Plant Intelligence and Communication: Distributed, Non-hierarchical Systems as Models For Music Composition and Networked Sound Installations

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Increased awareness and technological solutions will not solve the global ecological crises of climate change and mass extinction by themselves. A fundamental shift is needed in how we view ourselves and our relationships with all life to avoid further degradation

Increased awareness and technological solutions will not solve the global ecological crises of climate change and mass extinction by themselves. A fundamental shift is needed in how we view ourselves and our relationships with all life to avoid further degradation of the biosphere and ensure a more equitable future. A crucial part of such a shift means expanding the range of species that fall under human consideration. Viewing non-human life, including plants, as intrinsically rather than instrumentally valuable can be transformative to how we, as a species, think about and enact practices that encourage sustainable development. By highlighting the intelligence and communication abilities of plant life through artistic work, a strong counter-narrative can be developed against the dominant utilitarian view of plants as merely a resource for human cultivation and consumption. This dissertation explores plant intelligence and communication as models for music composition and networked sound installations. It is comprised of two complementary components, a sound installation, Unheard Voices, and the following document that explores the relevant artistic precedents, ecological, philosophical, and practice-based research that was conducted to facilitate the creation of the installation project. Focusing this research are the questions: 1) How can plant intelligence in communication, as outlined by plant neurobiologists and ecologists, serve as a model for creating sound installations? 2) How can such art pieces help viewers reflect on humanity’s interconnection to nature and reconsider plants as sentient, communicative, and intrinsically rather than instrumentally valuable?
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Ernest Bloch’s Suites for Solo Cello: A Transcription for Solo Viola, Performer’s Edition, and Recording

Ernest Bloch’s Suites for Solo Cello (B. 93, 94, 97) contain a melodic-harmonic language unlike any other twentieth-century unaccompanied work, and when transcribed for viola, become meaningful additions to the existing viola repertoire. Each movement within these three works has

Ernest Bloch’s Suites for Solo Cello (B. 93, 94, 97) contain a melodic-harmonic language unlike any other twentieth-century unaccompanied work, and when transcribed for viola, become meaningful additions to the existing viola repertoire. Each movement within these three works has its own distinct dancelike character, much like J.S. Bach’s Suites for Solo Cello (BWV 1007-1012). The melodies contain a persistent lyrical quality, and the harmonies are modal and reminiscent of folk music. Rather than compose an appropriate ending to Bloch’s incomplete Suite for Solo Viola (B. 101), a transcription of Bloch’s Suites for Solo Cello provides violists with more variety and opportunity for musicianship. These works present technical challenges such as rapid string crossings, sudden and vast register changes, complex rhythms and meter, and offer interpretationally rich passages. The level of these difficulties can prepare violists for more challenging twentieth-century works; thus, transcribing the Bloch Suites provides an opportunity to bridge a pedagogical divide in solo viola repertoire.
This project includes the transcriptions of Bloch’s Suites for Solo Cello, a performance edition, and a recording. Included is an overview of why these works are suitable for the viola, how these arrangements help fill a pedagogical gap in the unaccompanied viola repertoire, and insight into the transcription process. The performance recording captures the accessibility of these works for violists wishing to perform them and shows the integrity and variety of each piece by programming them all on a single recital.
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The "American Sublime" in Symphonic Music of the United States: Case Study Applications of a Literary and Visual Arts Aesthetic

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The American sublime aesthetic, discussed frequently in literature and art of the United States, is equally manifest in the nation’s symphonic music as a concurrent and complementary aesthetic. The musical application of the American sublime supports and enriches current scholarshi

The American sublime aesthetic, discussed frequently in literature and art of the United States, is equally manifest in the nation’s symphonic music as a concurrent and complementary aesthetic. The musical application of the American sublime supports and enriches current scholarship on American musical identity, nationality, and the American symphonic enterprise. I suggest that the American sublime forms an integral part of nineteenth-century American music and is key to understanding the symphony as a genre in the United States. I discuss American symphonic works by Anthony Philip Heinrich, George Frederick Bristow, William Henry Fry, Dennison Wheelock, and Florence Beatrice Price, aided by an analytical tool which I developed, to illuminate my appraisal of the nineteenth-century American symphonic enterprise. Their compositions contribute meaningfully to the complex history of identity formation for both American composers and the nation. In focusing on these incorporations of the sublime by white composers and composers of color from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, my research demonstrates how the American sublime expanded and transformed to better accommodate the country’s diverse citizenry, despite the marginalization of some.

