A Critical Ethnography of Arizona Immigration Courts

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For asylum seekers pursuing claims in the United States, immigration court is often a hostile environment, as a site of exclusion and criminalization. Generations of social and political rhetoric about immigrants’ worth, deservingness of safety and dignity, and humanity are

For asylum seekers pursuing claims in the United States, immigration court is often a hostile environment, as a site of exclusion and criminalization. Generations of social and political rhetoric about immigrants’ worth, deservingness of safety and dignity, and humanity are codified into law and policy, which is then enacted on the lives and petitions of thousands of immigrants pursuing their rights to refuge. Asylum seekers are fleeing violence and harms that are often compounded along the journey, in a continuum of structural and interpersonal violence throughout their migration and often continued in the destination country, through detention, deportation, and the court process itself. Immigration court’s purpose is to adjudicate asylum claims; while this decision is executed by judges, the court context where asylum seekers petitions are audienced are made up of prosecutors, legal advocates, expert witnesses, social workers, interpreters, court staff, and others who shape the way that petitioners’ claims are evaluated and the space in which asylum seekers’ claims are heard. This study uses a qualitative ethnographic method, drawing on human rights and critical theories to study immigration court as a culture, and to interrogate how members of this culture understand the nature of the court, their roles and relationships within the immigration enforcement system and how the immigration process identifies and responds to trauma. Data collection spanned 8 months, and included observation of 161 immigration hearings across the four Arizona immigration courts. Participants (n=73) represented various key professions within and adjacent to the court: judges, ICE trial attorneys, defense attorneys, court staff, interpreters, legal team members such as paralegals and social workers, detention center staff, and community advocates. Findings address the physical court space, the roles and professions that interact in the court, and the atmosphere of the court. These center securitization and the ideological friction of the court, credibility determinations as a site of contested power, hostility and adversariality, and the limited approach to human rights and narrow acknowledgement of trauma. These findings contextualize professional and policy recommendations, as well as implications for education and future research.
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An Examination of Same-sex Intimate Partner Homicide

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Intimate partner homicide (IPH) is the most serious consequence of intimate partner violence (IPV). Current research on IPH focuses primarily on relationships in a heterosexual binary when men perpetrate violence against female partners or vice versa. Those in same-sex relationships

Intimate partner homicide (IPH) is the most serious consequence of intimate partner violence (IPV). Current research on IPH focuses primarily on relationships in a heterosexual binary when men perpetrate violence against female partners or vice versa. Those in same-sex relationships that fall outside of this lens have not received much attention in criminological research. The current study utilizes data from the Preventing and Assessing Intimate Partner Homicide Risk (PAIR) Studies, on three same-sex IPHs to examine the characteristics and contexts of these homicides, as well as the perceptions of others. In order, to understand characteristics that are specific to those in same-sex relationships, a case study was conducted utilizing thematic analysis to identify recurring themes or patterns in the cases. Five themes became evident through analysis including: power and control, undertreated mental illness, cultural lag, overkill, and repeat offending. The results from this study indicate that same-sex intimate partner homicides share similar characteristics and contexts with opposite-sex IPH, regardless of the relationship dyad. However, based on the relationship dyad the manifestations and context of IPV leading to IPH differ. Future research must be conducted to determine the motivations leading to, and the impact gender roles have on same-sex IPH.
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Trajectories of Intimate Partner Violence and Help-Seeking Among Older Adult Women in the Southwest United States: A Life Course Perspective

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Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is a common experience among (lifetime prevalence 16.5% - 54.5%); however, current research, intervention programs, and policies tend to target women of child-bearing age, leaving older adult women feeling unseen and unheard. The purpose of this

Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is a common experience among (lifetime prevalence 16.5% - 54.5%); however, current research, intervention programs, and policies tend to target women of child-bearing age, leaving older adult women feeling unseen and unheard. The purpose of this study was to provide a more accurate picture of violence against women over the life course. Guided by Life Course Theory, the characteristics of trajectories of IPV events and IPV-related help-seeking were assessed among a sample of community-dwelling women aged 60 or older residing in the Southwest United States (n = 52). Semi-structured retrospective interviews were conducted using a Life History Calendar (LHC). The characteristics of trajectories of IPV by type (physical, psychological, sexual) and by frequency (high, low) were examined. The impact of experiencing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) on trajectories of violence were analyzed to account for childhood victimization in the life course. To better understand IPV-related help-seeking behaviors, the characteristics of trajectories of IPV-related help-seeking by age, type of IPV, and frequency of IPV were examined. Generalized linear mixed modeling was used to evaluate whether the probability of experiencing IPV and seeking IPV-related help changed over the life course. Half of the women in the sample experienced IPV at age 45 or later (n = 28; 53.8%), with approximately one-quarter of the women in an intimate relationship reporting IPV at time of interview (n = 6; 27.3%). Findings revealed curvilinear characteristics of IPV experience by type and frequency over the life course, with the probability of IPV events increasing earlier in life then decreasing later in life. Compared to previous studies that report IPV events decreasing in the latter 20s, the probability of experiencing IPV events increased later into adulthood (mid to late thirties among women in the study sample). The probability of seeking IPV-related help increased earlier in the life course and then declined, with the occurrence of IPV of all types significantly affecting trajectories of help-seeking behavior. Findings from this study contribute evidence needed for the recommendation of IPV screening into older adulthood and the adaptation of supportive services for older women seeking IPV-related help.
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Linguistic Acculturation and Perceptions of Quality, Access, and Discrimination in the Health Care Among Latinos in the United States

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This study examined the relationship between acculturation and Latinos’ perceptions of health care treatment quality, discrimination, and access to health information. The results of this study indicated that participants who had lower levels of acculturation perceived:

1. Greater discrimination in health

This study examined the relationship between acculturation and Latinos’ perceptions of health care treatment quality, discrimination, and access to health information. The results of this study indicated that participants who had lower levels of acculturation perceived:

1. Greater discrimination in health care treatment.
2. A lower quality of health care treatment.
3. Less confidence filling out health related forms.
4. Greater challenges understanding written information about their medical conditions.

Participants who identified as immigrants also perceived that their poor quality of medical care was due to their inability to pay and to their race/ethnicity.

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Latinas’ Perception Of Law Enforcement: Fear Of Deportation, Crime Reporting And Trust In The System

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Latinas may be unlikely to report violent crime, particularly when undocumented. This research examines the impact of fear of deportation and trust in the procedural fairness of the justice system on willingness to report violent crime victimization among a sample

Latinas may be unlikely to report violent crime, particularly when undocumented. This research examines the impact of fear of deportation and trust in the procedural fairness of the justice system on willingness to report violent crime victimization among a sample of Latinas (N = 1,049) in the United States. Fear of deportation was a significant predictor of Latinas perceptions of the procedural fairness of the criminal justice system. However, trust in the police is more important than fear of deportation in Latinas’ willingness to report violent crime victimization. Social workers can provide rights-based education and encourage relationship building between police and Latino communities.

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Policing Immigrants: Fear of Deportations and Perceptions of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice

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This study examined the relationship between the fear of deportation and perceptions of law enforcement, the criminal justice system, and the willingness to report crimes among Latinos in the US. Understanding the relationship between increased immigration enforcement and fear of

This study examined the relationship between the fear of deportation and perceptions of law enforcement, the criminal justice system, and the willingness to report crimes among Latinos in the US. Understanding the relationship between increased immigration enforcement and fear of deportation may promote public safety by improving the relationship between the police and Latino communities.

Multivariate ordinal logistic regression analyses of the data found that participants who had a greater fear of deportation reported:

1. Less confidence that police would not use excessive force (p<.01).
2. Less confidence that police would treat Latinos fairly (p<.05).
3. A lower likelihood of reporting crimes (p<.05).
4. Less confidence that the courts would treat Latinos fairly (p<.01).

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"I Still Think About It: " Teens' Worst Experiences of Digital Dating Abuse

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Dating violence is a significant social issue among U.S. teens. As digital media (social media and mobile phone) use increases, scholars and practitioners become more concerned about these media being used for abuse in dating relationships. A pattern of abusive

Dating violence is a significant social issue among U.S. teens. As digital media (social media and mobile phone) use increases, scholars and practitioners become more concerned about these media being used for abuse in dating relationships. A pattern of abusive digital media behaviors meant to pressure, coerce, threaten or harass a dating partner, termed "digital dating abuse" (DDA), is a common form of dating violence and the subject of an emerging literature on how teens use digital media in their relationships. The current study sought to understand how teens conceptualize their worst experiences of DDA and how they respond to these experiences. A sample of 262 high school students completed an online survey including open-ended questions about their "worst digital dating abuse" experiences. Content analyses of these open-ended responses found that Public Insults, General Insults, Violations of Privacy, Rumors, Break-Ups, and Pressure for Sex/Sexual Photos were the most common form of Worst DDA reported. Girls were more likely than boys to cry or be upset in response to these experiences. Teens were more likely to tell their peers than trusted adults about their Worst DDA experiences. These results can inform prevention and intervention of youth experiences of DDA.
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I shouldn't have to worry about being raped: attitudes and beliefs about sexual assault among college students

