Tutoring Center Management System

The Tutoring Center Management System is a web-based application for ASU’s University Academic Success Programs (UASP) department, particularly the Math Tutoring Center. It is aimed at providing a user-friendly interface to track queue requests from students visiting the tutoring centers

The Tutoring Center Management System is a web-based application for ASU’s University Academic Success Programs (UASP) department, particularly the Math Tutoring Center. It is aimed at providing a user-friendly interface to track queue requests from students visiting the tutoring centers and convert that information into actionable data with the potential to live-track and assess the performance of each tutoring center and each tutor. Numerous UASP processes are streamlined to create an efficient and integrated workflow, such as tutor scheduling, tutor search, shift coverage requests, and analytics. The intended users of the application feature ASU students and the UASP staff, including tutors and supervisors.
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