Radiative Corrections to Chiral Separation Effect in QED

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We calculate the leading radiative corrections to the axial current in the chiral separation effect in dense QED in a magnetic field. Contrary to the conventional wisdom suggesting that the axial current should be exactly fixed by the chiral anomaly

We calculate the leading radiative corrections to the axial current in the chiral separation effect in dense QED in a magnetic field. Contrary to the conventional wisdom suggesting that the axial current should be exactly fixed by the chiral anomaly relation and is described by the topological contribution on the lowest Landau level in the free theory, we find in fact that the axial current receives nontrivial radiative corrections. The direct calculations performed to the linear order in the external magnetic field show that the nontrivial radiative corrections to the axial current are provided by the Fermi surface singularity in the fermion propagator at nonzero fermion density.

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Chiral Asymmetry in QED Matter in a Magnetic Field

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We calculate the electron self-energy in a magnetized QED plasma to the leading perturbative order in the coupling constant and to the linear order in an external magnetic field. We find that the chiral asymmetry of the normal ground state

We calculate the electron self-energy in a magnetized QED plasma to the leading perturbative order in the coupling constant and to the linear order in an external magnetic field. We find that the chiral asymmetry of the normal ground state of the system is characterized by two new Dirac structures. One of them is the familiar chiral shift previously discussed in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. The other structure is new. It formally looks like that of the chiral chemical potential but is an odd function of the longitudinal component of the momentum, directed along the magnetic field. The origin of this new parity-even chiral structure is directly connected with the long-range character of the QED interaction. The form of the Fermi surface in the weak magnetic field is determined.

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