The Fate of Microplastics in Tres Rios, a Constructed Treatment Wetland

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Plastics are an emerging issue in aquatic ecosystems due to their slow degradation and ability to fragment into smaller more mobile parts. Concluding this process, plastics <5mm are categorized as Microplastics, MPs. Currently, the majority of MP studies bring attention

Plastics are an emerging issue in aquatic ecosystems due to their slow degradation and ability to fragment into smaller more mobile parts. Concluding this process, plastics <5mm are categorized as Microplastics, MPs. Currently, the majority of MP studies bring attention to marine pollution and the impacts that follow. However, it remains a high priority to understand how MPs move through urban aquatic environments, and the impacts this may have for surrounding urban ecosystems. Little is known about how MPs move through tertiary treated wastewater plants, such as constructed wetlands, and how much, if any, remain trapped in abiotic and biotic material such as soil or plant life, respectively. An analysis of MP distribution using Tres Rios, a tertiary wastewater treatment wetland, as the study site may help to shed light on the source-occurrences of MPs. Microplastics extraction was performed on soil, plant, and water samples that were collected along major access points within the system with emphasis on inflow and outflow. The inflow of the wetland receives between 246-398 MPs/L vs the outflow of 90-199 MPs/L. Tres Rios soil concentrations ranged between 1,017-10,100 per kg and 133-700 MPs per kg in sampled vegetation throughout the wetland. The distribution of soil and vegetation samples differed throughout Tres Rios, as soil sampled exhibited higher quantities towards inflow site and vegetation MP occurrences were increased throughout the middle of the system. Additionally, this study aimed to determine if seasonality impacted the concentration of plastics seen throughout the system. There was no evidence that suggested seasonal variations were occurring in any sample type. Atmospheric deposition fluxes of microplastics were considered as a potential additional influx but even at the measured 1510 MP m-2 day-1 they were small compared to the water influx. Overall, the results suggest that the Tres Rios wetland removed 55% of the microplastics it receives and hence performs a substantial ecosystem service.
Date Created

Microbial Communities and Their Intermediary Ecosystem Metabolism Across Northern Peatlands

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Under current climate conditions northern peatlands mostly act as C sinks; however, changes in climate and environmental conditions, can change the soil carbon decomposition cascade, thus altering the sink status. Here I studied one of the most abundant northern peatland

Under current climate conditions northern peatlands mostly act as C sinks; however, changes in climate and environmental conditions, can change the soil carbon decomposition cascade, thus altering the sink status. Here I studied one of the most abundant northern peatland types, poor fen, situated along a climate gradient from tundra (Daring Lake, Canada) to boreal forest (Lutose, Canada) to temperate broadleaf and mixed forest (Bog Lake, MN and Chicago Bog, NY) biomes to assess patterns of microbial abundance across the climate gradient. Principal component regression analysis of the microbial community and environmental variables determined that mean annual temperature (MAT) (r2=0.85), mean annual precipitation (MAP) (r2=0.88), and soil temperature (r2=0.77), were the top significant drivers of microbial community composition (p < 0.001). Niche breadth analysis revealed the relative abundance of Intrasporangiaceae, Methanobacteriaceae and Candidatus Methanoflorentaceae fam. nov. to increase when MAT and MAP decrease. The same analysis showed Spirochaetaceae, Methanosaetaceae and Methanoregulaceae to increase in relative abundance when MAP, soil temperature and MAT increased, respectively. These findings indicated that climate variables were the strongest predictors of microbial community composition and that certain taxa, especially methanogenic families demonstrate distinct patterns across the climate gradient. To evaluate microbial production of methanogenic substrates, I carried out High Resolution-DNA-Stable Isotope Probing (HR-DNA-SIP) to evaluate the active portion of the community’s intermediary ecosystem metabolic processes. HR-DNA-SIP revealed several challenges in efficiency of labelling and statistical identification of responders, however families like Veillonellaceae, Magnetospirillaceae, Acidobacteriaceae 1, were found ubiquitously active in glucose amended incubations. Differences in metabolic byproducts from glucose amendments show distinct patterns in acetate and propionate accumulation across sites. Families like Spirochaetaceae and Sphingomonadaceae were only found to be active in select sites of propionate amended incubations. By-product analysis from propionate incubations indicate that the northernmost sites were acetate-accumulating communities. These results indicate that microbial communities found in poor fen northern peatlands are strongly influenced by climate variables predicted to change under current climate scenarios. I have identified patterns of relative abundance and activity of select microbial taxa, indicating the potential for climate variables to influence the metabolic pathway in which carbon moves through peatland systems.
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Aquatic Primary Productivity and Ecosystem Metabolism: Tres Rios Constructed Treatment Wetlands

