an abstract problem state, predicts both (i) the best action to be taken from that state and (ii) the generalized “role” of the object being manipulated. The neural network was tested on two classical planning domains: the blocks world domain and the logistic domain. Results indicate that neural networks are capable of making such
predictions with high accuracy, indicating a promising new framework for approaching generalized planning problems.
Date Created

Beyond Deep Learning: Synthesizing Navigation Programs using Neural Turing Machines

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This thesis aims to improve neural control policies for self-driving cars. State-of-the-art navigation software for self-driving cars is based on deep neural networks, where the network is trained on a dataset of past driving experience in various situations. With previous

This thesis aims to improve neural control policies for self-driving cars. State-of-the-art navigation software for self-driving cars is based on deep neural networks, where the network is trained on a dataset of past driving experience in various situations. With previous methods, the car can only make decisions based on short-term memory. To address this problem, we proposed that using a Neural Turing Machine (NTM) framework adds long-term memory to the system. We evaluated this approach by using it to master a palindrome task. The network was able to infer how to create a palindrome with 100% accuracy. Since the NTM structure proves useful, we aim to use it in the given scenarios to improve the navigation safety and accuracy of a simulated autonomous car.
Date Created

Hybrid Multiresolution Simulation & Model Checking: Network-On-Chip Systems

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Designers employ a variety of modeling theories and methodologies to create functional models of discrete network systems. These dynamical models are evaluated using verification and validation techniques throughout incremental design stages. Models created for these systems should directly represent their

Designers employ a variety of modeling theories and methodologies to create functional models of discrete network systems. These dynamical models are evaluated using verification and validation techniques throughout incremental design stages. Models created for these systems should directly represent their growing complexity with respect to composition and heterogeneity. Similar to software engineering practices, incremental model design is required for complex system design. As a result, models at early increments are significantly simpler relative to real systems. While experimenting (verification or validation) on models at early increments are computationally less demanding, the results of these experiments are less trustworthy and less rewarding. At any increment of design, a set of tools and technique are required for controlling the complexity of models and experimentation.

A complex system such as Network-on-Chip (NoC) may benefit from incremental design stages. Current design methods for NoC rely on multiple models developed using various modeling frameworks. It is useful to develop frameworks that can formalize the relationships among these models. Fine-grain models are derived using their coarse-grain counterparts. Moreover, validation and verification capability at various design stages enabled through disciplined model conversion is very beneficial.

In this research, Multiresolution Modeling (MRM) is used for system level design of NoC. MRM aids in creating a family of models at different levels of scale and complexity with well-formed relationships. In addition, a variant of the Discrete Event System Specification (DEVS) formalism is proposed which supports model checking. Hierarchical models of Network-on-Chip components may be created at different resolutions while each model can be validated using discrete-event simulation and verified via state exploration. System property expressions are defined in the DEVS language and developed as Transducers which can be applied seamlessly for model checking and simulation purposes.

Multiresolution Modeling with verification and validation capabilities of this framework complement one another. MRM manages the scale and complexity of models which in turn can reduces V&V time and effort and conversely the V&V helps ensure correctness of models at multiple resolutions. This framework is realized through extending the DEVS-Suite simulator and its applicability demonstrated for exemplar NoC models.
Date Created

From Formal Requirement Analysis to Testing and Monitoring of Cyber-Physical Systems

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Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are being used in many safety-critical applications. Due to the important role in virtually every aspect of human life, it is crucial to make sure that a CPS works properly before its deployment. However, formal verification of

Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are being used in many safety-critical applications. Due to the important role in virtually every aspect of human life, it is crucial to make sure that a CPS works properly before its deployment. However, formal verification of CPS is a computationally hard problem. Therefore, lightweight verification methods such as testing and monitoring of the CPS are considered in the industry. The formal representation of the CPS requirements is a challenging task. In addition, checking the system outputs with respect to requirements is a computationally complex problem. In this dissertation, these problems for the verification of CPS are addressed. The first method provides a formal requirement analysis framework which can find logical issues in the requirements and help engineers to correct the requirements. Also, a method is provided to detect tests which vacuously satisfy the requirement because of the requirement structure. This method is used to improve the test generation framework for CPS. Finally, two runtime verification algorithms are developed for off-line/on-line monitoring with respect to real-time requirements. These monitoring algorithms are computationally efficient, and they can be used in practical applications for monitoring CPS with low runtime overhead.
Date Created

