Microplastics in the Desert Southwest: Occurrence and Characterization In Atmospheric, Aquatic, and Terrestrial Environments

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Microplastics, plastics smaller than 5 mm, are an emerging concern worldwide due to their potential adverse effects on the environment and human health. Microplastics have the potential to biomagnify through the food chain, and are prone to adsorbing organic pollutants

Microplastics, plastics smaller than 5 mm, are an emerging concern worldwide due to their potential adverse effects on the environment and human health. Microplastics have the potential to biomagnify through the food chain, and are prone to adsorbing organic pollutants and heavy metals. Therefore, there is an urgent need to assess the extent of microplastic contamination in different environments. The occurrence of microplastics in the atmosphere of Tempe, AZ was investigated and results show concentrations as high as 1.1 microplastics/m3. The most abundant identified polymer was polyvinyl chloride. However, chemical characterization is fraught with challenges, with a majority of microplastics remaining chemically unidentified. Laboratory experiments simulating weathering of microplastics revealed that Raman spectra of microplastics change over time due to weathering processes. This work also studied the spatial variation of microplastics in soil in Phoenix and the surrounding areas of the Sonoran Desert, and microplastic abundances ranged from 122 to 1299 microplastics/kg with no clear trends between different locations, and substantial total deposition of microplastics occurring in the same location with resuspension and redistribution of deposited microplastics likely contributing to unclear spatial trends. Temporal variation of soil microplastics from 2005 to 2015 show a systematic increase in the abundance of microplastics. Polyethylene was prominent in all soil samples. Further, recreational surface waters were investigated as a potential source of microplastics in aquatic environments. The temporal variation of microplastics in the Salt River, AZ over the course of one day depicted an increase of 8 times in microplastic concentration at peak activity time of 16:00 hr compared to 8:00 hr. Concurrently, microplastic concentrations in surface water samples from apartment community swimming pools in Tempe, AZ depicted substantial variability with concentrations as high as 254,574 MPs/m3. Polyester and Polyamide fibers were prevalent in surface water samples, indicating a release from synthetic fabrics. Finally, a method for distinguishing tire wear microplastics from soot in ambient aerosol samples was developed using Programmed Thermal Analysis, that allows for the quantification of Elemental Carbon. The method was successfully applied on urban aerosol samples with results depicting substantial fractions of tire wear in urban atmospheric environments.
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Exploration of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon and Dissolved Organic Carbon in Hot Springs within Yellowstone National Park

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Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) are crucial nutrients for autotrophic and heterotrophic microbial life, respectively, in hydrothermal systems. Biogeochemical processes that control amounts of DIC and DOC in Yellowstone hot springs can be investigated by measuring

Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) are crucial nutrients for autotrophic and heterotrophic microbial life, respectively, in hydrothermal systems. Biogeochemical processes that control amounts of DIC and DOC in Yellowstone hot springs can be investigated by measuring carbon abundances and respective isotopic values. A decade and a half of field work in 10 regions within Yellowstone National Park and subsequent geochemical lab analyses reveal that sulfate-dominant acidic regions have high DOC (Up to 57 ppm C) and lower DIC (up to 50 ppm C) compared to neutral-chloride regions with low DOC (< 2 ppm C) and higher DIC (up to 100 ppm C). Abundances and isotopic data suggest that sedimentary rock erosion by acidic hydrothermal fluids, fresh snow-derived meteoric water, and exogenous carbon input allowed by local topography may affect DOC levels. Evaluating the isotopic compositions of DIC and DOC in hydrothermal fluids gives insight on the geology and microbial life in the subsurface between different regions. DIC δ13C values range from -4‰ to +5‰ at pH 5-9 and from -10‰ to +3‰ at pH 2-5 with several springs lower than -10‰. DOC δ13C values parkwide range from -10‰ to -30‰. Within this range, neutral-chloride regions in the Lower Geyser Basin have lighter isotopes than sulfate-dominant acidic regions. In hot springs with elevated levels of DOC, the range only varies between -20‰ and -26‰ which may be caused by local exogenous organic matter runoff. Combining other geochemical measurements, such as differences in chloride and sulfate concentrations, demonstrates that some regions contain mixtures of multiple fluids moving through the complex hydrological system in the subsurface. The mixing of these fluids may account for increased levels of DOC in meteoric sulfate-dominant acidic regions. Ultimately, the foundational values of dissolved carbon and their isotopic composition is provided in a parkwide study, so results can be combined with future studies that apply different sequencing analyses to understand specific biogeochemical cycling and microbial communities that occur in individual hot springs.
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Assessing Exposure and Evaluating the Efficiency of Filters and Masks in Capturing Airborne Nanoparticles

