Series resistance increase in field degraded PV modules in different climatic conditions

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Global photovoltaic (PV) module installation in 2018 is estimated to exceed 100 GW, and crystalline Si (c-Si) solar cell-based modules have a share more than 90% of the global PV market. To reduce the social cost of PV electricity, further

Global photovoltaic (PV) module installation in 2018 is estimated to exceed 100 GW, and crystalline Si (c-Si) solar cell-based modules have a share more than 90% of the global PV market. To reduce the social cost of PV electricity, further developments in reliability of solar panels are expected. These will lead to realize longer module lifetime and reduced levelized cost of energy. As many as 86 failure modes are observed in PV modules [1] and series resistance increase is one of the major durability issues of all. Series resistance constitutes emitter sheet resistance, metal-semiconductor contact resistance, and resistance across the metal-solder ribbon. Solder bond degradation at the cell interconnect is one of the primary causes for increase in series resistance, which is also considered to be an invisible defect [1]. Combination of intermetallic compounds (IMC) formation during soldering and their growth due to solid state diffusion over its lifetime result in formation of weak interfaces between the solar cell and the interconnect. Thermal cycling under regular operating conditions induce thermo-mechanical fatigue over these weak interfaces resulting in contact reduction or loss. Contact reduction or loss leads to increase in series resistance which further manifests into power and fill factor loss. The degree of intermixing of metallic interfaces and contact loss depends on climatic conditions as temperature and humidity (moisture ingression into the PV module laminate) play a vital role in reaction kinetics of these layers. Modules from Arizona and Florida served as a good sample set to analyze the effects of hot and humid climatic conditions respectively. The results obtained in the current thesis quantifies the thickness of IMC formation from SEM-EDS profiles, where similar modules obtained from different climatic conditions were compared. The results indicate the thickness of the IMC and detachment degree to be growing with age and operating temperatures of the module. This can be seen in CuxSny IMC which is thicker in the case of Arizona module. The results obtained from FL


aged modules also show that humidity accelerates the formation of IMC as they showed thicker AgxSny layer and weak interconnect-contact interfaces as compared to Arizona modules. It is also shown that climatic conditions have different effects on rate at which CuxSny and AgxSny intermetallic compounds are formed.
Date Created

Characterization of electrically active defects at Nb/Si interface using current transport and transient capacitance measurements

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In this project, current-voltage (I-V) and Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS) measurements are used to (a) characterize the electrical properties of Nb/p-type Si Schottky barriers, (b) identify the concentration and physical character of the electrically active defects present in the

In this project, current-voltage (I-V) and Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS) measurements are used to (a) characterize the electrical properties of Nb/p-type Si Schottky barriers, (b) identify the concentration and physical character of the electrically active defects present in the depletion region, and (c) use thermal processing to reduce the concentration or eliminate the defects. Barrier height determinations using temperature-dependent I-V measurements indicate that the barrier height decreases from 0.50 eV to 0.48 eV for anneals above 200 C. The electrically-active defect concentration measured using DLTS (deep level transient spectroscopy) drops markedly after anneals at 250 C.

A significant increase in leakage currents is almost always observed in near-ideal devices upon annealing. In contrast, non-ideal devices dominated by leakage currents annealed at 150 C to 250 C exhibit a significant decrease in such currents.
Date Created

Efficiency-limiting recombination mechanisms in high-quality crystalline silicon for solar cells

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Recent technology advancements in photovoltaics have enabled crystalline silicon (c-Si) solar cells to establish outstanding photoconversion efficiency records. Remarkable progresses in research and development have been made both on the silicon feedstock quality as well as the technology required for

Recent technology advancements in photovoltaics have enabled crystalline silicon (c-Si) solar cells to establish outstanding photoconversion efficiency records. Remarkable progresses in research and development have been made both on the silicon feedstock quality as well as the technology required for surface passivation, the two dominant sources of performance loss via recombination of photo-generated charge carriers within advanced solar cell architectures.

