"No Justice" Inside Ableist White Supremacy: Narratives of Mental Health and Failed Treatment Experiences Within the U.S. Carceral State


The United States houses only five percent of the world’s population but over 20% of its prison population. There has been a dramatic increase in carceral numbers over the last several decades with much of this population being people with

The United States houses only five percent of the world’s population but over 20% of its prison population. There has been a dramatic increase in carceral numbers over the last several decades with much of this population being people with mental illness designations. Many scholars attribute this phenomenon to the process of deinstitutionalization, in which mental health institutions in the U.S. were shut down in the 1950s and ‘60s. However, disability scholar Liat Ben-Moshe argues that this is a dangerous oversimplification that fails to credit the deinstitutionalization movement as an abolitionist movement and to take into account shifting demographics between institutions and prisons/jails. This study considers how mass incarceration in the U.S. stems from a trend of isolating and punishing BIPOC and people with disabilities at disproportionate rates as it explores lived experiences at the intersection of mental health and incarceration. Findings inform an abolitionist agenda by highlighting the near impossibility of rehabilitation and treatment in an inherently traumatizing space.

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An Accessible Guide to Intergenerational Transmission of Abuse


Many people are familiar with the practice of parents, step-parents, or other caregivers continuing the abuse they experienced as a child unto children they are taking care of, but are unable to name this experience or explain how it continues.

Many people are familiar with the practice of parents, step-parents, or other caregivers continuing the abuse they experienced as a child unto children they are taking care of, but are unable to name this experience or explain how it continues. To those who are victims to this phenomenon, it is a struggle to comprehend what is occurring without a basic understanding. Through a comprehensive literature review compiling empirical and non-empirical resources, the phenomenon labeled as “intergenerational transmission of abuse” is defined and risk factors are explained for victims coming to terms with this experience.

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Honors Thesis Defense Presentation (1).pdf

Financial decisions, which are major life decisions, can often be overly complicated. Day-to-day financial calculations and investment decisions can be time-consuming and prone to human error. Thus, keeping in mind the complicated nature of finance and the heavy dependence on

Financial decisions, which are major life decisions, can often be overly complicated. Day-to-day financial calculations and investment decisions can be time-consuming and prone to human error. Thus, keeping in mind the complicated nature of finance and the heavy dependence on these formulas for decision-making, the need for a comprehensive financial calculator rises. The financial calculator is a set of comprehensive logical formulas that takes user input and provides recommendations along with numerical values. The program uses Python scripting language and is focused on the core logic. The program also uses a variety of finance topics and related concepts.
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Financial decisions, which are major life decisions, can often be overly complicated. Day-to-day financial calculations and investment decisions can be time-consuming and prone to human error. Thus, keeping in mind the complicated nature of finance and the heavy dependence on

Financial decisions, which are major life decisions, can often be overly complicated. Day-to-day financial calculations and investment decisions can be time-consuming and prone to human error. Thus, keeping in mind the complicated nature of finance and the heavy dependence on these formulas for decision-making, the need for a comprehensive financial calculator rises. The financial calculator is a set of comprehensive logical formulas that takes user input and provides recommendations along with numerical values. The program uses Python scripting language and is focused on the core logic. The program also uses a variety of finance topics and related concepts.
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Building a Financial Calculator to Provide Users with the Tools to Make Better Financial Decisions


Financial decisions, which are major life decisions, can often be overly complicated. Day-to-day financial calculations and investment decisions can be time-consuming and prone to human error. Thus, keeping in mind the complicated nature of finance and the heavy dependence on

Financial decisions, which are major life decisions, can often be overly complicated. Day-to-day financial calculations and investment decisions can be time-consuming and prone to human error. Thus, keeping in mind the complicated nature of finance and the heavy dependence on these formulas for decision-making, the need for a comprehensive financial calculator rises. The financial calculator is a set of comprehensive logical formulas that takes user input and provides recommendations along with numerical values. The program uses Python scripting language and is focused on the core logic. The program also uses a variety of finance topics and related concepts.

