A-spec Relationship Health

After analyzing and identifying gaps in the existing research related to asexuality, media representations, and relationship health education, this Facilitation Guide utilizes the One Love Foundation’s relationship health framework to dissect "The Hunger Games" through an asexual relationship health lens,

After analyzing and identifying gaps in the existing research related to asexuality, media representations, and relationship health education, this Facilitation Guide utilizes the One Love Foundation’s relationship health framework to dissect "The Hunger Games" through an asexual relationship health lens, proving that asexuality is everywhere and all relationships can benefit from an asexual lens. In conjunction with the Guide, three short videos help summarize and preview various aspects of this work.
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Persistent Anti-Popery: The Continuity of Political Anti-Catholicism in New England, 1750-1860

Anti-popery, political prejudice against Catholicism on the basis that it is not conducive to liberty, contributed to the American religious and political discourses of the Seven Years' War and the American Revolution. While some have argued that anti-popery diminished in

Anti-popery, political prejudice against Catholicism on the basis that it is not conducive to liberty, contributed to the American religious and political discourses of the Seven Years' War and the American Revolution. While some have argued that anti-popery diminished in New England during the Revolution, this paper shows that it persisted as a political assumption among New England Protestants and continued to be expressed in sermons and political debates of America's early republican period. The Franco-American alliance was a pragmatic alliance which did not ultimately do away with anti-papal sentiment. Following history to the nativist movement of the mid-nineteenth century, this paper then shows that the arguments deployed against Catholic Irish immigrants were of the same vein as those deployed by Protestant New Englanders before the American Revolution and that the assumption of religio-political anti-popery never truly faded in the early republic, allowing for it to be enlivened by the dramatic increase in New England's Catholic population in the 1820s and 1830s.
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The Crystals in All of Us

The Crystals in All of Us is a children's book creative project that is meant to reflect the impact a community has on a child, and vice versa. Made specifically for the special needs students I work with, it is

The Crystals in All of Us is a children's book creative project that is meant to reflect the impact a community has on a child, and vice versa. Made specifically for the special needs students I work with, it is a generalizable lesson. It incorporates various art principles, as well as child and human development theories, such as Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development.
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Life at the Bottom: How the COVID-19 Pandemic Impacted Schools and Families

This Narrative Inquiry Research project looks at the first-hand experiences and stories of educators, counselors, and administrators working in schools during and following the pandemic. This is done through video interviews pieced together to create one large documentary-style video. In

This Narrative Inquiry Research project looks at the first-hand experiences and stories of educators, counselors, and administrators working in schools during and following the pandemic. This is done through video interviews pieced together to create one large documentary-style video. In addition to the creative component, there is also an essay detailing the results of those answers, the research behind it, and what that research means for schools now.
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Legendary Chronicles and Fantasy Kings: Ideologies of Kingship in Twelfth-Century England

This research examines twelfth-century Anglo-Norman literature as social commentary, in support of or as critique of the ruling class, and investigates what Anglo-Norman society considered the most profound responsibilities of kingship. Literature offered a space for courtly poets and chroniclers

This research examines twelfth-century Anglo-Norman literature as social commentary, in support of or as critique of the ruling class, and investigates what Anglo-Norman society considered the most profound responsibilities of kingship. Literature offered a space for courtly poets and chroniclers to critique authority and express concerns about issues in the court. Both R. Howard Bloch (2003) and Albrecht Classen (2008) have examined the political aspect of Marie de France’s lais, relying on the context in John of Salisbury’s political treatise Policraticus. While John’s written views are broadly reflective of his society’s beliefs, he primarily examines the king’s role in promoting religion and justice. This study’s inclusion of three other chronicles written contemporaneously—The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, Geoffrey of Monmouth’s The History of the Kings of Britain, and Walter Map’s De Nugis Curialium—reveals more nuance and breadth in both the Anglo-Norman political realm and twelfth-century ideologies of kingship. By extending prior research, broadening the range of voices included in the conversation, and analyzing multiple chronicles in conjunction with the lais of Marie de France, this research explores what twelfth-century Anglo-Norman society considered the four most critical tenets of kingship: reverence for religious authority, the administration of equitable justice, generosity in sustaining one’s vassals and strangers alike, and respecting the bonds of feudal loyalty.
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A Critical Discourse Analysis of Arizona House Bill 2161

Parental rights bills are pieces of legislation that detail and lay out the rights and abilities that parents have in the educational systems in the United States. After diving deeper into the history and effects of parental rights bills historically