An Intelligent Framework for Energy-Aware Mobile Computing Subject to Stochastic System Dynamics

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User satisfaction is pivotal to the success of mobile applications. At the same time, it is imperative to maximize the energy efficiency of the mobile device to ensure optimal usage of the limited energy source available to mobile devices while

User satisfaction is pivotal to the success of mobile applications. At the same time, it is imperative to maximize the energy efficiency of the mobile device to ensure optimal usage of the limited energy source available to mobile devices while maintaining the necessary levels of user satisfaction. However, this is complicated due to user interactions, numerous shared resources, and network conditions that produce substantial uncertainty to the mobile device's performance and power characteristics. In this dissertation, a new approach is presented to characterize and control mobile devices that accurately models these uncertainties. The proposed modeling framework is a completely data-driven approach to predicting power and performance. The approach makes no assumptions on the distributions of the underlying sources of uncertainty and is capable of predicting power and performance with over 93% accuracy.

Using this data-driven prediction framework, a closed-loop solution to the DEM problem is derived to maximize the energy efficiency of the mobile device subject to various thermal, reliability and deadline constraints. The design of the controller imposes minimal operational overhead and is able to tune the performance and power prediction models to changing system conditions. The proposed controller is implemented on a real mobile platform, the Google Pixel smartphone, and demonstrates a 19% improvement in energy efficiency over the standard frequency governor implemented on all Android devices.
Date Created

On the Semantic Equivalence of a Program and Any of its Intermediate Representations

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The central goal of this thesis is to develop a practical approach to validating the correctness of SSA forms. Since achieving this goal is very involved for a general program, we restrict our attention to simple programs. In particular, the

The central goal of this thesis is to develop a practical approach to validating the correctness of SSA forms. Since achieving this goal is very involved for a general program, we restrict our attention to simple programs. In particular, the programs we consider are loop-free and are comprised of simple assignments to scalar variables, as well as input and output statements. Even for such a simple program, a full formal treatment would be very involved, extending beyond the scope of an undergraduate honors thesis.
Date Created

Testbed Implementation of the Meta-MAC Protocol

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The meta-MAC protocol is a systematic and automatic method to dynamically combine any set of existing Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols into a single higher level MAC protocol. The meta-MAC concept was proposed more than a decade ago, but until

The meta-MAC protocol is a systematic and automatic method to dynamically combine any set of existing Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols into a single higher level MAC protocol. The meta-MAC concept was proposed more than a decade ago, but until now has not been implemented in a testbed environment due to a lack of suitable hardware. This thesis presents a proof-of-concept implementation of the meta-MAC protocol by utilizing a programmable radio platform, the Wireless MAC Processor (WMP), in combination with a host-level software module. The implementation of this host module, and the requirements and challenges faced therein, is the primary subject of this thesis. This implementation can combine, with certain constraints, a set of protocols each represented as an extended finite state machine for easy programmability. To illustrate the combination principle, protocols of the same type but with varying parameters are combined in a testbed environment, in what is termed parameter optimization. Specifically, a set of TDMA protocols with differing slot assignments are experimentally combined. This experiment demonstrates that the meta-MAC implementation rapidly converges to non-conflicting TDMA slot assignments for the nodes, with similar results to those in simulation. This both validates that the presented implementation properly implements the meta-MAC protocol, and verifies that the meta-MAC protocol can be as effective on real wireless hardware as it is in simulation.
Date Created

Formal Requirements-Driven Analysis of Cyber Physical Systems

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Testing and Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) is a challenging problem. The challenge arises as a result of the complex interactions between the components of these systems: the digital control, and the physical environment. Furthermore, the software complexity that governs

Testing and Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) is a challenging problem. The challenge arises as a result of the complex interactions between the components of these systems: the digital control, and the physical environment. Furthermore, the software complexity that governs the high-level control logic in these systems is increasing day by day. As a result, in recent years, both the academic community and the industry have been heavily invested in developing tools and methodologies for the development of safety-critical systems. One scalable approach in testing and verification of these systems is through guided system simulation using stochastic optimization techniques. The goal of the stochastic optimizer is to find system behavior that does not meet the intended specifications.