As these two aspects of the solar cell framework improve, the need for a thorough analysis of their respective contribution under varying operation conditions has emerged along with challenges related to the lack of sensitivity of available characterization techniques. The main objective of my thesis work has been to establish a deep understanding of both “intrinsic” and “extrinsic” recombination processes that govern performance in high-quality silicon absorbers. By studying each recombination mechanism as a function of illumination and temperature, I strive to identify the lifetime limiting defects and propose a path to engineer the ultimate silicon solar cell.

This dissertation presents a detailed description of the experimental procedure required to deconvolute surface recombination contributions from bulk recombination contributions when performing lifetime spectroscopy analysis. This work proves that temperature- and injection-dependent lifetime spectroscopy (TIDLS) sensitivity can be extended to impurities concentrations down to 109 cm-3, orders of magnitude below any other characterization technique available today. A new method for the analysis of TIDLS data denominated Defect Parameters Contour Mapping (DPCM) is presented with the aim of providing a visual and intuitive tool to identify the lifetime limiting impurities in silicon material. Surface recombination velocity results are modelled by applying appropriate approaches from literature to our experimentally evaluated data, demonstrating for the first time their capability to interpret temperature-dependent data. In this way, several new results are obtained which solve long disputed aspects of surface passivation mechanisms. Finally, we experimentally evaluate the temperature-dependence of Auger lifetime and its impact on a theoretical intrinsically limited solar cell. These results decisively point to the need for a new Auger lifetime parameterization accounting for its temperature-dependence, which would in turn help understand the ultimate theoretical efficiency limit for a solar cell under real operation conditions.
Date Created

Physicochemical characterization of PZT-based ultrasonic transducer stacks

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A piezoelectric transducer, comprised of electroded and active pad PZT layer atop a backing PZT layer and protected with an acoustic matching layer, and operating under a pulse-echo technique for longitudinal ultrasonic imaging, acts as both source and detector.


A piezoelectric transducer, comprised of electroded and active pad PZT layer atop a backing PZT layer and protected with an acoustic matching layer, and operating under a pulse-echo technique for longitudinal ultrasonic imaging, acts as both source and detector.

Ultrasonic transducer stacks (modules), which had failed or passed during pulse-echo sensitivity testing, were received from Consortium X. With limited background information on these stacks, the central theme was to determine the origin(s) of failure via the use of thermal and physicochemical characterization techniques.

The optical and scanning electron microscopy revealed that contact electrode layers are discontinuous in all samples, while delaminations between electrodes and pad layer were observed in failed samples. The X-ray diffraction data on the pad PZT revealed an overall c/a ratio of 1.022 ratio and morphotropic boundary composition, with significant variations of the Zr to Ti ratio within a sample and between samples. Electron probe microanalysis confirmed that the overall Zr to Ti ratio of the pad PZT was 52/48, and higher amounts of excess PbO in failed samples, whereas, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry revealed the presence of Mn, Al, and Sb (dopants) and presence of Cu (sintering aid) in in this hard (pad) PZT. Additionally, three exothermic peaks during thermal analysis was indicative of incomplete calcination of pad PZT. Moreover, transmission electron microscopy and scanning transmission electron microscopy revealed the presence of parylene at the Ag-pad PZT interface and within the pores of pad PZT (in failed samples subjected to electric fields). This further dilutes the electrical, mechanical, and electromechanical properties of the pad PZT, which in turn detrimentally influences the pulse echo sensitivity.
Date Created

Nucleation and growth of single layer graphene on supported Cu catalysts by cold wall chemical vapor deposition

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Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) is the most widely used method to grow large-scale single layer graphene. However, a systematic experimental study of the relationship between growth parameters and graphene film morphology, especially in the industrially preferred cold wall CVD, has

Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) is the most widely used method to grow large-scale single layer graphene. However, a systematic experimental study of the relationship between growth parameters and graphene film morphology, especially in the industrially preferred cold wall CVD, has not been undertaken previously. This research endeavored to address this and provide comprehensive insight into the growth physics of graphene on supported solid and liquid Cu films using cold wall CVD.

A multi-chamber UHV system was customized and transformed into a cold wall CVD system to perform experiments. The versatile growth process was completely custom-automated by controlling the process parameters with LabVIEW. Graphene growth was explored on solid electrodeposited, recrystallized and thin sputter deposited Cu films as well as on liquid Cu supported on W/Mo refractory substrates under ambient pressure using Ar, H₂ and CH₄ mixtures.