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Freshwater ecosystems are increasingly threatened by anthropogenic eutrophication (Kolzau et al., 2014) and require mitigation efforts to prevent oxygen depletion and subsequent biodiversity loss. Tres Rios Constructed Treatment Wetland (CTW) relies on wetland ecosystem functioning to reduce nutrient concentrations in

Freshwater ecosystems are increasingly threatened by anthropogenic eutrophication (Kolzau et al., 2014) and require mitigation efforts to prevent oxygen depletion and subsequent biodiversity loss. Tres Rios Constructed Treatment Wetland (CTW) relies on wetland ecosystem functioning to reduce nutrient concentrations in order to meet regulatory guidelines. I investigated the impact of solar irradiance, temperature, and nutrient availability on aquatic net primary productivity, ecosystem respiration, and nutrient cycling using statistical analysis and quantitative modeling informed by field data generated by ASU’s Wetland Ecosystem Ecology Lab (WEEL) in partnership with the City of Phoenix Water Services Department. I found that the extent of daily solar insolation controls Aquatic Net Primary Productivity (ANPP) rates and the seasonal aquatic nutrient processing capacity of Tres Rios, resulting in the following approximate relationship: ANPP = 0.001344(W/m²) - 0.32634 (r² = 0.259; p = 0.005).

This formula was used to estimate the nutrient uptake performance of aquatic primary producers from sampling observations; ANPP accounted for 16.26 metric tons of system wide N uptake, while aquatic ER contributed 6.07 metric tons N of nighttime remineralization and 5.7 metric tons of N throughout the water column during the day. The estimated yearly net aquatic N flux is 4.49 metric tons uptake, compared to about 12 metric tons yearly N uptake by the vegetated marsh (Treese, 2019). However, not accounting for animal respiration results in an underestimation of system-wide N remineralization, and not accounting for soil processes results in an underestimation of N uptake.
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Codebook Development and a Text Analysis of the Effectiveness of Applied Collaborative Governance Strategies in Northern Arizona Forests

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There are two main sections of this thesis: Codebook development and case coding. Over the course of my two years of involvement with the collaborative governance lab with Drs. Schoon and Carr Kelman, I worked on helping to complete the

There are two main sections of this thesis: Codebook development and case coding. Over the course of my two years of involvement with the collaborative governance lab with Drs. Schoon and Carr Kelman, I worked on helping to complete the coding manual built by the lab to test variables from the literature using case studies. My main deliverable was building a Qualtrics survey to collect case studies. Using this Qualtrics survey, the lab will be able to collect coded cases by distributing the survey link through research networks. My thesis project included building the interface for the survey, participating in testing the intercoder reliability of the codebook, and coding one case, the Four Forest Restoration Initiative (4FRI), to provide insight on the collaborative governance strategies of this collaboration. Coding 4FRI also acted as a preliminary test of the survey, helping to provide further information on how users of the codebook might interact with the survey, and allowing the lab to generate a test report of survey results.
Date Created

Plant contributions to the nitrogen budget of a constructed treatment wetland in Phoenix, AZ

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Constructed treatment wetlands (CTW) are being increasingly utilized in urbanized areas as a cost-effective and environmentally-friendly method for treating wastewater. CTWs can be especially useful for urban areas in aridland environments because they facilitate the reuse of water during

Constructed treatment wetlands (CTW) are being increasingly utilized in urbanized areas as a cost-effective and environmentally-friendly method for treating wastewater. CTWs can be especially useful for urban areas in aridland environments because they facilitate the reuse of water during water shortages. In my study, I determined the rates at which the aboveground and belowground emergent macrophytes sequestered nitrogen in a 42 ha aridland CTW in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. To do so, I measured foliar nitrogen content in aboveground and belowground biomass of three plant species groups (Typha latifolia + Typha domingensis, Schoenoplectus acutus + Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani, and Schoenoplectus californicus). Using these data, I calculated aboveground and belowground nitrogen budgets for the three species groups annually from 2011 to 2018.

