Page Pilot: A New Era of Reading

Page Pilot is a digital application that utilizes gamification incentives to help elementary children master reading comprehension, curbing the growing rate of child illiteracy.
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Circumlocution in Children: A Meta-analysis of the Current Literature

This extended literature review investigated the current literature on circumlocution in children. Twelve sources were categorized into the following four themes: objects and actions, typical development and atypical development, bilingual, bilectal, and monolingual children, and picture naming and other research

This extended literature review investigated the current literature on circumlocution in children. Twelve sources were categorized into the following four themes: objects and actions, typical development and atypical development, bilingual, bilectal, and monolingual children, and picture naming and other research methods. It was found children circumlocute more for actions than they do objects, but not in all circumstances. Additionally, children of atypical development will always circumlocute more than children of typical development. Monolingual children will circumlocute more than bilingual children on average. Lastly, picture naming is the most prominent method used by researchers who write about circumlocution in children. Circumlocution is commonly categorized as a language error, but studies within this review show its potential as a strategy to continue conversing when preferable words or phrases are not available.
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Understanding Food Insecurity: An Analysis on Impacts and Solutions for Undergraduate Students at the ASU Tempe Campus

The food-insecure population in the United States is significant, with a disproportionately large food insecure population being college students. Food insecurity is an issue of great concern not only because of the presence of malnourishment, but especially because of the

The food-insecure population in the United States is significant, with a disproportionately large food insecure population being college students. Food insecurity is an issue of great concern not only because of the presence of malnourishment, but especially because of the many negative effects on health it can have on individuals that come as a result of malnourishment. In addition to the many health issues that can arise, food insecurity has also been found to be correlated with poor academic performance in school which is especially important when it comes to the food insecure college student population. Among the many reasons that college students might be food insecure, one issue that is explored is that college students do not have the capabilities to prepare adequate meals for themselves, so their lack of ability to do so contributes to their food insecurity. One way to combat this issue is to encourage college students to take the initiative to learn how to cook meals. A survey evaluated the food insecurity status of undergraduate ASU students and explored various food habits such as meal preparation, fresh produce consumption, and various influencing factors and obstacles of eating healthy, among others. Results found that those who identified as food insecure were less likely to cook meals for themselves as often as those who are not food insecure, nor were they as likely to consume fresh produce as those who are not food insecure. Additionally, all students have reported improved academic performance and/or physical/mental wellbeing. With the support that eating healthy meals is important for college students’ academics and physical and mental wellbeing, as is having the knowledge on how to prepare healthy meals, a fresh produce resource guide was created with the purpose of encouraging ASU students to learn the basic skills of cooking and meal preparation.
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Urban Climate Adaptation: A Solutions-Oriented Study Abroad Program Examining Heat in Tempe and Freiburg

Extreme heat is an increasingly major issue for urban areas worldwide due to the effects of climate change. There are a variety of actions that can be taken to combat this heat, with the most beneficial being sustainable heat actions.

Extreme heat is an increasingly major issue for urban areas worldwide due to the effects of climate change. There are a variety of actions that can be taken to combat this heat, with the most beneficial being sustainable heat actions. These actions address extreme heat, and also aim to be long-lasting, equitable and just for people and nature. Teaching future generations of professionals about extreme heat issues and solutions approaches to address them prepares these individuals for their future roles in society. To teach these solutions to future professionals, a two week long study abroad program focusing on urban heat adaptation and sustainable solutions has been created for students at Arizona State University. The city of study used for this curriculum is Freiburg, Germany, a city well-known for its sustainable actions and policy. This curriculum is broken down into pre-course modules and abroad modules. The pre-course modules occur online prior to the course while the abroad modules take place in Freiburg. There are 23 modules included in this curriculum in total. These modules give students an introduction to the city, introduce types of heat actions, provide examples of sustainable heat solutions, and culminate with a final presentation comparing the city of Freiburg, Germany with students' home city, Tempe, Arizona. This curriculum can be used by schools and universities worldwide to study sustainable heat solutions in the context of Freiburg, Germany. Due to the ease with which Tempe-based sections can be switched out, the course is adaptable to multiple learning scenarios. The curriculum is highly place-based in relation to the city of Freiburg and the course is an untested program intended to act as a two week course, providing some limiting factors and considerations. A final learning reflection highlights the main findings from the curriculum writing process.
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Sowing the Seeds of Dysfunction: Stalin's Lingering Legacy on the Soviet Collapse and the Emergence of Capitalism in Post-Soviet Russia

