TurboGAAP and TurboIFRS: Revolutionizing the Automation of Accounting

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Generating an astounding $110.7 billion annually in domestic revenue alone [1], the world of accounting is one deceptively lacking automation of its most business-critical processes. While accounting tools do exist for the common person, especially when it is time to

Generating an astounding $110.7 billion annually in domestic revenue alone [1], the world of accounting is one deceptively lacking automation of its most business-critical processes. While accounting tools do exist for the common person, especially when it is time to pay their taxes, such innovations scarcely exist for many larger industrial tasks. Exceedingly common business events, such as Business Combinations, are surprisingly manual tasks despite their $1.1 trillion valuation in 2020 [2]. This work presents the twin accounting solutions TurboGAAP and TurboIFRS: an unprecedented leap into these murky waters in an attempt to automate and streamline these gigantic accounting tasks once entrusted only to teams of experienced accountants.
A first-to-market approach to a trillion-dollar problem, TurboGAAP and TurboIFRS are the answers for years of demands from the accounting sector that established corporations have never solved.

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irRotate - Automatic Screen Rotation Based on Face Orientation using Infrared Cameras

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This work solves the problem of incorrect rotations while using handheld devices.Two new methods which improve upon previous works are explored. The first method
uses an infrared camera to capture and detect the user’s face position and orient the
display accordingly. The

This work solves the problem of incorrect rotations while using handheld devices.Two new methods which improve upon previous works are explored. The first method
uses an infrared camera to capture and detect the user’s face position and orient the
display accordingly. The second method utilizes gyroscopic and accelerometer data
as input to a machine learning model to classify correct and incorrect rotations.
Experiments show that these new methods achieve an overall success rate of 67%
for the first and 92% for the second which reaches a new high for this performance
category. The paper also discusses logistical and legal reasons for implementing this
feature into an end-user product from a business perspective. Lastly, the monetary
incentive behind a feature like irRotate in a consumer device and explore related
patents is discussed.
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MapASU: An iOS Navigation App For the ASU Tempe Campus

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There is a dramatic lack of quality resources for navigating the Arizona State University campus. These resources are particularly lacking for mobile devices, as many ASU buildings and paths are not found on typical navigation apps. As a result, the

There is a dramatic lack of quality resources for navigating the Arizona State University campus. These resources are particularly lacking for mobile devices, as many ASU buildings and paths are not found on typical navigation apps. As a result, the only comprehensive resource for the Tempe campus is the school’s “Interactive Map”. The website is poorly optimized for mobile, to the extent of being unusable. As a result, this project sets out to create a navigation app for iOS devices, specifically targeting the ASU Tempe campus and students attempting to traverse it. This app will thus make navigating the Tempe campus much more accessible and convenient for anyone.
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Recommender System using Reinforcement Learning

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Currently, recommender systems are used extensively to find the right audience with the "right" content over various platforms. Recommendations generated by these systems aim to offer relevant items to users. Different approaches have been suggested to solve this problem mainly

Currently, recommender systems are used extensively to find the right audience with the "right" content over various platforms. Recommendations generated by these systems aim to offer relevant items to users. Different approaches have been suggested to solve this problem mainly by using the rating history of the user or by identifying the preferences of similar users. Most of the existing recommendation systems are formulated in an identical fashion, where a model is trained to capture the underlying preferences of users over different kinds of items. Once it is deployed, the model suggests personalized recommendations precisely, and it is assumed that the preferences of users are perfectly reflected by the historical data. However, such user data might be limited in practice, and the characteristics of users may constantly evolve during their intensive interaction between recommendation systems.

Moreover, most of these recommender systems suffer from the cold-start problems where insufficient data for new users or products results in reduced overall recommendation output. In the current study, we have built a recommender system to recommend movies to users. Biclustering algorithm is used to cluster the users and movies simultaneously at the beginning to generate explainable recommendations, and these biclusters are used to form a gridworld where Q-Learning is used to learn the policy to traverse through the grid. The reward function uses the Jaccard Index, which is a measure of common users between two biclusters. Demographic details of new users are used to generate recommendations that solve the cold-start problem too.

Lastly, the implemented algorithm is examined with a real-world dataset against the widely used recommendation algorithm and the performance for the cold-start cases.
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Song Sift: Angular Web App to Filter Songs and Create Customizable Playlists via the Spotify API

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Although Spotify’s extensive library of songs are often seen broken up by “Top 100” and main lyrical genres, these categories are primarily based on popularity, artist and general mood alone. If a user wanted to create a playlist based on

Although Spotify’s extensive library of songs are often seen broken up by “Top 100” and main lyrical genres, these categories are primarily based on popularity, artist and general mood alone. If a user wanted to create a playlist based on specific or situationally specific qualifiers from their own downloaded library, he/she would have to hand pick songs that fit the mold and create a new playlist. This is a time consuming process that may not produce the most efficient result due to human error. The objective of this project, therefore, was to develop an application to streamline this process, optimize efficiency, and fill this user need.