Aboveground nitrogen content showed a maximum in 2011, decreasing until 2015, increasing again until 2017, and dropping in 2018; belowground nitrogen content showed the opposite temporal trend. Because foliar nitrogen content was assumed to be relatively constant over time, my data suggested that belowground nitrogen content increased between 2011 and 2015 and decreased between 2015 and 2017. Aboveground nitrogen content underwent fluctuations due to fluctuations in aboveground biomass. This occurred due to ‘thatching’, or events of widespread toppling of large macrophyte stands. The ratio of aboveground to belowground biomass can vary widely in the same CTW. My findings suggested that managing senesced aboveground plant material in CTWs may optimize the CTW’s ability to sequester nitrogen. Further research is needed to determine the best management strategies, as well as its possible implications.
Date Created

Quantifying Whole-Reach Denitrification in Arizona Streams

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Elevated nitrate (NO3-) concentration in streams and rivers has contributed to environmental problems such as downstream eutrophication and loss of biodiversity. Sycamore Creek in Arizona is nitrogen limited, but previous studies have demonstrated high potential for denitrification, a microbial process

Elevated nitrate (NO3-) concentration in streams and rivers has contributed to environmental problems such as downstream eutrophication and loss of biodiversity. Sycamore Creek in Arizona is nitrogen limited, but previous studies have demonstrated high potential for denitrification, a microbial process in which biologically active NO3- is reduced to relatively inert dinitrogen (N2) gas. Oak Creek is similarly nitrogen limited, but NO3- concentration in reaches surrounded by agriculture can be double that of other reaches. We employed a denitrification enzyme assay (DEA) to compare potential denitrification rate between differing land uses in Oak Creek and measured whole system N2 flux using a membrane inlet mass spectrometer to compare differences in actual denitrification rates at Sycamore and Oak Creek. We anticipated that NO3- would be an important limiting factor for denitrifiers; consequentially, agricultural land use reaches within Oak Creek would have the highest potential denitrification rate. We expected in situ denitrification rate to be higher in Oak Creek than Sycamore Creek due to elevated NO3- concentration, higher discharge, and larger streambed surface area. DEA results are forthcoming, but analysis of potassium chloride (KCl) extraction data showed that there were no significant differences between sites in sediment extractable NO3- on either a dry mass or organic mass basis. Whole-reach denitrification rate was inconclusive in Oak Creek, and though a significant positive flux in N2 from upstream to downstream was measured in Sycamore Creek, the denitrification rate was not significantly different from 0 after accounting for reaeration, suggesting that denitrification does not account for a significant portion of the NO3- uptake in Sycamore Creek. Future work is needed to address the specific factors limiting denitrification in this system.
Date Created

A Comparison and Contrast of Animal Psychology in the Wild vs. the Human Dominated World

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Animal psychology is the study of how animals interact with one another, their environment, and with humans. This can be done in two different settings, the wild and captivity, and through two different approaches, academic research and practice. Academic research

Animal psychology is the study of how animals interact with one another, their environment, and with humans. This can be done in two different settings, the wild and captivity, and through two different approaches, academic research and practice. Academic research relies primarily on behavioral observation for data collection. Practice uses behavioral observation as well, but allows for a more hands on experience and lets the practitioner make improvements in the quality of life. I interviewed two people, one who practices in captivity, and one who does research in the wild. Dr. David Bunn has done research on wild animals in Kruger National Park in South Africa for over twenty years, studying human-animal interactions. Hilda Tresz has worked in zoos nearly forty years and specializes in chimps. Working within the same field, but utilizing a different setting and approach makes a big difference in the feel of the job. Though I found many differences between the two by doing my own research and from conducting interviews, there are many similarities to note as well. The general field of animal psychology is very rewarding, requires a lot of patience, and leads to a better understanding of animal behavior and how to care for specific species of animals. Working with captive animals allows for the opportunity to make a big difference in animal's lives through behavioral enrichment and general care. Working in the wild allows us to understand the innate animal behaviors displayed. Through practice, people get more hands on experience; while through research, you get to observe animals in their native habitats. Each setting and approach has it's own benefits depending on what each person's goals are for their job.
Date Created

Facilitating phosphorus recovery through improved waste management

Phosphorus (P) is an essential resource for global food security, but global supplies are limited and demand is growing. Demand reductions are critical for achieving P sustainability, but recovery and re-use is also required. Wastewater treatment plants and

Phosphorus (P) is an essential resource for global food security, but global supplies are limited and demand is growing. Demand reductions are critical for achieving P sustainability, but recovery and re-use is also required. Wastewater treatment plants and livestock manures receive considerable attention for their P content, but municipal organic waste is another important source of P to address. Previous research identified the importance of diverting this waste stream from landfills for recovering P, but little has been done to identify the collection and processing mechanisms required, or address the existing economic barriers. In my research, I conducted a current state assessment of organic waste management by creating case studies in Phoenix, Arizona and New Delhi, India, and surveyed biomass energy facilities throughout the United States. With participation from waste management professionals I also envisioned an organic waste management system that contributes to sustainable P while improving environmental, social, and economic outcomes.

