Pyrosequencing Analysis Yields Comprehensive Assessment of Microbial Communities in Pilot-Scale Two-Stage Membrane Biofilm Reactors

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We studied the microbial community structure of pilot two-stage membrane biofilm reactors (MBfRs) designed to reduce nitrate (NO[subscript 3]–) and perchlorate (ClO[subscript 4]–) in contaminated groundwater. The groundwater also contained oxygen (O[subscript 2]) and sulfate (SO[2 over 4]–), which became

We studied the microbial community structure of pilot two-stage membrane biofilm reactors (MBfRs) designed to reduce nitrate (NO[subscript 3]–) and perchlorate (ClO[subscript 4]–) in contaminated groundwater. The groundwater also contained oxygen (O[subscript 2]) and sulfate (SO[2 over 4]–), which became important electron sinks that affected the NO[subscript 3]– and ClO[subscript 4]– removal rates. Using pyrosequencing, we elucidated how important phylotypes of each “primary” microbial group, i.e., denitrifying bacteria (DB), perchlorate-reducing bacteria (PRB), and sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), responded to changes in electron-acceptor loading. UniFrac, principal coordinate analysis (PCoA), and diversity analyses documented that the microbial community of biofilms sampled when the MBfRs had a high acceptor loading were phylogenetically distant from and less diverse than the microbial community of biofilm samples with lower acceptor loadings. Diminished acceptor loading led to SO[2 over 4]– reduction in the lag MBfR, which allowed Desulfovibrionales (an SRB) and Thiothrichales (sulfur-oxidizers) to thrive through S cycling. As a result of this cooperative relationship, they competed effectively with DB/PRB phylotypes such as Xanthomonadales and Rhodobacterales. Thus, pyrosequencing illustrated that while DB, PRB, and SRB responded predictably to changes in acceptor loading, a decrease in total acceptor loading led to important shifts within the “primary” groups, the onset of other members (e.g., Thiothrichales), and overall greater diversity.
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