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Examining the Importance of Teachers in Attitudes Towards the Law

Legal socialization examines how people acquire their views about the law. A key tenet within this field is that fair interactions with nonlegal authorities, such as teachers, influence people’s legal values (i.e., the ubiquity hypothesis) which subsequently influences how people

Legal socialization examines how people acquire their views about the law. A key tenet within this field is that fair interactions with nonlegal authorities, such as teachers, influence people’s legal values (i.e., the ubiquity hypothesis) which subsequently influences how people judge legal authority later in life. This study uses data from the New Hampshire Youth Survey to test the ubiquity hypothesis. Participants completed measures of how procedurally just their teachers were in general, as well as the procedural justice of their least and favorite teachers. Approximately 45 days later, they participated in an experiment where they read a vignette describing an interaction between a police officer and a young adult. Participants read vignettes where the officer either did or did not give a voice to the young adult and did or did not behave in a neutral manner. After reading the vignette, participants were asked to judge the procedural justice and legitimacy of the officer. The results indicated students’ judgments of the officer’s procedural justice were not influenced by prior experiences with teacher procedural justice. Judgments of officer legitimacy, on the other hand, were associated with teacher procedural justice, specifically participant’s least favorite teacher. These results indicate a more nuanced view of the ubiquity hypothesis than has been portrayed by legal socialization scholars whereby prior experiences with nonlegal authority affect some legal judgments but not others.
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Relationships and the Self-Efficacy of Youth on Probation


Justice involved youth are an extremely important and vulnerable population. This alone makes understanding the systems they interact with even more vital due to the power those systems may have in the development of youth’s lives. Research suggests that social

Justice involved youth are an extremely important and vulnerable population. This alone makes understanding the systems they interact with even more vital due to the power those systems may have in the development of youth’s lives. Research suggests that social relationships impact youth development (Bronfenbrenner, 1977), including for justice-involved youth (Drake et al., 2014). However, gaps in literature exist in assessing multiple adult relationships for youth and measuring self-efficacy rather than probational success. The current study addresses these gaps in the literature with a sample of youth on probation (N = 889). Data came from two sources: self-report surveys from youth and official record data from the jurisdiction’s risk/needs assessment tools. Paired t-tests were administered to test the comparative levels of support between youth and the adults in their lives. It was found that youth and probation officer support had the strongest correlation. Then, linear regressions were utilized to assess relationship quality and youth self-efficacy. It was found that probation officer relationship quality was strongest in correlating to youth self-efficacy. Multiple regressions were also administered to analyze the moderation impact of probationary officer relationship quality and school employee relationship quality in relation to parent relationship quality. No statistically significant results were found. Findings suggest the importance of proximal relationships to youth and the critical importance of the probationary officer relationship to youth who are on probation.

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Nefarious Ep 6.m4a

This is a composition of information derived from the research conducted to produce each episode of Nefarious. As part of my final thesis project for my undergraduate degrees in criminal justice and forensic psychology, I created a podcast on the

This is a composition of information derived from the research conducted to produce each episode of Nefarious. As part of my final thesis project for my undergraduate degrees in criminal justice and forensic psychology, I created a podcast on the topic of true crime with an academic approach titled Nefarious. Each episode of Nefarious examines a particular case in relation to some academic theme learned throughout my educational career at Arizona State University. Episode one examines the life and crimes of Richard Ramirez and different criminological theories that could be used to explain his behavior. Episode two looks at the case of Brock Turner and Chanel Miller and focuses on the larger problem of rape culture in America and sexual assault on college campuses. In episode three the case of the Central Park Five is detailed in relation to false confessions and wrongful convictions within the legal system. Episode four is centered around Kyle Rittenhouse and the use of self-defense as a legal defense in the justice system as well as the political atmosphere surrounding this case. The fifth episode explores three cases of police brutality against racial minorities and the history of police in America. The final episode of Nefarious covers the life and crimes of Jeffrey Dahmer and analyzes such actions from a forensic psychology approach.
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Nefarious Ep 5.m4a

This is a composition of information derived from the research conducted to produce each episode of Nefarious. As part of my final thesis project for my undergraduate degrees in criminal justice and forensic psychology, I created a podcast on the

This is a composition of information derived from the research conducted to produce each episode of Nefarious. As part of my final thesis project for my undergraduate degrees in criminal justice and forensic psychology, I created a podcast on the topic of true crime with an academic approach titled Nefarious. Each episode of Nefarious examines a particular case in relation to some academic theme learned throughout my educational career at Arizona State University. Episode one examines the life and crimes of Richard Ramirez and different criminological theories that could be used to explain his behavior. Episode two looks at the case of Brock Turner and Chanel Miller and focuses on the larger problem of rape culture in America and sexual assault on college campuses. In episode three the case of the Central Park Five is detailed in relation to false confessions and wrongful convictions within the legal system. Episode four is centered around Kyle Rittenhouse and the use of self-defense as a legal defense in the justice system as well as the political atmosphere surrounding this case. The fifth episode explores three cases of police brutality against racial minorities and the history of police in America. The final episode of Nefarious covers the life and crimes of Jeffrey Dahmer and analyzes such actions from a forensic psychology approach.
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