How Do You Properly Take Medication if You Can't Read the Label?

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How would you feel if you went to a pharmacy and the pharmacist gave you a medication with a prescription label that was written in a different language? How would you know how to properly take the medication, or what

How would you feel if you went to a pharmacy and the pharmacist gave you a medication with a prescription label that was written in a different language? How would you know how to properly take the medication, or what the dosage information was? Limited-English proficient patients often experience this confusion when they have to take medication with a prescription label written in English. As the United States becomes increasingly more culturally and linguistically diverse, certain populations face a higher risk of adverse medical incidents occurring because of communication barriers associated with their language ability (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2012). In order to minimize these medical incidents and ensure a high quality of care for limited-English proficient patients, healthcare providers must educate the public on useful approaches.
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Gender Disparities in the Healthcare Field

After volunteering at a clinic in Guatemala and seeing the sexism that is so engrained into their culture, I decided to take a look at the U.S. healthcare system. I wanted to uncover the stereotypes, statistics and gender and societal

After volunteering at a clinic in Guatemala and seeing the sexism that is so engrained into their culture, I decided to take a look at the U.S. healthcare system. I wanted to uncover the stereotypes, statistics and gender and societal norms that are present in our culture. I first started with the application process and the acceptance rates to medical school. I discovered that men are accepted to medical school at higher rates than women unless that man is deemed dangerous or foreign. I then moved on to the environment in medical school. Many women are subjected to snide comments or “bro talk” made to make them feel inferior. Men always graduate at higher rates than women, which could be because of the unwelcoming environment in medical school or the lack of female faculty chairs or mentors. After medical school, a new doctor must choose a specialty. Men gravitate towards specialties that focus on surgical work and large sums of money. Women tend to choose specialties that require a more soothing and caring environment. Women are more likely to pick specialties where there is a higher proportion of female residents. After specialties, I then explored the life of a doctor. Slightly over half of all doctors in the workforce are men and they make an average of $78,288 more per year than female physicians. Women are discriminated against if they become pregnant on the job and they are more likely to develop mental health issues. Female physicians are overall, more compassionate, rule abiding and patient-focused than their male counterparts but are not receiving the acknowledgments that they deserve. After delving into the U.S. healthcare system, I have realized that sexism in the workforce is blatantly apparent and is one of the outcomes of our patriarchal society. The only way we can make a change is to acknowledge the problem and come together as a society to combat the issue.
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Adaptive Aquatics: Training Swim Instructors to Work with Individuals with Disabilities

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This thesis project examines the nature of aquatic exercise and the applicability and advantages it has for individuals living with a developmental disability. Specifically, this project will be taking a look at the discontinuation of the Red Cross adapted aquatics

This thesis project examines the nature of aquatic exercise and the applicability and advantages it has for individuals living with a developmental disability. Specifically, this project will be taking a look at the discontinuation of the Red Cross adapted aquatics certification in the early 2000's. This certification was specifically meant for swim instructors to teach those with disabilities. However, this program was cut in 2004 and has not been replaced in the current Red Cross literature, excluding a single chapter of limited scope and does not include in-person training. Therefore, this project is meant to be a multifaceted study of the history, benefits, and limitations of re-instituting this and similar programs that help prepare aquatics teachers to aid individuals with disabilities, specifically individuals living with cerebral palsy and autism spectrum disorder. The primary goal of this project is to take an understanding of aquatics as a method of healing and apply these findings in order to promote the continued growth of aquatic exercise in a way that will make it more accessible to individuals who may not be able to participate in such an environment otherwise. This paper will also be exploring future endeavors related to adapted aquatics groups, and what steps should be taken to bolster awareness and participation, both through the Red Cross and other organizations. For this project I will be relying not only on current journalistic literature, but also my own experiences as an instructor of Red Cross swimming lessons, and the Sioux Falls based group, Adaptive Aquatics.
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The Etiology and Links Between Idiopathic Chronic Testicular Pain and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction: A Better Way to Diagnose and Treat

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As a 21-year-old collegiate athlete, I was overcome with a sudden debilitating pain. Eight months of this pain and over a hundred doctors' appointments could not fix my problem. My issue was not uncommon, as it was due to chronic

As a 21-year-old collegiate athlete, I was overcome with a sudden debilitating pain. Eight months of this pain and over a hundred doctors' appointments could not fix my problem. My issue was not uncommon, as it was due to chronic testicular pain. My experience was so terrible that I want to make sure what happened to me never happens to another person. It is unacceptable that fifty percent of chronic testicular pain cases are idiopathic. This is because conventional diagnostic and treatment protocols for men experiencing testicular pain are insufficient. Because the literature does not consider the body as a whole, testicular pain is diagnosed as idiopathic once trauma and torsion, tumors and cancer, infection, and sexually transmitted diseases are ruled out. This gap in the literature overlooks the links between biomechanical dysfunctions of the pelvic floor and testicular pain. Furthermore, recently proposed treatment algorithms do not consider the pelvic floor and are vague in their approach to treating and diagnosing testicular pain. If up to fifty percent of testicular pain cases are deemed to be idiopathic, then a more holistic approach must be utilized. This paper proposes a method to holistically evaluate patients with testicular pain and how to more efficiently diagnose the source of their pain. This paper will also coincide with my personal case study of idiopathic testicular pain.
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Implementing Raised Bed Gardens as a Form of a Health Intervention, Specifically in Habitat for Humanity Homes

