Assessing Student Motivation as a Function of Pedagogical Agent Gender in Writing-Pal

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The influence that agent-student interaction has on learning can have significant outcomes in an ITS. Agent-human relationships within ITSs possess elements modeled by teacher-student relationships in the classroom. As a result, student perceptions of pedagogical agents can affect learning outcomes.

The influence that agent-student interaction has on learning can have significant outcomes in an ITS. Agent-human relationships within ITSs possess elements modeled by teacher-student relationships in the classroom. As a result, student perceptions of pedagogical agents can affect learning outcomes. An efficient environment can depend upon the intention for which the virtual agent is designed. As researchers gain more knowledge on the effect that characteristics outside of language have on learning, agent pedagogies can begin to be developed and perfected. In this research, we investigate the role that the pedagogical agent's gender has in the learning process. Specifically, we examine whether gender of agent interacts with gender of student to influence variables related to affect and motivation in ITSs
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L2 Writing Practice: Game Enjoyment as a Key to Engagement

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The Writing Pal (W-Pal) is an intelligent tutoring system (ITS) designed to provide students with explicit writing strategy instruction and practice. W-Pal includes a suite of educational games developed to increase writing engagement and provide opportunities to practice writing strategies.

The Writing Pal (W-Pal) is an intelligent tutoring system (ITS) designed to provide students with explicit writing strategy instruction and practice. W-Pal includes a suite of educational games developed to increase writing engagement and provide opportunities to practice writing strategies. In this study, first (L1) (n = 26) and second (L2) language (n = 16) students interacted with W-Pal over eight sessions. We collected students’ daily self- reports of engagement, motivation, and perceptions of performance, as well as their reported game attitudes (difficulty, helpfulness for learning, and enjoyment). Results indicated that, for all students, interactions with W-Pal led to increases in writing performance and more positive attitudes towards the system (engagement, motivation, and perceived performance). For L1 students, game difficulty was a significant predictor of boredom; however, for the L2 students, game enjoyment predicted both their motivation and perceived writing improvement. Notably, the L2 students’ game ratings accounted for more variance in these daily reports than did the ratings of L1 students. This study suggests that L1 and L2 students experience similar benefits offered by game-based strategy practice in an ITS. Further, the link between game attitudes and overall daily perceptions of training may be stronger for L2 students than L1 students.

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