Parental rights bills are pieces of legislation that detail and lay out the rights and abilities that parents have in the educational systems in the United States. After diving deeper into the history and effects of parental rights bills historically throughout the nation as well as what factors contribute to the passing of parental rights bills, I take a closer look at the specific parental rights bill that is central to my analysis: Arizona House Bill 2161. I conducted a thorough analysis of the transitivity of the bill paying close attention to who the actors were and the type of process they were conducting. Then, I singled out all the modals and the abilities they were depicting. As a result of both methods, I found that parents are given exclusive and undeniable control over their children’s education. Additionally, I found that students are cast to the side and their voices are swept under the rug as they have no modals and are never the actor - only the clients.
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First-Generation Latinx Students’ Experience with High School Counselors


The Latinx community is growing at an alarming rate in the country. First-generation Latinx Students are uninformed about navigating the educational system, which can place them at a higher risk of dropping out of college. The present work explores the

The Latinx community is growing at an alarming rate in the country. First-generation Latinx Students are uninformed about navigating the educational system, which can place them at a higher risk of dropping out of college. The present work explores the relationship between high school guidance counselors and Latinx first-generation students by producing a podcast that features seven interviews with Barrett The Honors College's first-generation Latinx students. Student participants answered questions about their families, high school experience, and college transition. The student responses were shared with two high school counselors, who reflected on the student participants' answers and shared their perspectives on working with Latinx first-generation students. The findings suggest that the student-to-counselor ratio affects the role of counselors in assisting students, along with the determination of Barrett Honors Latinx First Generation students to push through obstacles to receive higher education.

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Student and Teacher Perspectives on What Makes Students Successful in High School:
Evidence from Phoenix-area Schools


Education is known for being powerful in reducing poverty, improving health, promoting healthier economies, and providing peaceful and productive opportunities for young people worldwide. It’s a key to success that has been threatened in the state of Arizona through low

Education is known for being powerful in reducing poverty, improving health, promoting healthier economies, and providing peaceful and productive opportunities for young people worldwide. It’s a key to success that has been threatened in the state of Arizona through low funding, teacher shortages, and a lack of resources. Inadequate learning environments further educational inequalities and hinder academic achievement among students. In finding a solution, the objectives of education policy in Arizona are analyzed from an economic and equity standpoint.

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Student and Teacher Perspectives on What Makes Students Successful in High School:
Evidence from Phoenix-area Schools


Currently in the United States, Arizona high school students are testing at a standardized testing level barely being ranked in the top 50%. As far as education goes, Arizona's education system is not successful in demonstrating neither teacher nor student

Currently in the United States, Arizona high school students are testing at a standardized testing level barely being ranked in the top 50%. As far as education goes, Arizona's education system is not successful in demonstrating neither teacher nor student success. As past high school students from different forms of education being private, public, or charter, we three have seen what successful and unsuccessful schools are. We also have seen what successful teachers look like. It is our goal to help understand what makes an education system successful and what Arizona can do to help the success of their teachers and their students. The students in high schools today are the future of our world and it is the duty of the education system to help prepare for their future and to be successful. What we currently don’t know and hope to learn from this thesis are the factors that go into making a high school successful and their students also successful. As of right now Arizona is currently ranked 46th in education out of all states and territories belonging to the United States. This means that there are states with schools producing a higher success rate with their students. Not only is the Arizona Education ranking low but its teacher rankings are also low in work environment, student performance, salary compensation, and student success as well as countless others ranking as the 50th state in teacher success. It is clear that the Arizona education system needs to find reform and our goal is to search for what changes need to be made in our classrooms and work environment to create not only more successful teachers and students but also to create a successful education system.

Date Created

The Usutu Virus Envelope: In silico analysis of viral amino acids in a zoonotic capsid protein


An effort to experiment on the novel Usutu virus in pure in silico methods was made to determine conformational changes with non polar point mutations in the amino acid sequence. The first method consisted of creating a Python program to

An effort to experiment on the novel Usutu virus in pure in silico methods was made to determine conformational changes with non polar point mutations in the amino acid sequence. The first method consisted of creating a Python program to exhaustively identify codons, amino acids, and dinucleotide bridges & nonbridges, including viral characteristics defined by Mollentze in 2021. The second method consisted of creating point mutations to non polar amino acids in deemed key sites of the Usutu virus envelope protein and finding the RMSD from the original structure. This resulted in one of two outcomes - either the experiment showed that the Usutu virus envelope protein is highly resistant to point mutations or in silico methods are inconsistent and biased, leading to inaccuracy.

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