Liver Die: Etruscan Origins


The question of the origin of the Etruscan people has been hotly debated since antiquity. Were the Etruscans native to Italy, or did this people immigrate from somewhere else? This thesis examines the historical, genetic, linguistic and cultural context of the Etruscans to answer this question.

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The Use of History Among College Students in 2022 Compared to the 1998 Thelen and Rosenzweig Survey


An updated study of how college students interact with and feel about history. The survey was built upon the 1998 Thelen and Rosenzweig Survey that studied the same question.

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Human Rights in the Late Republic:
Capital Punishment, Philosophy, and the Roman Citizen

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In this study, I will address the human rights of Roman citizens in the Late Republic, focusing on Cicero’s Ad Quintum Fratrem and In Verrem to answer the following question: Did the universalist philosophical interest in human rights, evident in

In this study, I will address the human rights of Roman citizens in the Late Republic, focusing on Cicero’s Ad Quintum Fratrem and In Verrem to answer the following question: Did the universalist philosophical interest in human rights, evident in Cicero, ever translate to actual, practical legal principles to protect peoples subject to Roman law from arbitrary capital punishment? Although Romans had an analog to human rights in the lofty realms of philosophical thought, this idea was not fully developed in the practical legal sphere and did not serve to protect non- citizens from arbitrary capital punishment, as the modern perception of the word denotes. The lack of procedure to organize persecution for the position of praetor until after the end of their term allowed selfish leaders to inflict arbitrary punishments on peoples subject to the Roman sphere of influence, even citizens, without answering for their actions in court. Because praetors could not be prosecuted for their actions in office until the end of their term, laws intended to protect subjects from arbitrary punishment could be disregarded until long after those subjects had suffered their punishment and/or execution. This system failed to protect these peoples from arbitrary punishment by the praetors because the state could not reprimand them in time to save their subjects from arbitrary sentencing. Therefore, the praetors were at liberty to violate what we might consider basic human rights.
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The Overlooked Legacy of the Emperor Galerius

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This thesis focuses on the life of the Roman Emperor Galerius, with special attention paid to his military campaigns in the east against the Sassanid Empire. Because of a lack of primary sources, Galerius's potential route into Armenia and his

This thesis focuses on the life of the Roman Emperor Galerius, with special attention paid to his military campaigns in the east against the Sassanid Empire. Because of a lack of primary sources, Galerius's potential route into Armenia and his two engagements against the Sassanids have been recreated in this thesis. Potential answers to the lack of information were revealed through the analysis of primary sources from different time periods in which similar scenarios occurred between the Romans and Parthians/Sassanids. In addition to the Eastern Campaign, the Christian primary sources are scrutinized due to their bias in portraying Galerius as a bloodthirsty monster. Overall, this thesis puts forth potential answers to the missing information about Galerius's campaign in the East and recreates his legacy as an important figure in Roman history, not just an individual who persecuted Christians.

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An Evil Most Ancient: The Place of Demons in Ancient Sumer

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The goal of this study is to provide an integrative analysis of Sumerian magico-religious practices with special attention paid to demonology and to the Mesopotamian concept of evil. A synthetic approach will help to assess the state of Mesopotamian demonological

The goal of this study is to provide an integrative analysis of Sumerian magico-religious practices with special attention paid to demonology and to the Mesopotamian concept of evil. A synthetic approach will help to assess the state of Mesopotamian demonological research, to demonstrate why the so-called “magical” ideas of an ancient civilization are essential to understanding humanity, and to suggest a path forward with “evil” as a lens for historical and cultural understanding. This will be attempted in five phases: first, the terms “magic” and “demons” must be reclaimed as historically useful and contextually appropriate to the Sumerian worldview. Next, we briefly survey how the Sumerians and ancient Mesopotamians understood and participated in magic. Then, we examine the role of demons in the Mesopotamian magical worldview. With this understanding, we write a biography of one demon, Lamaštu, as a case study. Lamaštu played a dominant role in Sumerian magico-religious and magico-medical practices and there is sufficient research to compile a biography for her. Then, Lamaštu is reintegrated into the Sumerian pantheon of demons as an exemplum for further studies.
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Letters of Conflict and Commerce: The Origins of the Latin Alphabet

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The origin of the Latin alphabet has a long history. I am studying the different scripts that contributed to the Latin alphabet and linking how they came into contact through trade routes and wars. Staring as early as the 19th

The origin of the Latin alphabet has a long history. I am studying the different scripts that contributed to the Latin alphabet and linking how they came into contact through trade routes and wars. Staring as early as the 19th century BC, there are many scripts with their own origins and personalities that are being taken into consideration and picked apart to determine the exact origin of the Latin script.
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