Design, Simulation and Testing of a Controller And Software Framework for Automated Construction by a Robotic Manipulator

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The construction industry is very mundane and tiring for workers without the assistance of machines. This challenge has changed the trend of construction industry tremendously by motivating the development of robots that can replace human workers. This thesis presents a

The construction industry is very mundane and tiring for workers without the assistance of machines. This challenge has changed the trend of construction industry tremendously by motivating the development of robots that can replace human workers. This thesis presents a computed torque controller that is designed to produce movements by a small-scale, 5 degree-of-freedom (DOF) robotic arm that are useful for construction operations, specifically bricklaying. A software framework for the robotic arm with motion and path planning features and different control capabilities has also been developed using the Robot Operating System (ROS).

First, a literature review of bricklaying construction activity and existing robots’ performance is discussed. After describing an overview of the required robot structure, a mathematical model is presented for the 5-DOF robotic arm. A model-based computed torque controller is designed for the nonlinear dynamic robotic arm, taking into consideration the dynamic and kinematic properties of the arm. For sustainable growth of this technology so that it is affordable to the masses, it is important that the energy consumption by the robot is optimized. In this thesis, the trajectory of the robotic arm is optimized using sequential quadratic programming. The results of the energy optimization procedure are also analyzed for different possible trajectories.

A construction testbed setup is simulated in the ROS platform to validate the designed controllers and optimized robot trajectories on different experimental scenarios. A commercially available 5-DOF robotic arm is modeled in the ROS simulators Gazebo and Rviz. The path and motion planning is performed using the Moveit-ROS interface and also implemented on a physical small-scale robotic arm. A Matlab-ROS framework for execution of different controllers on the physical robot is described. Finally, the results of the controller simulation and experiments are discussed in detail.
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Design of an Immersive Virtual Environment to Investigate How Different Drivers Crash in Trolley-Problem Scenarios

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The Autonomous Vehicle (AV), also known as self-driving car, promises to be a game changer for the transportation industry. This technology is predicted to drastically reduce the number of traffic fatalities due to human error [21].

However, road driving at

The Autonomous Vehicle (AV), also known as self-driving car, promises to be a game changer for the transportation industry. This technology is predicted to drastically reduce the number of traffic fatalities due to human error [21].

However, road driving at any reasonable speed involves some risks. Therefore, even with high-tech AV algorithms and sophisticated sensors, there may be unavoidable crashes due to imperfection of the AV systems, or unexpected encounters with wildlife, children and pedestrians. Whenever there is a risk involved, there is the need for an ethical decision to be made [33].

While ethical and moral decision-making in humans has long been studied by experts, the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) also calls for machine ethics. To study the different moral and ethical decisions made by humans, experts may use the Trolley Problem [34], which is a scenario where one must pull a switch near a trolley track to redirect the trolley to kill one person on the track or do nothing, which will result in the deaths of five people. While it is important to take into account the input of members of a society and perform studies to understand how humans crash during unavoidable accidents to help program moral and ethical decision-making into self-driving cars, using the classical trolley problem is not ideal, as it is unrealistic and does not represent moral situations that people face in the real world.

This work seeks to increase the realism of the classical trolley problem for use in studies on moral and ethical decision-making by simulating realistic driving conditions in an immersive virtual environment with unavoidable crash scenarios, to investigate how drivers crash during these scenarios. Chapter 1 gives an in-depth background into autonomous vehicles and relevant ethical and moral problems; Chapter 2 describes current state-of-the-art online tools and simulators that were developed to study moral decision-making during unavoidable crashes. Chapters 3 focuses on building the simulator and the design of the crash scenarios. Chapter 4 describes human subjects experiments that were conducted with the simulator and their results, and Chapter 5 provides conclusions and avenues for future work.
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Simulation and analysis of walking on compliant surfaces

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There are a large group of amputees living in the country and the number of them is supposed to increase a lot in the following years. Among them, lower-limb amputees are the majority. In order to improve the locomotion of

There are a large group of amputees living in the country and the number of them is supposed to increase a lot in the following years. Among them, lower-limb amputees are the majority. In order to improve the locomotion of lower-limb amputees, many prostheses have been developed. Most commercially available prostheses are passive. They can not actively provide pure torque as an intact human could do. Powered prostheses have been the focus during the past decades. Some advanced prostheses have been successful in walking on level ground as well as on inclined surface and climbing stairs. However, not much work has been done regarding walking on compliant surfaces. My preliminary studies on myoelectric signals of the lower limbs during walking showed that there exists difference in muscle activation when walking on compliant surfaces. However, the mapping of muscle activities to joint torques for a prosthesis that will be capable of providing the required control to walk on compliant surfaces is not straightforward. In order to explore the effects of surface compliance on leg joint torque, a dynamic model of the lower limb was built using Simscape. The simulated walker (android) was commanded to track the same kinematics data of intact human walking on solid surface. Multiple simulations were done while varying ground stiffness in order to see how the torque at the leg joints would change as a function of the ground compliance. The results of this study could be used for the control of powered prostheses for robust walking on compliant surfaces.
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Affine Abstraction of Nonlinear Systems with Applications to Active Model Discrimination

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This work considers the design of separating input signals in order to discriminate among a finite number of uncertain nonlinear models. Each nonlinear model corresponds to a system operating mode, unobserved intents of other drivers or robots, or to fault