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The rise of the average life span in developed countries in the past couple of centuries can be traced back to implementation of relatively simple health interventions. Also, accompanying the rise in the average life span is the rise in

The rise of the average life span in developed countries in the past couple of centuries can be traced back to implementation of relatively simple health interventions. Also, accompanying the rise in the average life span is the rise in chronic disease. Current treatments for chronic disease is often very costly and only offers partial alleviation to the problem. Preventing the chronic disease upstream of the problem happening in the first place is both significantly more effective and cheaper. Raised bed gardening helps prevent chronic disease processes from happening through mental, physical, and nutritional health benefits. A subset of people that would particularly benefit from raised bed gardening would be families receiving homes from Habitat from Humanity for many different reasons including susceptibility to a gardening intervention, availability of materials, and location of the homes. A guide to implement these gardens is provided which is supplemented with a combination of research and personal experience.
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The Commit to be Well Program: An Effective Worksite Wellness Program

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Health and wellness coaching has shown promising results in numerous studies. However, there is lack of published research evaluating the impact of using wellness-coaching interventions implemented by coaching trainees in a worksite setting. The main objective was to examine the

Health and wellness coaching has shown promising results in numerous studies. However, there is lack of published research evaluating the impact of using wellness-coaching interventions implemented by coaching trainees in a worksite setting. The main objective was to examine the changes in self-reported scores of the 12-wellness dimensions of health in ASU students, faculty, and staff after participating in an eight-week health and wellness program. The secondary outcome was to evaluate if additional health and wellness recommendations had a significant impact. The participants were aged 18 to 58 years and were divided into two groups: the first group received health and wellness coaching, while the second group received the health and wellness coaching in addition to recommendations on specific worksite social/embedded programs and supporting activities. Both groups had significantly increased scores in Eating/Nutrition and Thinking (p<0.001 and P<0.014 respectively). Health and wellness coaching trainees were effective in assisting clients on reaching realistic progress. Our program shows potential benefits in worksite wellness.
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RAGE Deletion Reduces Myocardial Injury in High-Fat Diet-Fed Mice

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The development of the Diabetic Physiological state is influenced by the Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Products (RAGE). This receptor was discovered in 1992, and the accumulation of research on this subject has been extensive. Structural characterization studies of the

The development of the Diabetic Physiological state is influenced by the Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Products (RAGE). This receptor was discovered in 1992, and the accumulation of research on this subject has been extensive. Structural characterization studies of the RAGE protein have shown that it is a transmembrane protein that binds a number of different motile ligands. The diversity of ligands that can attach to the binding domain is the primary factor that allows for RAGE to exhibit its wide-range effects on host cells. Two different studies were completed: one study dealt with the role of IAPP in beta cell death, and the second study was related to RAGE influence on cardiomyocytes and, more specifically, it was related to cardiac cell death. After the completion of the two studies, a comprehensive report was written for each topic. The two papers were merged into a single document. Molecular studies are important for understanding the underlying mechanisms that motivate pathophysiological presentation. In addition to a molecular understanding of the development of diabetes, a clinical research study was completed through the examination of appropriate literature sources. This clinical aspect allowed for the progression of different phases in the research process. A relationship between vinegar and lower plasma glucose was found. The exact mechanism behind this relationship will be studied in the future.
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Project Sahelanthropus

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The main objective of this thesis/creative project was to tackle the idea and condition of Phantom Pain Syndrome (PPS). Simply put, PPS is the feeling of pain in a limb that is no longer there due to an amputation of

The main objective of this thesis/creative project was to tackle the idea and condition of Phantom Pain Syndrome (PPS). Simply put, PPS is the feeling of pain in a limb that is no longer there due to an amputation of some sort. These phantom pains/sensations can include twisting, burning, pulling, and stabbing. This condition, while explored, seems to not have many research and therapies to holistically help the amputees effectively that may be struggling with it. Because of this lack of research and uniqueness of the condition, this thesis proposed a research assessment (a new questionnaire) with the goal to re-evaluate current PPS treatments and take deeper looks into the implications of PPS. It is the intent of this new questionnaire to spur further research on three aspects of PPS: physical, mental, and social. The main objective for the new questionnaire that this thesis proposed is to initiate a re-evaluation of current PPS treatments so that more holistic treatments and therapies can be instituted to help amputees that may be struggling with phantom pains/sensations. This re-evaluation and new treatments would ultimately help amputees with PPS regain their bearings in their life, not let the phantom pains control how they act/feel, and walk proudly again in society. This thesis and the proposed new questionnaire were donned the name Project Sahelanthropus because they both aim at helping amputees, regardless of which types of lost limbs, to stand proudly again in society (just as Sahelanthropus tchadensis is believed to be the earliest known hominid to proudly walk bi-pedal or upright compared to other hominids). This thesis is the culmination of five different works: a literature review analyzing current PPS treatments, a literature review analyzing credible questionnaires, a created informed consent form, the proposed new questionnaire, and finally the research proposal itself.
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