Song Sift is an application built using Angular that allows users to filter and sort their song library to create specific playlists using the Spotify Web API. Utilizing the audio feature data that Spotify attaches to every song in their library, users can filter their downloaded Spotify songs based on four main attributes: (1) energy (how energetic a song sounds), (2) danceability (how danceable a song is), (3) valence (how happy a song sounds), and (4) loudness (average volume of a song). Once the user has created a playlist that fits their desired genre, he/she can easily export it to their Spotify account with the click of a button.
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VIPLE Programming in Middle School Education

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Learning to code is a skill that is becoming increasing needed as technology advances, yet is absent in traditional education. This thesis aims to provide a resource for middle school teachers to introduce programming skills and concepts to their students

Learning to code is a skill that is becoming increasing needed as technology advances, yet is absent in traditional education. This thesis aims to provide a resource for middle school teachers to introduce programming skills and concepts to their students over several lessons designed to fit within the constraints of a standard class period. By targeting students in middle school, if they develop an interest, they will have enough time in middle or high school to prepare themselves for a degree in Computer Science or to complete a programming boot camp after they graduate high school. Additionally, middle school students are old enough to understand challenging programming concepts and work together to solve a programming challenge. The programming language and environment, VIPLE, will be used to teach the concepts in the lessons as it is a graphical programming language, which removes many of the common challenges faced by young students in learning to code, like dealing with syntax or remembering keywords for coding blocks.
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Group Event Planning App

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For our creative project, we initially wanted to work on a web application that would allow people with busy schedules to easily create and share events while also discovering other events that may interest them. With that in mind, we

For our creative project, we initially wanted to work on a web application that would allow people with busy schedules to easily create and share events while also discovering other events that may interest them. With that in mind, we created the Group Event Planner App, a full stack project that lays down a foundation for all of our goals while focusing primarily on the proposed recommendation algorithms that enable its users to discover events that are likely to pique their interest. The development of our recommendation algorithms took inspiration from existing implementations, such as those at Amazon, YouTube, and Netflix, and resulted in a creative amalgamation.
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Alife: A Event Searching/Publishing Website

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Alife is an event searching and event publishing website written in C# using the MVC software design pattern. Alife aims to offer a platform for student organizations to publish their events while enabling ASU students to browse, search, and filter

Alife is an event searching and event publishing website written in C# using the MVC software design pattern. Alife aims to offer a platform for student organizations to publish their events while enabling ASU students to browse, search, and filter events based on date, location, keywords, and category tags. Alife can also retrieve events information from the official ASU Event website, parse the keywords of the events and assign category tags to them. Alife project explores many concepts of Distributed Service-Oriented software development, such as server-side development, MVC architecture, client-side development, database integration, web service development and consuming.
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Data Analysis in Appointment Scheduling

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Appointment scheduling in health care systems is a well-established domain, however, the top commercial services neglect scheduling analytics. This project explores the benefit of utilizing data analysis to equip health care offices with insights on how to improve their existing

Appointment scheduling in health care systems is a well-established domain, however, the top commercial services neglect scheduling analytics. This project explores the benefit of utilizing data analysis to equip health care offices with insights on how to improve their existing schedules. The insights are generated by comparing patients’ preferred appointment times with the current schedule coverage and calculating utilization of past appointments. While untested in the field, the project yielded promising results using generated sample data as a proof of concept for the benefits of using data analytics to remove deficiencies in a health care office’s schedule.
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Explainable AI in Workflow Development and Verification Using Pi-Calculus

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Computer science education is an increasingly vital area of study with various challenges that increase the difficulty level for new students resulting in higher attrition rates. As part of an effort to resolve this issue, a new visual programming language

Computer science education is an increasingly vital area of study with various challenges that increase the difficulty level for new students resulting in higher attrition rates. As part of an effort to resolve this issue, a new visual programming language environment was developed for this research, the Visual IoT and Robotics Programming Language Environment (VIPLE). VIPLE is based on computational thinking and flowchart, which reduces the needs of memorization of detailed syntax in text-based programming languages. VIPLE has been used at Arizona State University (ASU) in multiple years and sections of FSE100 as well as in universities worldwide. Another major issue with teaching large programming classes is the potential lack of qualified teaching assistants to grade and offer insight to a student’s programs at a level beyond output analysis.

In this dissertation, I propose a novel framework for performing semantic autograding, which analyzes student programs at a semantic level to help students learn with additional and systematic help. A general autograder is not practical for general programming languages, due to the flexibility of semantics. A practical autograder is possible in VIPLE, because of its simplified syntax and restricted options of semantics. The design of this autograder is based on the concept of theorem provers. To achieve this goal, I employ a modified version of Pi-Calculus to represent VIPLE programs and Hoare Logic to formalize program requirements. By building on the inference rules of Pi-Calculus and Hoare Logic, I am able to construct a theorem prover that can perform automated semantic analysis. Furthermore, building on this theorem prover enables me to develop a self-learning algorithm that can learn the conditions for a program’s correctness according to a given solution program.
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