In this dissertation, three methods that facilitate the testing and verification process for CPS are presented:

1. A graphical formalism and tool which enables the elicitation of formal requirements. To evaluate the performance of the tool, a usability study is conducted.

2. A parameter mining method to infer, analyze, and visually represent falsifying ranges for parametrized system specifications.

3. A notion of conformance between a CPS model and implementation along with a testing framework.

The methods are evaluated over high-fidelity case studies from the industry.
Date Created

Representing Hybrid Transition Systems in an Action Language Modulo ODEs

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Several physical systems exist in the real world that involve continuous as well as discrete changes. These range from natural dynamic systems like the system of a bouncing ball to robotic dynamic systems such as planning the motion of a

Several physical systems exist in the real world that involve continuous as well as discrete changes. These range from natural dynamic systems like the system of a bouncing ball to robotic dynamic systems such as planning the motion of a robot across obstacles. The key aspects of effectively describing such dynamic systems is to be able to plan and verify the evolution of the continuous components of the system while simultaneously maintaining critical constraints. Developing a framework that can effectively represent and find solutions to such physical systems prove to be highly advantageous. Both hybrid automata and action languages are formal models for describing the evolution of dynamic systems. The action language C+ is a rich and expressive language framework to formalize physical systems, but can be used only with physical systems in the discrete domain and is limited in its support of continuous domain components of such systems. Hybrid Automata is a well established formalism used to represent such complex physical systems at a theoretical level, however it is not expressive enough to capture the complex relations between the components of the system the way C+ does.

This thesis will focus on establishing a formal relationship between these two formalisms by showing how to succinctly represent Hybrid Automata in an action language which in turn is defined as a high-level notation for answer set programming modulo theories (ASPMT) --- an extension of answer set programs in the first-order level. Furthermore, this encoding framework is shown to be more effective and expressive than Hybrid Automata by highlighting its ability in allowing states of a hybrid transition system to be defined by complex relations among components that would otherwise be abstracted away in Hybrid Automata. The framework is further realized in the implementation of the system CPLUS2ASPMT, which takes advantage of state of the art ODE(Ordinary Differential Equations) based SMT solver dReal to provide support for ODE based evolution of continuous components of a dynamic system.
Date Created

Robots that anticipate pain: anticipating physical perturbations from visual cues through deep predictive models

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To ensure system integrity, robots need to proactively avoid any unwanted physical perturbation that may cause damage to the underlying hardware. In this thesis work, we investigate a machine learning approach that allows robots to anticipate impending physical perturbations from

To ensure system integrity, robots need to proactively avoid any unwanted physical perturbation that may cause damage to the underlying hardware. In this thesis work, we investigate a machine learning approach that allows robots to anticipate impending physical perturbations from perceptual cues. In contrast to other approaches that require knowledge about sources of perturbation to be encoded before deployment, our method is based on experiential learning. Robots learn to associate visual cues with subsequent physical perturbations and contacts. In turn, these extracted visual cues are then used to predict potential future perturbations acting on the robot. To this end, we introduce a novel deep network architecture which combines multiple sub- networks for dealing with robot dynamics and perceptual input from the environment. We present a self-supervised approach for training the system that does not require any labeling of training data. Extensive experiments in a human-robot interaction task show that a robot can learn to predict physical contact by a human interaction partner without any prior information or labeling. Furthermore, the network is able to successfully predict physical contact from either depth stream input or traditional video input or using both modalities as input.
Date Created