The results indicate that graphene grown on Cu films using cold wall CVD follows a classical two-dimensional nucleation and growth mechanism. The nucleation density decreases and average size of graphene crystallites increases with increasing dilution of the CH₄/H₂ mixture by Ar, decrease in total flow rate and decrease in CH₄:H₂ ratio at a fixed substrate temperature and chamber pressure. Thus, the resulting morphological changes correspond with those that would be expected if the precursor deposition rate was varied at a fixed substrate temperature for physical deposition using thermal evaporation. The evolution of graphene crystallite boundary morphology with decreasing effective C deposition rate indicates the effect of edge diffusion of C atoms along the crystallite boundaries, in addition to H₂ etching, on graphene crystallite shape.

The roles of temperature gradient, chamber pressure and rapid thermal heating in C precursor-rich environment on graphene growth morphology on thin sputtered Cu films were explained. The growth mechanisms of graphene on substrates annealed under reducing and non-reducing environment were explained from the scaling functions of graphene island size distribution in the pre-coalescence regime. It is anticipated that applying the pre-coalescence size distribution method presented in this work to other 2D material systems may be useful for elucidating atomistic mechanisms of film growth that are otherwise difficult to obtain.
Date Created

Magnesiothermic Conversion of Sintered-Closely Packed Diatom (Coscinodiscus wailesii) Monolayer on Silicon Wafer and its Optical Properties.

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The hierarchical silica structure of the Coscinodiscus wailesii diatom was studied due to its intriguing optical properties. To bring the diatom into light harvesting applications, three crucial factors were investigated, including closely-packed diatom monolayer formation, bonding of the diatoms on

The hierarchical silica structure of the Coscinodiscus wailesii diatom was studied due to its intriguing optical properties. To bring the diatom into light harvesting applications, three crucial factors were investigated, including closely-packed diatom monolayer formation, bonding of the diatoms on a substrate, and conversion of silica diatom shells into silicon.

The closely-packed monolayer formation of diatom valves on silicon substrates was accomplished using their hydrodynamic properties and the surface tension of water. Valves dispersed on a hydrophobic surface were able to float-up with a preferential orientation (convex side facing the water surface) when water was added. The floating diatom monolayer was subsequently transferred to a silicon substrate. A closely-packed diatom monolayer on the silicon substrate was obtained after the water evaporated at room temperature.

The diatom monolayer was then directly bonded onto the substrate via a sintering process at high temperature in air. The percentage of bonded valves increased as the temperature increased. The valves started to sinter into the substrate at 1100°C. The sintering process caused shrinkage of the nanopores at temperatures above 1100°C. The more delicate structure was more sensitive to the elevated temperature. The cribellum, the most intricate nanostructure of the diatom (~50 nm), disappeared at 1125°C. The cribrum, consisting of approximated 100-300 nm diameter pores, disappeared at 1150°C. The areola, the micro-chamber-liked structure, can survive up to 1150°C. At 1200°C, the complete nanostructure was destroyed. In addition, cross-section images revealed that the valves fused into the thermally-grown oxide layer that was generated on the substrate at high temperatures.

The silica-sintered diatom close-packed monolayer, processed at 1125°C, was magnesiothermically converted into porous silicon using magnesium silicide. X-ray diffraction, infrared absorption, energy dispersive X-say spectra and secondary electron images confirmed the formation of a Si layer with preserved diatom nano-microstructure. The conversion process and subsequent application of a PEDOT:PSS coating both decreased the light reflection from the sample. The photocurrent and reflectance spectra revealed that the Si-diatom dominantly enhanced light absorption between 414 to 586 nm and 730 to 800 nm. Though some of the structural features disappeared during the sintering process, the diatom is still able to improve light absorption. Therefore, the sintering process can be used for diatom direct bonding in light harvesting applications.
Date Created

Inorganic and Organic Photovoltaic Materials for Powering Electrochromic Systems

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Autonomous smart windows may be integrated with a stack of active components, such as electrochromic devices, to modulate the opacity/transparency by an applied voltage. Here, we describe the processing and performance of two classes of visibly-transparent photovoltaic materials, namely


Autonomous smart windows may be integrated with a stack of active components, such as electrochromic devices, to modulate the opacity/transparency by an applied voltage. Here, we describe the processing and performance of two classes of visibly-transparent photovoltaic materials, namely inorganic (ZnO thin film) and fully organic (PCDTBT:PC70BM), for integration with electrochromic stacks.