The nineteenth-century trans-Atlantic dialogue between Americans and their European contemporaries sustained a “distinctly cosmopolitan cultural ethos,” a phenomenon also described by Douglas Shadle as “one of the most vibrant intercultural exchanges in all of Western music history.” This dialogue shaped the cultural formation of identity for many American composers throughout the century and provided the foundation for a symphonic repertoire, which became internationally recognized for the first time as “American.” In this cosmopolitan environment, the Americanization of the sublime aided in the rebranding of long-established European artistic expressions like the symphony, while perpetuating the idealization of the nation’s geography, its people, and its beliefs. Perhaps most importantly, the American sublime supported the widely held belief in American exceptionalism and manifest destiny. The applicability of the American sublime to various genres made it a useful tool to assert autonomy and individuality in forms such as the symphony. For this reason, a revaluation of American symphonic music and its relation to the American sublime amplifies the significance of this repertoire.
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A Performance Guide and Recordings for Four New Works for Saxophone Based on the Syrian Refugee Experience

Throughout history composers have used music to depict their perception of the

refugee experience. This project expands upon this idea through the commission and

recording of four new works for saxophone. The compositions are Different Arks for solo

alto saxophone by John Secunde,

Throughout history composers have used music to depict their perception of the

refugee experience. This project expands upon this idea through the commission and

recording of four new works for saxophone. The compositions are Different Arks for solo

alto saxophone by John Secunde, Rubble/Resolve for alto saxophone and piano by Jared

Yackiw, Emerging Light for soprano saxophone and vibraphone by Alan Hankers, and

Unam aeternam for solo alto saxophone and stereo playback by Ashlee Busch. For each

work, this project provides performance guides, biographical contexts, program notes,

and recordings. I hope to encourage artists to discover and facilitate creative ways to

draw attention to migration around the world and contribute to the fight against racism

and xenophobia.
Date Created

Rhymesayers Entertainment: The Establishment of Minnesota Hip-Hop

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Alongside New York City, Los Angeles, and Atlanta, Minneapolis, Minnesota has become a cradle of hip-hop, breeding a distinct style that has grown swiftly from the 1980s to the present day. While Minneapolis is more commonly associated with the upbeat

Alongside New York City, Los Angeles, and Atlanta, Minneapolis, Minnesota has become a cradle of hip-hop, breeding a distinct style that has grown swiftly from the 1980s to the present day. While Minneapolis is more commonly associated with the upbeat funk rhythms and prominent synthesizers of its favorite son, Prince (1958 – 2016), Minnesota hip-hop provides a strikingly contrasting listening experience characterized by dark, self-deprecating, and introspective traits. Minnesota and other regional hip-hop scenes have been overshadowed by academic studies that focus principally on New York City or Los Angeles. In this thesis, I advocate for a shift away from the Billboard charts and the East and West Coast, into the world of underground hip-hop of the Upper Midwest. This thesis explores and documents the development of hip-hop in Minnesota, specifically the Twin Cities and independent label Rhymesayers Entertainment, who have established Minneapolis as one of the largest hip-hop hubs in the country. A location that thrives on the “Minneapolis sound” of artists such as Prince and Morris Day (b. 1956), Minnesota hip-hop offered an alternative and more calloused genre for artistic expression. Following the arrival of hip-hop in Minnesota in the early 1980s, a group of like-minded youths gathered together to practice the art of hip-hop, which led to the creation of the Headshots Crew. Despite not having much of a local scene, the Headshots Crew created opportunities and performance spaces to showcase their talents, which eventually led to the creation of their own label, Rhymesayers Entertainment. Unlike many other independent labels Rhymesayers has found a way to sustain their success for over 25 years while maintaining their independence. Their most famous artist act is rap duo Atmosphere. By incorporating primarily biographical and historical methodologies this study means to create a cohesive understanding and foundation of Minnesota hip-hop.
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Vincenzo Galilei’s “26 Ricercari” from Fronimo, Transcribed for Guitar: Challenges and Solutions for Transcribing and Playing Italian Renaissance Lute Tablature on the Modern Guitar

In 1568, Vincenzo Galilei published the first edition of Fronimo as a guide to the art of intabulating vocal music for the lute. A second edition was released in 1584 in which Galilei presents “26 Ricercari” to demonstrate the sound

In 1568, Vincenzo Galilei published the first edition of Fronimo as a guide to the art of intabulating vocal music for the lute. A second edition was released in 1584 in which Galilei presents “26 Ricercari” to demonstrate the sound of each Glarean mode. These short works provide a methodical approach to experiencing the Renaissance modes through his beautiful writing for the lute.

This research project focuses on the “26 Ricercari” and explores the challenges of transcribing and arranging Renaissance lute tablatures to be played on the guitar. Topics such as making decisions for voicings, fingerings, tactus reductions, and formatting are examined. Historically-informed playing suggestions such as articulations, lute techniques, and tempo are also included.

Many lute and vihuela works, like the ricercari, have not yet been transcribed. The ricerari tablatures are idiomatic and instantly playable for guitarists who are familiar with different forms of tablature, but most classical guitarists today are familiar only with modern staff notation. Because of this, Galilei’s works have been wrongfully neglected.

