Bridge: Embracing the Elderly with Empathetic Design

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Bridge is a device that relieves anxiety for people who care for the elderly. It has the face of the analog watch and the inner workings of a smart watch which analyzes the elderly person’s movement to track and

Bridge is a device that relieves anxiety for people who care for the elderly. It has the face of the analog watch and the inner workings of a smart watch which analyzes the elderly person’s movement to track and recognize patterns. The caretaker has an app on their phone that alerts them when the elderly person breaks an activity pattern which also allows them to quickly and easily communicate with the elderly person to check on them. Bridge also holds the elderly person's personal medical history to allow medical professionals to provide them with better care in the case of an emergency.
Date Created

Click-and-Mortar: The Role of In-Store Experience and Branding as Touchpoints in the Consumer Journey

With brick-and-mortar retail actively under threat from a growing e-commerce market, companies are being challenged to re-evaluate the way they engage with their customers in the physical realm. Companies are under pressure to give consumers a reason to make a

With brick-and-mortar retail actively under threat from a growing e-commerce market, companies are being challenged to re-evaluate the way they engage with their customers in the physical realm. Companies are under pressure to give consumers a reason to make a trip to their stores over succumbing to the convenience of sitting at home in their pajamas and shopping online. Because of the rapid development of e-commerce, there is a growing necessity for retailers to prove their worth by means of marketing the in-store experience as superior to that of what online could offer. Brands are navigating the grey area between the digital and physical realms in order to successfully fulfill the needs of the modern consumer through viewing these different entities as touchpoints in the overall consumer experience.

This study explores the connection between the interior design of retail spaces and consumer behavior in the direct-to-consumer environment. The research explores the relationships between consumer behavior, intangible brand identity, and the physical (brick-and-mortar) retail environment and explores interior design’s role in the development of a new form of retail found in brands whose presence began online and later entered the physical realm. Through analyzing store aesthetics, consumer preferences, and purchasing behavior, this research provides insight into what matters to consumers in a direct-to-consumer retail environment and how designers at the forefront of this movement are adapting, and ultimately draws conclusions about how companies can utilize interior design and store aesthetics as part of the consumer journey to maximize the impact of their brand experiences.
Date Created

The Application of Generative Design in Product Development

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The premise of this thesis developed from my personal interests and undergraduate educational experiences in both industrial engineering and design studies, particularly those related to product design. My education has stressed the differences in the ways that engineers and designers

The premise of this thesis developed from my personal interests and undergraduate educational experiences in both industrial engineering and design studies, particularly those related to product design. My education has stressed the differences in the ways that engineers and designers approach problem solving and creating solutions, but I am most interested in marrying the two mindsets of designers and engineers to better solve problems creatively and efficiently.
This thesis focuses on the recent appearance of generative design technology into the world of industrial design and engineering as it relates to product development. An introduction to generative design discusses the uses and benefits of this tool for both designers and engineers and also addresses the challenges of this technology. The relevance of generative design to the world of product development is discussed as well as the implications of how this technology will change the roles of designers and engineers, and especially their traditional design processes. The remainder of this paper is divided into two elements. The first serves as documentation of my own exploration of using generative design software to solve a product design challenge and my reflections on the benefits and challenges of using this tool. The second element addresses the need for employing quantitiative methodologies within the generative design process to aid designers in selecting the most advantageous design option when presented with generative outcomes. Both sections aim to provide more context to this new design process and seek to answer questions about some of the ambiguous processes of generative design.
Date Created

Process of Apparel Manufacturing for Start-Ups and Small Businesses

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The purpose of this creative project was to investigate the process a start-up or small business must complete to have a sell-able apparel product manufactured. The initial goal of the project was to experience the manufacturing process from start to

The purpose of this creative project was to investigate the process a start-up or small business must complete to have a sell-able apparel product manufactured. The initial goal of the project was to experience the manufacturing process from start to finish and complete a full production run from a professional manufacturer. The conclusion found was that start-ups and small businesses will have to begin production within the United States.
Date Created

Not Quite, But Almost "Almost, Maine: " An Investigation of Queer Representation & Portrayal Through the Lens of John Cariani's Contemporary Play

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This paper discusses the parameters of my creative project, which utilizes a staged reading of scenes from John Cariani’s Almost, Maine as a means of investigating the representation of queer individuals and relationships in theatre, film, and television. The first

This paper discusses the parameters of my creative project, which utilizes a staged reading of scenes from John Cariani’s Almost, Maine as a means of investigating the representation of queer individuals and relationships in theatre, film, and television. The first section provides background information on Almost, Maine itself, while the second section explains the details of the project and what to expect on the day of my defense. The next section explains my purpose in developing a project centralized around queer representation, and the last two sections are personal reflections of the both my growth throughout the creative process, and the final product: the performance and talkback.
Date Created

Color in Film: An Analysis of Symbolic Color and Production Design in Motion Pictures