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One in five college women report being sexually assaulted (National Sexual Violence Resource Center, 2015) with college being the time when men are more likely to commit a sexual assault (Burgess, 2007). Victimization detracts from their college experience, leading to

One in five college women report being sexually assaulted (National Sexual Violence Resource Center, 2015) with college being the time when men are more likely to commit a sexual assault (Burgess, 2007). Victimization detracts from their college experience, leading to poor academic performance or less institutional commitment. College women who are victims of sexual assault are also at a higher risk of participating in risky sexual behavior. To reduce the prevalence of sexual assault at universities, it is important to develop effective prevention programs that can target and change attitudes and beliefs that contribute to the continued perpetuation of sexual violence on college campuses. Although there are multiple studies that examine the perspectives of sexual assault among college students, specifically rape myths, the majority of that research is quantitative and does not provide an in depth understanding of their beliefs and the potential factors that contribute to those beliefs. The purpose of this study was to provide an in depth analysis of the attitudes and beliefs about sexual assault among college students.

Twenty-five female and 20 male college students participated in semi-structured focus groups or interviews. Open coding was used to gain an understanding of their beliefs concerning sexual assault. Results demonstrated that students possess multiple and often contradictory beliefs about sexual assault and issues that contribute to those beliefs that can be addressed and changed using sexual assault prevention. Three of those broad themes included barriers to talking about sexual assault, social and cultural norms that contribute to sexual assault and how college students communicate their sexual needs and desires, including consent. This research reveals that researchers and advocates do not have a complete understanding of perspectives of sexual assault among college students. Prevention programs may have been developed based on incomplete information and assumptions about what college students believe. Therefore, this study provides information that can be used to develop intervention programs that specifically target the most relevant ideas about sexual assault that are most relevant to the experiences of college students.
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Evolution of Nonprofits: Organizational Structures and Perceptions of Effectiveness within Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Services

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the structures of nonprofit victim service organizations and organizational effectiveness. Past research has rarely considered the structures of nonprofit institutions, and thus there is a lack of understanding regarding

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the structures of nonprofit victim service organizations and organizational effectiveness. Past research has rarely considered the structures of nonprofit institutions, and thus there is a lack of understanding regarding how nonprofit service organizations function, and whether not traditional concepts of effectiveness can accurately describe organizational success. Thus, there is an opportunity for further exploration regarding how this structural change impacted organizational effectiveness. This study used mixed-methodology including surveys (N=16), interviews (N=17), and comparative case studies (N=5) to examine nonprofit organizational structures and effectiveness in efforts to answer questions regarding the reality of hybrid nonprofit structures, the characteristics of these hybrid structures, and the presentation of organizational effectiveness in nonprofit service organizations. The findings revealed that a) hybrid structures are overwhelmingly the style of service nonprofits, b) externally bureaucratic structures and collective internal structures are combined to form these hybrid organizations, and c) traditional measures of organizational effectiveness as well as characteristics unique to hybrid structures are influential in determining effectiveness in nonprofit service organizations. Future research should consider what factors influence the collaboration of nonprofit service organizations and criminal justice institutions in order to best support crime victims.
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Improving Protection Orders in Arizona: A Case Study of the Maricopa County Court System

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Protection orders are a common remedy for victims of domestic violence in Arizona, but problems of access and unnecessary complexity can prevent these orders from achieving their full potential impact. Through interviews with court officials and advocates, data collected from

Protection orders are a common remedy for victims of domestic violence in Arizona, but problems of access and unnecessary complexity can prevent these orders from achieving their full potential impact. Through interviews with court officials and advocates, data collected from survivors of domestic violence and observation of court proceedings, this study takes a comprehensive look at how to make protection orders as effective and accessible as possible. This analysis concludes with a series of recommendations to improve the protection order process and guidelines for the information to be included in a comprehensive resource to help plaintiffs through the process.
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