This work considers the design of separating input signals in order to discriminate among a finite number of uncertain nonlinear models. Each nonlinear model corresponds to a system operating mode, unobserved intents of other drivers or robots, or to fault types or attack strategies, etc., and the separating inputs are designed such that the output trajectories of all the nonlinear models are guaranteed to be distinguishable from each other under any realization of uncertainties in the initial condition, model discrepancies or noise. I propose a two-step approach. First, using an optimization-based approach, we over-approximate nonlinear dynamics by uncertain affine models, as abstractions that preserve all its system behaviors such that any discrimination guarantees for the affine abstraction also hold for the original nonlinear system. Then, I propose a novel solution in the form of a mixed-integer linear program (MILP) to the active model discrimination problem for uncertain affine models, which includes the affine abstraction and thus, the nonlinear models. Finally, I demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach for identifying the intention of other vehicles in a highway lane changing scenario. For the abstraction, I explore two approaches. In the first approach, I construct the bounding planes using a Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Problem (MINLP) formulation of the given system with appropriately designed constraints. For the second approach, I solve a linear programming (LP) problem that over-approximates the nonlinear function at only the grid points of a mesh with a given resolution and then accounting for the entire domain via an appropriate correction term. To achieve a desired approximation accuracy, we also iteratively subdivide the domain into subregions. This method applies to nonlinear functions with different degrees of smoothness, including Lipschitz continuous functions, and improves on existing approaches by enabling the use of tighter bounds. Finally, we compare the effectiveness of this approach with the existing optimization-based methods in simulation and illustrate its applicability for estimator design.
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Computational Modeling and Experimental Characterization of Pneumatically Driven Actuators for the Development of a Soft Robotic Arm

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Soft Poly-Limb (SPL) is a pneumatically driven, wearable, soft continuum robotic arm designed to aid humans with medical conditions, such as cerebral palsy, paraplegia, cervical spondylotic myelopathy, perform activities of daily living. To support user's tasks, the SPL acts as

Soft Poly-Limb (SPL) is a pneumatically driven, wearable, soft continuum robotic arm designed to aid humans with medical conditions, such as cerebral palsy, paraplegia, cervical spondylotic myelopathy, perform activities of daily living. To support user's tasks, the SPL acts as an additional limb extending from the human body which can be controlled to perform safe and compliant mobile manipulation in three-dimensional space. The SPL is inspired by invertebrate limbs, such as the elephant trunk and the arms of the octopus. In this work, various geometrical and physical parameters of the SPL are identified, and behavior of the actuators that comprise it are studied by varying their parameters through novel quasi-static computational models. As a result, this study provides a set of engineering design rules to create soft actuators for continuum soft robotic arms by understanding how varying parameters affect the actuator's motion as a function of the input pressure. A prototype of the SPL is fabricated to analyze the accuracy of these computational models by performing linear expansion, bending and arbitrary pose tests. Furthermore, combinations of the parameters based on the application of the SPL are determined to affect the weight, payload capacity, and stiffness of the arm. Experimental results demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed computational models and help in understanding the behavior of soft compliant actuators. Finally, based on the set functional requirements for the assistance of impaired users, results show the effectiveness of the SPL in performing tasks for activities of daily living.
Date Created

Modeling and H-Infinity Loop Shaping Control of a Vertical Takeoff and Landing Drone

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VTOL drones were designed and built at the beginning of the 20th century for military applications due to easy take-off and landing operations. Many companies like Lockheed, Convair, NASA and Bell Labs built their own aircrafts but only a few

VTOL drones were designed and built at the beginning of the 20th century for military applications due to easy take-off and landing operations. Many companies like Lockheed, Convair, NASA and Bell Labs built their own aircrafts but only a few from them came in to the market. Usually, flight automation starts from first principles modeling which helps in the controller design and dynamic analysis of the system.

In this project, a VTOL drone with a shape similar to a Convair XFY-1 is studied and the primary focus is stabilizing and controlling the flight path of the drone in
its hover and horizontal flying modes. The model of the plane is obtained using first principles modeling and controllers are designed to stabilize the yaw, pitch and roll rotational motions.

The plane is modeled for its yaw, pitch and roll rotational motions. Subsequently, the rotational dynamics of the system are linearized about the hover flying mode, hover to horizontal flying mode, horizontal flying mode, horizontal to hover flying mode for ease of implementation of linear control design techniques. The controllers are designed based on an H∞ loop shaping procedure and the results are verified on the actual nonlinear model for the stability of the closed loop system about hover flying, hover to horizontal transition flying, horizontal flying, horizontal to hover transition flying. An experiment is conducted to study the dynamics of the motor by recording the PWM input to the electronic speed controller as input and the rotational speed of the motor as output. A theoretical study is also done to study the thrust generated by the propellers for lift, slipstream velocity analysis, torques acting on the system for various thrust profiles.
Date Created

3D Printed Robotic Arm

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For those interested in the field of robotics, there are not many options to get your hands on a physical robot without paying a steep price. This is why the folks at BCN3D Technologies decided to design a fully open-source

For those interested in the field of robotics, there are not many options to get your hands on a physical robot without paying a steep price. This is why the folks at BCN3D Technologies decided to design a fully open-source 3D-printable robotic arm. Their goal was to reduce the barrier to entry for the field of robotics and make it exponentially more accessible for people around the world. For our honors thesis, we chose to take the design from BCN3D and attempt to build their robot, to see how accessible the design truly is. Although their designs were not perfect and we were forced to make some adjustments to the 3D files, overall the work put forth by the people at BCN3D was extremely useful in successfully building a robotic arm that is programmed with ease.
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