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Every color that you see in film is purposely chosen by the filmmakers. The majority of film viewers do not consciously realize the role that color plays in their movie experience. Subconsciously, viewers are deeply affected by the color choices

Every color that you see in film is purposely chosen by the filmmakers. The majority of film viewers do not consciously realize the role that color plays in their movie experience. Subconsciously, viewers are deeply affected by the color choices in the film as it changes moods, tones, characters, and more. By examining color in film, filmmakers are able to create better stories, therefore having a greater effect on the audience. By becoming aware of the role of color in film, audience members become better, more involved viewers.
The following project is cut into three major parts: Color Theory in Film, An Analysis of Symbolic Color, and the Technical Applications of Color in Film. Part One gives the necessary background on color theory, light theory, color mixing, color associations, and color palettes needed to understand the rest of the project. Part Two examines color symbolism and color psychology in three films, detailing their importance to the storylines in-depth. Part Three looks at the ways filmmakers employ color during post-production, principal photography, and post-production. By looking at production design, the history of color grading, and the power of lighting and cinematography, one is able to discern the different effects color creates and how that effect is created.
Date Created

Manipulation! How Spokespeople Affect Brands and Their Consumers

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Advertising has been a part of the marketing landscape for decades, evolving over time. Among the many tactics of advertising is the use of spokespeople, or brand personalities, that represent a brand and its offerings. Spokespeople have been around as

Advertising has been a part of the marketing landscape for decades, evolving over time. Among the many tactics of advertising is the use of spokespeople, or brand personalities, that represent a brand and its offerings. Spokespeople have been around as early as the 1950s, with brands hiring well-known actors and actresses to represent everyday products. Since then, they have evolved to be more than just a brand representative. Fast forward to the 21st century, spokespeople have developed symbiotic relationships with brands, helping them create authentic connections with its consumers.

There are many successful cases of spokespeople enhancing a brand’s popularity and growing their sales, but what would happen to the brand if their spokesperson engaged in controversial behavior? The basis of this thesis, and my research, revolves around this research objective: to better understand if, and how, spokespeople affect a brand and its consumers. I conducted primary research in the form of a survey to test consumer’s attitudes and behaviors towards brands and spokespeople; additionally, I conducted secondary research to understand how spokespeople can impact a brand’s stock and sales performance. I expect spokespeople with high levels of association with the brands they represent to have a strong affect on a brand’s performance and perception.

The results of my research defy my expectations. Spokespeople that have a weaker association level with their brands had a strong affect on a brand and its consumers, and vice-versa with strong association levels. In the primary research, spokespeople with weak association levels with Nike and Papa John’s had a significant impact on how participants viewed and engaged with the brands. In addition, secondary research indicates there are significant affects on a brand’s performance as a result of the spokespeople, despite the weak association levels.

After conducting research, I concluded that to have effective spokespeople that can positively impact a brand and its consumers, they must possess two characteristics: trustworthiness and authenticity. The successful cases of spokespeople from my primary and secondary research possessed these characteristics. Consumers need to be able to trust the messages that come from spokespeople, and they need to be able to understand that the relationship between the them and the brand is authentic and makes sense. Therefore, if the spokespeople brands hire are trustworthy and authentic to the brand, then they will positively impact the performance and perception of the brand.
Date Created

Dysfunctional Organizations: The Cost on Leadership, Employees, and the Solutions Present

Dysfunctional organizations and toxic leader behavior has been increasingly examined over the past few years. Scholars, consultants and the media have analyzed and considered a variety of causes underlying destructive company practices and the bad behavior of bosses. Much is

Dysfunctional organizations and toxic leader behavior has been increasingly examined over the past few years. Scholars, consultants and the media have analyzed and considered a variety of causes underlying destructive company practices and the bad behavior of bosses. Much is at stake as both individual and company is at risk along with shareholders. In this study I identify some dysfunctions in organizations, dimensions of destructive leaders and the impact in the workplace and the community. Moreover, I provide ideas for preventative measures and how dysfunctional practices can be identified and dealt with. I begin with a brief background introduction to the subject matter and proceed with an examination of some signs and behaviors displayed in the dysfunctional workplace. How does departmental, divisional and companywide dysfunction impact employee levels of trust, emotional intelligence and performance? What is the cost of company dysfunction on leaders? Following an exhaustive examination of relevant research, I have decided to focus on two specific sources due to their impact on corporate, consulting and academic communities. I utilize Babiak and Hare's, Snakes in Suits and Stanford Professor Robert Sutton's book, The No Asshole Rule. Building upon these works and the composite of research reviewed by these key scholars I move forward to a real- world case of a dysfunctional organizational and toxic CEO via an examination of Uber Technologies Inc. I will be revealing dimensions of both Uber's wide-reaching dysfunction and the workings of a CEO who has been identified as a psychopath. I provide ideas for identifying the dysfunctional organization (with Uber as a prototype) and look at possible means of generating solutions and actions for combatting excessively negative and destructive organizational and leader behavior. Finally, I am concerned with takeaways and pragmatic implications offered by my research.
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