A Disease Progression Modeling Framework for Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Using Multiparametric Serial Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Elastography

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Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) is a severe form of Nonalcoholic fatty liverdisease, that is caused due to excessive calorie intake, sedentary lifestyle and in the absence of severe alcohol consumption. It is widely prevalent in the United States and in many other developed

Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) is a severe form of Nonalcoholic fatty liverdisease, that is caused due to excessive calorie intake, sedentary lifestyle and in the absence of severe alcohol consumption. It is widely prevalent in the United States and in many other developed countries, affecting up to 25 percent of the population. Due to being asymptotic, it usually goes unnoticed and may lead to liver failure if not treated at the right time. Currently, liver biopsy is the gold standard to diagnose NASH, but being an invasive procedure, it comes with it's own complications along with the inconvenience of sampling repeated measurements over a period of time. Hence, noninvasive procedures to assess NASH are urgently required. Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE) based Shear Stiffness and Loss Modulus along with Magnetic Resonance Imaging based proton density fat fraction have been successfully combined to predict NASH stages However, their role in the prediction of disease progression still remains to be investigated. This thesis thus looks into combining features from serial MRE observations to develop statistical models to predict NASH progression. It utilizes data from an experiment conducted on male mice to develop progressive and regressive NASH and trains ordinal models, ordered probit regression and ordinal forest on labels generated from a logistic regression model. The models are assessed on histological data collected at the end point of the experiment. The models developed provide a framework to utilize a non-invasive tool to predict NASH disease progression.
Date Created

Byte-Sized Politics: A Recontextualization of International Relations


Our thesis is a cross collaboration between international relations and industrial engineering. We used a combination of database logic, programming, and Microsoft Visual Studio to organize and analyze Middle Eastern politics. Not only does the final product show raw data

Our thesis is a cross collaboration between international relations and industrial engineering. We used a combination of database logic, programming, and Microsoft Visual Studio to organize and analyze Middle Eastern politics. Not only does the final product show raw data entry, but it also can answer complex questions about Middle Eastern relations- queries so complex that Google can’t answer them. We organized and analyzed geopolitical data to make it more accessible and easy, hopefully you enjoy!

Date Created

Byte-Sized Politics: A Recontextualization of International Relations


Our thesis is a cross collaboration between international relations and industrial engineering. We used a combination of database logic, programming, and Microsoft Visual Studio to organize and analyze Middle Eastern politics. Not only does the final product show raw data

Our thesis is a cross collaboration between international relations and industrial engineering. We used a combination of database logic, programming, and Microsoft Visual Studio to organize and analyze Middle Eastern politics. Not only does the final product show raw data entry, but it also can answer complex questions about Middle Eastern relations- queries so complex that Google can’t answer them. We organized and analyzed geopolitical data to make it more accessible and easy, hopefully you enjoy!

Date Created

Identifying Emerging Technologies and Techniques to Assess Indoor Environmental Quality and its Impact on Occupant Health and Well-Being

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The thesis, titled Identifying Emerging Technologies and Techniques to Assess Indoor Environmental Quality and its Impact on Occupant Health, consists of an in-depth literature review outlining the various impacts of building factors on inhabitant health. Approximately 120 studies analyzing how

The thesis, titled Identifying Emerging Technologies and Techniques to Assess Indoor Environmental Quality and its Impact on Occupant Health, consists of an in-depth literature review outlining the various impacts of building factors on inhabitant health. Approximately 120 studies analyzing how environmental factors influence occupant health were reviewed and 25 were used to build this literature review. The thesis provides insight into the definitions of well-being, health, and the built environment and analyzes the relationship between the three. This complex relationship has been at the forefront of academic research in recent years, especially given the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Essentially, an individual’s health and well-being is encompassed by their physical, mental, and social state of being. Due to the increasing amount of time spent in indoor environments the built environment influences these measures of health and well-being through various environmental factors (Indoor Air Quality, humidity, temperature, lighting, acoustics, ergonomics) defining the overall Indoor Environmental Quality. This thesis reviewed the mentioned intervention and experimental studies conducted to determine how fluctuations in environmental factors influence reported health results of occupants in the short and long term. Questionnaires, interviews, medical tests, physical measurements, and sensors were used to track occupant health measures. Sensors are also used to record environmental factor levels and are now beginning to be incorporated into the building production process to promote occupant health in healthy and smart buildings. The goal is ultimately to develop these smart and healthy buildings using study results and advancing technologies and techniques as outlined in the thesis.