The results of my research indicated a number of important leverage points, including landfill fees, diversion mandates for organic waste, and renewable energy credits. Source separation of organic waste improves the range of uses, decreases processing costs, and facilitates P recovery, while creating jobs and contributing to a circular economy. Food is a significant component of the waste stream, and edible food is best diverted to food banks, while scraps are best given to livestock. Biomass energy systems produce multiple revenue streams, have high processing capacities, and concentrate P and other minerals to a greater extent than composting. Using recovered P in urban agriculture and native landscaping results in additional benefits to social-ecological systems by improving food security, reducing the urban heat island effect, sequestering carbon, and enhancing urban ecosystems.
Date Created

The effects of interannual precipitation variability on the functioning of grasslands

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Climate change will result not only in changes in the mean state of climate but also on changes in variability. However, most studies of the impact of climate change on ecosystems have focused on the effect of changes in the

Climate change will result not only in changes in the mean state of climate but also on changes in variability. However, most studies of the impact of climate change on ecosystems have focused on the effect of changes in the central tendency. The broadest objective of this thesis was to assess the effects of increased interannual precipitation variation on ecosystem functioning in grasslands. In order to address this objective, I used a combination of field experimentation and data synthesis. Precipitation manipulations on the field experiments were carried out using an automated rainfall manipulation system developed as part of this dissertation. Aboveground net primary production responses were monitored during five years. Increased precipitation coefficient of variation decreased primary production regardless of the effect of precipitation amount. Perennial-grass productivity significantly decreased while shrub productivity increased as a result of enhanced precipitation variance. Most interesting is that the effect of precipitation variability increased through time highlighting the existence of temporal lags in ecosystem response.

Further, I investigated the effect of precipitation variation on functional diversity on the same experiment and found a positive response of diversity to increased interannual precipitation variance. Functional evenness showed a similar response resulting from large changes in plant-functional type relative abundance including decreased grass and increased shrub cover while functional richness showed non-significant response. Increased functional diversity ameliorated the direct negative effects of precipitation variation on ecosystem ANPP but did not control ecosystem stability where indirect effects through the dominant plant-functional type determined ecosystem stability.

Analyses of 80 long-term data sets, where I aggregated annual productivity and precipitation data into five-year temporal windows, showed that precipitation variance had a significant effect on aboveground net primary production that is modulated by mean precipitation. Productivity increased with precipitation variation at sites where mean annual precipitation is less than 339 mm but decreased at sites where precipitation is higher than 339 mm. Mechanisms proposed to explain patterns include: differential ANPP response to precipitation among sites, contrasting legacy effects and soil water distribution.

Finally, increased precipitation variance may impact global grasslands affecting plant-functional types in different ways that may lead to state changes, increased erosion and decreased stability that can in turn limit the services provided by these valuable ecosystems.
Date Created

Political economic barriers to global change adaptations: a study of agrarian rural development in northwest Costa Rica

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This is a study of the plight of smallholder agriculture in Northwest Costa Rica. More specifically, this is the story of 689 rice farms, of an average size of 7.2 hectares and totaling just less than 5,300 hectares within the

This is a study of the plight of smallholder agriculture in Northwest Costa Rica. More specifically, this is the story of 689 rice farms, of an average size of 7.2 hectares and totaling just less than 5,300 hectares within the largest agricultural irrigation system in Central America. I was able to define the physical bounds of this study quite clearly, but one would be mistaken to think that this simplicity transfers to a search for rural development solutions in this case. Those solutions lie in the national and international politics that appear to have allowed a select few to pick winners and losers in Costa Rican agriculture in the face of global changes. In this research, I found that water scarcity among smallholder farms between 2006 and 2013 was the product of the adaptations of other, more powerful actors in 2002 to threats of Costa Rica's ratification of the Central American Free Trade Agreement. I demonstrate how the adaptations of these more powerful actors produced new risks for others, and how this ultimately prevented the rural development program from meeting its development goals. I reflect on my case study to draw conclusions about the different ways risks may emerge in rural development programs of this type. Then, I focus on the household level and show that determinants of successful adaptation to one type of global change risk may make farmers more vulnerable to other types, creating a "catch-22" among vulnerable farmers adapting to multiple global change risks. Finally, I define adaptation limits in smallholder rice farming in Northwest Costa Rica. I show that the abandonment of livelihood security and well-being, and of the unique "parcelaro" identities of rice farmers in this region define adaptation limits in this context.
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