Sputtered ZnO (2% Mn) films on ITO, with transparency in the visible range, were used to fabricate metal-semiconductor (MS), metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS), and p-i-n heterojunction devices, and their photovoltaic conversion under ultraviolet (UV) illumination was evaluated with and without oxygen plasma-treated surface electrodes (Au, Ag, Al, and Ti/Ag). The MS Schottky parameters were fitted against the generalized Bardeen model to obtain the density of interface states (Dit ≈ 8.0×1011 eV−1cm−2) and neutral level (Eo ≈ -5.2 eV). These devices exhibited photoconductive behavior at λ = 365 nm, and low-noise Ag-ZnO detectors exhibited responsivity (R) and photoconductive gain (G) of 1.93×10−4 A/W and 6.57×10−4, respectively. Confirmed via matched-pair analysis, post-metallization, oxygen plasma treatment of Ag and Ti/Ag electrodes resulted in increased Schottky barrier heights, which maximized with a 2 nm SiO2 electron blocking layer (EBL), coupled with the suppression of recombination at the metal/semiconductor interface and blocking of majority carriers. For interdigitated devices under monochromatic UV-C illumination, the open-circuit voltage (Voc) was 1.2 V and short circuit current density (Jsc), due to minority carrier tunneling, was 0.68 mA/cm2.

A fully organic bulk heterojunction photovoltaic device, composed of poly[N-9’-heptadecanyl-2,7-carbazole-alt-5,5-(4’,7’-di-2-thienyli2’,1’,3’-benzothiadiazole)]:phenyl-C71-butyric-acidmethyl (PCDTBT:PC70BM), with corresponding electron and hole transport layers, i.e., LiF with Al contact and conducting
on-conducting (nc) PEDOT:PSS (with ITO/PET or Ag nanowire/PDMS contacts; the illuminating side), respectively, was developed. The PCDTBT/PC70BM/PEDOT:PSS(nc)/ITO/PET stack exhibited the highest performance: power conversion efficiency (PCE) ≈ 3%, Voc = 0.9V, and Jsc ≈ 10-15 mA/cm2. These stacks exhibited high visible range transparency, and provided the requisite power for a switchable electrochromic stack having an inkjet-printed, optically-active layer of tungsten trioxide (WO3), peroxo-tungstic acid dihydrate, and titania (TiO2) nano-particle-based blend. The electrochromic stacks (i.e., PET/ITO/LiClO4/WO3 on ITO/PET and Ag nanowire/PDMS substrates) exhibited optical switching under external bias from the PV stack (or an electrical outlet), with 7 s coloration time, 8 s bleaching time, and 0.36-0.75 optical modulation at λ = 525 nm. The devices were paired using an Internet of Things controller that enabled wireless switching.
Date Created

Metal ion detection by luminescent metal organic frameworks

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Metal Organic Frameworks(MOFs) have been used in various applications, including

sensors. The unique crystalline structure of MOFs in addition to controllability of

their pore size and their intake selectivity makes them a promising method of detection.

Detection of metal ions in water using

Metal Organic Frameworks(MOFs) have been used in various applications, including

sensors. The unique crystalline structure of MOFs in addition to controllability of

their pore size and their intake selectivity makes them a promising method of detection.

Detection of metal ions in water using a binary mixture of luminescent MOFs

has been reported. 3 MOFs(ZrPDA, UiO-66 and UiO-66-NH2) as detectors and 4

metal ions(Pb2+, Ni2+, Ba2+ and Cu2+) as the target species were chosen based on

cost, water stability, application and end goals.