My project presents the first guitar edition of these works, along with the documentation of my methodology, and serves as an aid to others for transcribing lute tablatures.
Date Created

Louis Armstrong: Jazz and Civil Rights

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Throughout history, African-Americans have had to fight for their civil rights. There were many ways used to voice their opinions and advance the civil rights movement, including protests and marches. One very effective method was through music and the creation

Throughout history, African-Americans have had to fight for their civil rights. There were many ways used to voice their opinions and advance the civil rights movement, including protests and marches. One very effective method was through music and the creation of jazz. Louis Armstrong was an innovator and major influence of jazz. His abilities as an artist were recognized by society, above his political position or class status.
The topic of my thesis is Louis Armstrong and his influence on society and the Civil Rights Movement. The intent is to demonstrate how Louis Armstrong aided the Civil Rights Movement by using his music to promote social justice and racial equality. The focus will be on the context of African-Americans, their social status, and rights from the early 1900s to the mid-1900s. I will connect this to important events in that time such as the fight against Jim Crow Laws and how Louis Armstrong played a role in ending segregation. He accomplished this by pushing the movement forward through speeches, fund-raising events, and his innovation of jazz. Armstrong’s gift was a form of swing jazz that advanced improvisation and emotion of music.
He was criticized for playing to segregated audiences and was thought to keep offensive stereotypes alive. However, Louis Armstrong battled against these conspiracies by performing fund-raising events and through public political stances against the oppression of African-Americans. As an example, he was outspoken about his disapproval of government and the public for their treatment of the nine African-American students enrolled at Little Rock. This resulted in the first time the school would be unsegregated between whites and blacks. Louis Armstrong worked hard in the fight against segregation and used his mastery of jazz to advance the civil rights movement. Finally, I will make a proposal as to how society can learn from Louis Armstrong and how to inspire new innovative forms of positively influencing society to help the less fortunate.
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Québécois Flute Repertoire: Unearthing Three Little-Known Gems

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This paper is the culmination of my creative project for graduation from Barrett, the Honors College at Arizona State University. The creative portion of the project consisted of researching Québécois (or French-Canadian) composers and specifically finding music for flute and

This paper is the culmination of my creative project for graduation from Barrett, the Honors College at Arizona State University. The creative portion of the project consisted of researching Québécois (or French-Canadian) composers and specifically finding music for flute and piano. I wished to find pieces that could prove valuable in expanding the standard flute repertoire. My goal with this project was to shed light on some fairly unknown and certainly under-played pieces for flute and piano by French-Canadian composers and learn those pieces for my senior recital on March 2, 2020. This summary of the research experience and the process of recital preparation is intended to be a guide for flutists who may work on these pieces in the future and musicians on any instrument who take on a similar project of introducing new pieces to their instrument’s existing repertory.
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Interpersonal Aspects of Musical Collaboration for Collaborative Pianists

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Collaborative piano education tends to discuss techniques of collaboration as primarily a musical skill. However, common understanding within the field regarding a collaborative pianist’s ability to work with others offers another aspect to this assumption. It goes

Collaborative piano education tends to discuss techniques of collaboration as primarily a musical skill. However, common understanding within the field regarding a collaborative pianist’s ability to work with others offers another aspect to this assumption. It goes without saying that pianists’ interpersonal skills largely affect with whom they will work, and how efficaciously pianists and their partners will work together. Correspondingly, how pianists work with others can directly affect the success or failure of the musical collaboration.

The first intention of this paper is to explain why interpersonal skills are integral to the creation of quality musical outcomes and so-called musical togetherness; it specifies interpersonal aspects innate and unique to a pianist’s experience. Next, this paper defines two crucial components of collaboration – empathy and active listening – and discusses how pianists can build these skills into their personal practice and rehearsal. It continues with an examination of the interpersonal implications of studio arrangement, body language, and verbal language from a pianist’s perspective. This paper concludes with ideas for how to test for these skills during the collaborative piano audition process, a class syllabus showing how these skills can be incorporated into the collaborative piano curriculum, and suggestions for further research about interpersonal aspects of collaboration.
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A Performance Guide to Yuko Uébayashi’s Misericordia for Flute and String Quartet

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Yuko Uébayashi is a composer who was born in Japan and presently resides in France. She composed Misericordia for Flute and String Quartet for Carol Wincenc in 2013. The National Flute Association (NFA), the most active flute society in America,

Yuko Uébayashi is a composer who was born in Japan and presently resides in France. She composed Misericordia for Flute and String Quartet for Carol Wincenc in 2013. The National Flute Association (NFA), the most active flute society in America, hosted the Misericordia performance during its annual convention in Chicago in 2014. Uébayashi’s flute works have not only been frequently performed at NFA conventions, but also at other well-known flute festivals since 2006, the year of her U.S. debut. Many current flutists are motivated to learn and play her compositions; however, there is little published literature about her works. Understanding her unique compositional style and obtaining a better knowledge of her music and compositional practices will help flutists and other musicians better perform and enjoy her music. With a performance guide and a detailed discussion of Misericordia, flutists and other musicians will understand why Uébayashi’s music is unique and why it is increasingly well-loved by so many players. This research paper will explore Uébayashi’s life, musical friendships, and most specifically, Misericordia.
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