This paper delves into the ramifications of Stalin's economic policy of collectivization, as well as how collectivization was instrumental to creating the poor economic environment that plagued post-Soviet Russia. This includes the rise of consumer culture, the economy of favors, and black marketeering.
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Differentiating Between Product and Marketing Trademarks

Trademarks are a unique instrument of the legal system that allows organizations and individuals to claim legal ownership over a symbol, word, or set of words that they believe represent their product/service or marketing efforts. Recent studies investigate new trademarks

Trademarks are a unique instrument of the legal system that allows organizations and individuals to claim legal ownership over a symbol, word, or set of words that they believe represent their product/service or marketing efforts. Recent studies investigate new trademarks to gain insights into an organization’s product development and marketing innovation. My Barrett honors thesis is based on expanding a novel comprehensive dataset of new trademarks using state-of-the-art processing workflow techniques. I also examine the differentiating factors between new product and marketing trademarks. Finally, I investigate the effects of new trademarks on future cash flow from operations and return on assets.
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Founders Lab: Make & Save Cups

Make & Save Cups is a business concept designed to provide reusable cups to coffee shop visitors with incentives of inexpensive pricing, customization, and sustainability efforts. In our current market, Starbucks and other beverage retailers offer discounts or rewards on

Make & Save Cups is a business concept designed to provide reusable cups to coffee shop visitors with incentives of inexpensive pricing, customization, and sustainability efforts. In our current market, Starbucks and other beverage retailers offer discounts or rewards on purchases if you use reusable cups. However, the cups sold in these cafes are often overpriced, and the selection of different designs is limited. Through community outreach and user surveys, we were able to find out in greater detail why people have hesitations using reusable cups. Our most significant discovery was that people either don't have enough reusable cups or don't like cleaning their reusable cups because they are hard to clean. With these problems in mind, Make & Save Cups was developed to provide our customers with cheaper cups that are still of quality so that they can have more than enough reusable cups for whenever they need them. Our cups are easy to clean and dishwasher safe, allowing customers to wash cups in large batches easily. Another aspect of our business model is that Make & Save Cups will enable customers to design their own reusable cups at a significantly more affordable price point. We sold these cups outside our campus near established, busy cafes with a reusable cup incentive. We have a variety of art supplies, including stickers, paint markers, and more, which are completely included in the price of the cup. Make & Save Cups saves students money while saving the planet and gives them a unique and memorable experience that could potentially incentivize more widespread use of reusable cups. This semester, we accomplished our goals set last semester of fully launching our product, conducting more focus groups to gain data and feedback on our product experience, and keeping our focus on increasing the number of people who use reusable cups.
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Founders Lab: Make & Save Cups

Make & Save Cups is a business concept designed to provide reusable cups to coffee shop visitors with incentives of inexpensive pricing, customization, and sustainability efforts. In our current market, Starbucks and other beverage retailers offer discounts or rewards on

Make & Save Cups is a business concept designed to provide reusable cups to coffee shop visitors with incentives of inexpensive pricing, customization, and sustainability efforts. In our current market, Starbucks and other beverage retailers offer discounts or rewards on purchases if you use reusable cups. However, the cups sold in these cafes are often overpriced, and the selection of different designs is limited. Through community outreach and user surveys, we were able to find out in greater detail why people have hesitations using reusable cups. Our most significant discovery was that people either don't have enough reusable cups or don't like cleaning their reusable cups because they are hard to clean. With these problems in mind, Make & Save Cups was developed to provide our customers with cheaper cups that are still of quality so that they can have more than enough reusable cups for whenever they need them. Our cups are easy to clean and dishwasher safe, allowing customers to wash cups in large batches easily. Another aspect of our business model is that Make & Save Cups will enable customers to design their own reusable cups at a significantly more affordable price point. We sold these cups outside our campus near established, busy cafes with a reusable cup incentive. We have a variety of art supplies, including stickers, paint markers, and more, which are completely included in the price of the cup. Make & Save Cups saves students money while saving the planet and gives them a unique and memorable experience that could potentially incentivize more widespread use of reusable cups. This semester, we accomplished our goals set last semester of fully launching our product, conducting more focus groups to gain data and feedback on our product experience, and keeping our focus on increasing the number of people who use reusable cups.
Date Created