The Discrepancies in Sexual Education in the Southwest United States


This curriculum on sexual education was designed to educate middle-school-aged students in the Southwest United States about sexual education. There is a lack of continuity when teaching sexual education in the United States due to the lack of national regulations

This curriculum on sexual education was designed to educate middle-school-aged students in the Southwest United States about sexual education. There is a lack of continuity when teaching sexual education in the United States due to the lack of national regulations discussing sexual education. Since there is no national requirement for sexual education curriculum and curriculum can differ from state to state, county to county, and even district to district, this curriculum provides a solution to this problem. This curriculum was designed to educate students in Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas and follow each state’s specific laws. This curriculum stresses the importance of abstinence while also recognizing that abstinence is not a possible solution for all students. The goal of this curriculum is to educate students about the complexity of sexual encounters before they engage in them. This curriculum covers topics such as Gender Identity and Intersectionality; Sexual Orientation; Puberty; Consent and Power in Relationships’ Sexual Intercourse; and Contraception and Protection. After the duration of this course, students should be well-equipped with the tools and understanding to make well-informed decisions about their sexual health.

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The Commodification of Women in the Entertainment Industry

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Female celebrities are commodified by the entertainment industry at every stage of their lives. The industry's expectations of female celebrities reflect society's expectations for women. From girlhood to adulthood, women are expected to follow particular scripts of femininity. These scripts

Female celebrities are commodified by the entertainment industry at every stage of their lives. The industry's expectations of female celebrities reflect society's expectations for women. From girlhood to adulthood, women are expected to follow particular scripts of femininity. These scripts are promoted and perpetuated by the entertainment industry. Women are used as commodities for consumerism by both the industry and the media alike. Female celebrities have higher expectations today than ever. With the modern phenomena of reality television and social media, the public demands a new level of authenticity and transparency from celebrities. In this thesis, I explore three womens' lives and careers: Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson, and Demi Lovato. I discuss the ways in which these three women have been commodified by the industry at each stage of their lives, as well as how they have, over the course of their careers, attempted to regain control of their images.

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Ex Queer Scientia | From the Queer, Knowledge: The Evolution of Queer Expressions of Gender & Sexuality in the Star Trek Universe

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This thesis is a series of essays on the evolution of queer expressions of gender & sexuality in the Star Trek Universe. This project spans the entire history of the franchise but focuses primarily on the Star Trek series Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and Discovery.
Date Created

Uncovering the Willful Girl

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The horror genre contains a broad spectrum of tropes and archetypes surrounding gender. There is an increasing body of films involving the adolescent girl who embodies the monstrous-feminine, and whose will is tied to supernatural and often destructive powers, which

The horror genre contains a broad spectrum of tropes and archetypes surrounding gender. There is an increasing body of films involving the adolescent girl who embodies the monstrous-feminine, and whose will is tied to supernatural and often destructive powers, which has not been thoroughly explored by feminist film theory. Enough recurring themes exist to merit the definition of a trope, the Willful Girl. Framed using the Brothers Grimm fairytale “The Willful Child,” this trope can be seen in films such as Carrie (1976) and The Witch (2015), among others. Through a close reading of both films, similarities are uncovered. These similarities not only support the trope’s themes, but also provide insight to persistent ideologies, struggles, and prejudices against the adolescent girl throughout the decades. Acknowledging these ongoing issues, and their representation in horror films over the years, challenges the “waves” or “progress” model of feminism and begs the question of how “feminist” films should be defined.
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