Date Created

Super-resolution for Natural Images and Magnetic Resonance Images

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Image super-resolution (SR) is a low-level image processing task, which has manyapplications such as medical imaging, satellite image processing, and video enhancement,
etc. Given a low resolution image, it aims to reconstruct a high resolution
image. The problem is ill-posed since there

Image super-resolution (SR) is a low-level image processing task, which has manyapplications such as medical imaging, satellite image processing, and video enhancement,
etc. Given a low resolution image, it aims to reconstruct a high resolution
image. The problem is ill-posed since there can be more than one high resolution
image corresponding to the same low-resolution image. To address this problem, a
number of machine learning-based approaches have been proposed.
In this dissertation, I present my works on single image super-resolution (SISR)
and accelerated magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (a.k.a. super-resolution on MR
images), followed by the investigation on transfer learning for accelerated MRI reconstruction.
For the SISR, a dictionary-based approach and two reconstruction based
approaches are presented. To be precise, a convex dictionary learning (CDL)
algorithm is proposed by constraining the dictionary atoms to be formed by nonnegative
linear combination of the training data, which is a natural, desired property.
Also, two reconstruction-based single methods are presented, which make use
of (i)the joint regularization, where a group-residual-based regularization (GRR) and
a ridge-regression-based regularization (3R) are combined; (ii)the collaborative representation
and non-local self-similarity. After that, two deep learning approaches
are proposed, aiming at reconstructing high-quality images from accelerated MRI
acquisition. Residual Dense Block (RDB) and feedback connection are introduced
in the proposed models. In the last chapter, the feasibility of transfer learning for
accelerated MRI reconstruction is discussed.
Date Created

Real-time Analysis and Control for Smart Manufacturing Systems

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Recent advances in manufacturing system, such as advanced embedded sensing, big data analytics and IoT and robotics, are promising a paradigm shift in the manufacturing industry towards smart manufacturing systems. Typically, real-time data is available in many industries, such as

Recent advances in manufacturing system, such as advanced embedded sensing, big data analytics and IoT and robotics, are promising a paradigm shift in the manufacturing industry towards smart manufacturing systems. Typically, real-time data is available in many industries, such as automotive, semiconductor, and food production, which can reflect the machine conditions and production system’s operation performance. However, a major research gap still exists in terms of how to utilize these real-time data information to evaluate and predict production system performance and to further facilitate timely decision making and production control on the factory floor. To tackle these challenges, this dissertation takes on an integrated analytical approach by hybridizing data analytics, stochastic modeling and decision making under uncertainty methodology to solve practical manufacturing problems.

Specifically, in this research, the machine degradation process is considered. It has been shown that machines working at different operating states may break down in different probabilistic manners. In addition, machines working in worse operating stage are more likely to fail, thus causing more frequent down period and reducing the system throughput. However, there is still a lack of analytical methods to quantify the potential impact of machine condition degradation on the overall system performance to facilitate operation decision making on the factory floor. To address these issues, this dissertation considers a serial production line with finite buffers and multiple machines following Markovian degradation process. An integrated model based on the aggregation method is built to quantify the overall system performance and its interactions with machine condition process. Moreover, system properties are investigated to analyze the influence of system parameters on system performance. In addition, three types of bottlenecks are defined and their corresponding indicators are derived to provide guidelines on improving system performance. These methods provide quantitative tools for modeling, analyzing, and improving manufacturing systems with the coupling between machine condition degradation and productivity given the real-time signals.
Date Created