It is possible to detect metal ions such as Pb2+ at concentrations at low as 0.005

molar using MOFs. Also, based on the luminescence responses, a method of distinguishing

between similar metal ions has been proposed. It is shown that using a

mixture of MOFs with dierent reaction to metal ions can lead to unique and specic

3D luminescence maps, which can be used to identify the present metal ions in water

and their amount.

In addition to the response of a single MOF to addition of a single metal ion,

luminescence response of ZrPDA + UiO-66 mixture to increasing concentration of

each of 4 metal ions was studied, and summarized. A new peak is observed in the

mixture, that did not exist before, and it is proposed that this peak requires metal

ions to activate
Date Created

Capable copper electrodeposition process for integrated circuit-substrate packaging manufacturing

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This work demonstrates a capable reverse pulse deposition methodology to influence gap fill behavior inside microvia along with a uniform deposit in the fine line patterned regions for substrate packaging applications. Interconnect circuitry in IC substrate packages comprises of stacked

This work demonstrates a capable reverse pulse deposition methodology to influence gap fill behavior inside microvia along with a uniform deposit in the fine line patterned regions for substrate packaging applications. Interconnect circuitry in IC substrate packages comprises of stacked microvia that varies in depth from 20µm to 100µm with an aspect ratio of 0.5 to 1.5 and fine line patterns defined by photolithography. Photolithography defined pattern regions incorporate a wide variety of feature sizes including large circular pad structures with diameter of 20µm - 200µm, fine traces with varying widths of 3µm - 30µm and additional planar regions to define a IC substrate package. Electrodeposition of copper is performed to establish the desired circuit. Electrodeposition of copper in IC substrate applications holds certain unique challenges in that they require a low cost manufacturing process that enables a void-free gap fill inside the microvia along with uniform deposition of copper on exposed patterned regions. Deposition time scales to establish the desired metal thickness for such packages could range from several minutes to few hours. This work showcases a reverse pulse electrodeposition methodology that achieves void-free gap fill inside the microvia and uniform plating in FLS (Fine Lines and Spaces) regions with significantly higher deposition rates than traditional approaches. In order to achieve this capability, systematic experimental and simulation studies were performed. A strong correlation of independent parameters that govern the electrodeposition process such as bath temperature, reverse pulse plating parameters and the ratio of electrolyte concentrations is shown to the deposition kinetics and deposition uniformity in fine patterned regions and gap fill rate inside the microvia. Additionally, insight into the physics of via fill process is presented with secondary and tertiary current simulation efforts. Such efforts lead to show “smart” control of deposition rate at the top and bottom of via to avoid void formation. Finally, a parametric effect on grain size and the ensuing copper metallurgical characteristics of bulk copper is also shown to enable high reliability substrate packages for the IC packaging industry.
Date Created

Recycling valuable materials from crystalline-Si solar modules

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A major obstacle to sustainable solar technologies is end-of-life solar modules. In this thesis, a recycling process is proposed for crystalline-Si solar modules. It is a three-step process to break down Si modules and recover various materials. Over 95% of

A major obstacle to sustainable solar technologies is end-of-life solar modules. In this thesis, a recycling process is proposed for crystalline-Si solar modules. It is a three-step process to break down Si modules and recover various materials. Over 95% of a module by weight can be recovered with this process. Two new technologies are demonstrated to enable the proposed recycling process. One is sequential electrowinning which allows multiple metals to be recovered one by one from Si modules, Ag, Pb, Sn and Cu. The other is sheet resistance monitoring by the 4-point probe which maximizes the amount of solar-grade Si recovered from Si modules with high throughput. The purity of the recovered metals is above 99% and the recovery rate can achieve between 70~80%. The recovered Si meets the specifications for solar-grade Si and at least 91% of Si from c-Si solar cells can be recovered. The recovered Si and metals are new feedstocks to the solar industry and generate over $12/module in revenue. This revenue enables a profitable recycling business for Si modules without any government support. The chemicals for recycling are carefully selected to minimize their environmental impact and also the cost. A network for collecting end-of-life solar modules is proposed based on the current distribution network for solar modules to contain the collection cost. As a result, the proposed recycling process for c-Si modules is technically, environmentally and financially sustainable.
Date Created