Genomes of Geoalkalibacter Ferrihydriticus Z-0531T and Geoalkalibacter Subterraneus Red1T, Two Haloalkaliphilic Metal-Reducing Deltaproteobacteria

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We sequenced and annotated genomes of two haloalkaliphilic Deltaproteobacteria, Geoalkalibacter ferrihydriticus Z-0531T (DSM 17813) and Geoalkalibacter subterraneus Red1T (DSM 23483). During assembly, we discovered that the DSMZ stock culture of G. subterraneus was contaminated. We reisolated G. subterraneus in axenic culture and redeposited it in DSMZ and JCM.

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Draft Genome Sequence of the Gram-Positive Thermophilic Iron Reducer Thermincola Ferriacetica Strain Z-0001T

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A 3.19-Mbp draft genome of the Gram-positive thermophilic iron-reducing Firmicutes isolate from the Peptococcaceae family, Thermincola ferriacetica Z-0001, was assembled at ~100× coverage from 100-bp paired-end Illumina reads. The draft genome contains 3,274 predicted genes (3,187 protein coding genes) and putative multiheme c-type cytochromes.

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