Data Driven Personalized Management of Hospital Inventory of Perishable and Substitutable Blood Units

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The use of Red Blood Cells (RBCs) is a pillar of modern health care. Annually, the lives of hundreds of thousands of patients are saved through ready access to safe, fresh, blood-type compatible RBCs. Worldwide, hospitals have the common goal

The use of Red Blood Cells (RBCs) is a pillar of modern health care. Annually, the lives of hundreds of thousands of patients are saved through ready access to safe, fresh, blood-type compatible RBCs. Worldwide, hospitals have the common goal to better utilize available blood units by maximizing patients served and reducing blood wastage. Managing blood is challenging because blood is perishable, its supply is stochastic and its demand pattern is highly uncertain. Additionally, RBCs are typed and patient compatibility is required.

This research focuses on improving blood inventory management at the hospital level. It explores the importance of hospital characteristics, such as demand rate and blood-type distribution in supply and demand, for improving RBC inventory management. Available inventory models make simplifying assumptions; they tend to be general and do not utilize available data that could improve blood delivery. This dissertation develops useful and realistic models that incorporate data characterizing the hospital inventory position, distribution of blood types of donors and the population being served.

The dissertation contributions can be grouped into three areas. First, simulations are used to characterize the benefits of demand forecasting. In addition to forecast accuracy, it shows that characteristics such as forecast horizon, the age of replenishment units, and the percentage of demand that is forecastable influence the benefits resulting from demand variability reduction.

Second, it develops Markov decision models for improved allocation policies under emergency conditions, where only the units on the shelf are available for dispensing. In this situation the RBC perishability has no impact due to the short timeline for decision making. Improved location-specific policies are demonstrated via simulation models for two emergency event types: mass casualty events and pandemic influenza.

Third, improved allocation policies under normal conditions are found using Markov decision models that incorporate temporal dynamics. In this case, hospitals receive replenishment and units age and outdate. The models are solved using Approximate Dynamic Programming with model-free approximate policy iteration, using machine learning algorithms to approximate value or policy functions. These are the first stock- and age-dependent allocation policies that engage substitution between blood type groups to improve inventory performance.
Date Created

A Study on Optimization Measurement Policies for Quality Control Improvements in Gene Therapy Manufacturing

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With the increased demand for genetically modified T-cells in treating hematological malignancies, the need for an optimized measurement policy within the current good manufacturing practices for better quality control has grown greatly. There are several steps involved in manufacturing gene

With the increased demand for genetically modified T-cells in treating hematological malignancies, the need for an optimized measurement policy within the current good manufacturing practices for better quality control has grown greatly. There are several steps involved in manufacturing gene therapy. These steps are for the autologous-type gene therapy, in chronological order, are harvesting T-cells from the patient, activation of the cells (thawing the cryogenically frozen cells after transport to manufacturing center), viral vector transduction, Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) attachment during T-cell expansion, then infusion into patient. The need for improved measurement heuristics within the transduction and expansion portions of the manufacturing process has reached an all-time high because of the costly nature of manufacturing the product, the high cycle time (approximately 14-28 days from activation to infusion), and the risk for external contamination during manufacturing that negatively impacts patients post infusion (such as illness and death).

The main objective of this work is to investigate and improve measurement policies on the basis of quality control in the transduction/expansion bio-manufacturing processes. More specifically, this study addresses the issue of measuring yield within the transduction/expansion phases of gene therapy. To do so, it was decided to model the process as a Markov Decision Process where the decisions being made are optimally chosen to create an overall optimal measurement policy; for a set of predefined parameters.
Date Created

Reliability Assessment Methodologies for Photovoltaic Modules

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The main objective of this research is to develop reliability assessment methodologies to quantify the effect of various environmental factors on photovoltaic (PV) module performance degradation. The manufacturers of these photovoltaic modules typically provide a warranty level of about 25

The main objective of this research is to develop reliability assessment methodologies to quantify the effect of various environmental factors on photovoltaic (PV) module performance degradation. The manufacturers of these photovoltaic modules typically provide a warranty level of about 25 years for 20% power degradation from the initial specified power rating. To quantify the reliability of such PV modules, the Accelerated Life Testing (ALT) plays an important role. But there are several obstacles that needs to be tackled to conduct such experiments, since there has not been enough historical field data available. Even if some time-series performance data of maximum output power (Pmax) is available, it may not be useful to develop failure/degradation mode-specific accelerated tests. This is because, to study the specific failure modes, it is essential to use failure mode-specific performance variable (like short circuit current, open circuit voltage or fill factor) that is directly affected by the failure mode, instead of overall power which would be affected by one or more of the performance variables. Hence, to address several of the above-mentioned issues, this research is divided into three phases. The first phase deals with developing models to study climate specific failure modes using failure mode specific parameters instead of power degradation. The limited field data collected after a long time (say 18-21 years), is utilized to model the degradation rate and the developed model is then calibrated to account for several unknown environmental effects using the available qualification testing data. The second phase discusses the cumulative damage modeling method to quantify the effects of various environmental variables on the overall power production of the photovoltaic module. Mainly, this cumulative degradation modeling approach is used to model the power degradation path and quantify the effects of high frequency multiple environmental input data (like temperature, humidity measured every minute or hour) with very sparse response data (power measurements taken quarterly or annually). The third phase deals with optimal planning and inference framework using Iterative-Accelerated Life Testing (I-ALT) methodology. All the proposed methodologies are demonstrated and validated using appropriate case studies.
Date Created

A Novel Location-Allocation-Routing Model for Siting Multiple Recharging Points on the Continuous Network Space

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Due to environmental and geopolitical reasons, many countries are embracing electric vehicles (EVs) as an alternative to gasoline powered automobiles. Other alternative-fuel vehicles (AFVs) powered by compressed gas, hydrogen or biodiesel have also been tested for replacing gasoline powered vehicles.

Due to environmental and geopolitical reasons, many countries are embracing electric vehicles (EVs) as an alternative to gasoline powered automobiles. Other alternative-fuel vehicles (AFVs) powered by compressed gas, hydrogen or biodiesel have also been tested for replacing gasoline powered vehicles. However, since the associated refueling infrastructure of AFVs is sparse and is gradually being built, the distance between recharging points (RPs) becomes a crucial prohibitive attribute in attracting drivers to use such vehicles. Optimally locating RPs will both increase demand and help in developing the refueling infrastructure.

The major emphasis in this dissertation is the development of theories and associated algorithms for a new set of location problems defined on continuous network space related to siting multiple RPs for range limited vehicles.

This dissertation covers three optimization problems: locating multiple RPs on a line network, locating multiple RPs on a comb tree network, and locating multiple RPs on a general tree network. For each of the three problems, finding the minimum number of RPs needed to refuel all Origin-Destination (O-D) flows is considered as the first objective. For this minimum number, the location objective is to locate this number of RPs to minimize weighted sum of the travelling distance for all O-D flows. Different exact algorithms are proposed to solve each of the three algorithms.

In the first part of this dissertation, the simplest case of locating RPs on a line network is addressed. Scenarios include single one-way O-D pair, multiple one-way O-D pairs, round trips, etc. A mixed integer program with linear constraints and quartic objective function is formulated. A finite dominating set (FDS) is identified, and based on the existence of FDS, the problem is formulated as a shortest path problem. In the second part, the problem is extended to comb tree networks. Finally, the problem is extended to general tree networks. The extension to a probabilistic version of the location problem is also addressed.
Date Created