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The prevalence and unique properties of airborne nanoparticles have raised concerns regarding their potential adverse health effects. Despite their significance, the understanding of nanoparticle generation, transport, and exposure remains incomplete. This study first aimed to assess nanoparticle exposure in indoor

The prevalence and unique properties of airborne nanoparticles have raised concerns regarding their potential adverse health effects. Despite their significance, the understanding of nanoparticle generation, transport, and exposure remains incomplete. This study first aimed to assess nanoparticle exposure in indoor workplace environments, in the semiconductor manufacturing industry. On-site observations during tool preventive maintenance revealed a significant release of particles smaller than 30 nm, which subsequent instrumental analysis confirmed as predominantly composed of transition metals. Although the measured mass concentration levels did not exceed current federal limits, it prompted concerns regarding how well filter-based air sampling methods would capture the particles for exposure assessment and how well common personal protective equipment would protect from exposure. To address these concerns, this study evaluated the capture efficiency of filters and masks. When challenged by aerosolized engineered nanomaterials, common filters used in industrial hygiene sampling exhibited capture efficiencies of over 60%. Filtering Facepiece Respirators, such as the N95 mask, exhibited a capture efficiency of over 98%. In contrast, simple surgical masks showed a capture efficiency of approximately 70%. The experiments showed that face velocity and ambient humidity influence capture performance and mostly identified the critical role of mask and particle surface charge in capturing nanoparticles. Masks with higher surface potential exhibited higher capture efficiency towards nanoparticles. Eliminating their surface charge resulted in a significantly diminished capture efficiency, up to 43%. Finally, this study characterized outdoor nanoparticle concentrations in the Phoenix metropolitan area, revealing typical concentrations on the order of 10^4 #/cm3 consistent with other urban environments. During the North American monsoon season, in dust storms, with elevated number concentrations of large particles, particularly in the size range of 1-10 μm, the number concentration of nanoparticles in the size range of 30-100 nm was substantially lower by approximately 55%. These findings provide valuable insights for future assessments of nanoparticle exposure risks and filter capture mechanisms associated with airborne nanoparticles.
Date Created

Community Air Quality Measurement, Management, and Control Methods

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As air quality standards become more stringent to combat poor air quality, there is a greater need for more effective pollutant control measures and increased air monitoring network coverage. Polluted air, in the form of aerosols and gases, can impact

As air quality standards become more stringent to combat poor air quality, there is a greater need for more effective pollutant control measures and increased air monitoring network coverage. Polluted air, in the form of aerosols and gases, can impact respiratory and cardiovascular health, visibility, the climate, and material weathering. This work demonstrates how traditional networks can be used to study generational events, how these networks can be supplemented with low-cost sensors, and the effectiveness of several control measures. First, an existing network was used to study the effect of COVID-19 travel restrictions on air quality in Maricopa County, Arizona, which would not have been possible without the historical record that a traditional network provides. Although this study determined that decreases in CO and NO2 were not unique to the travel restrictions, it was limited to only three locations due to network sparseness. The second part of this work expanded the traditional NO2 monitoring network using low-cost sensors, that were first collocated with a reference monitor to evaluate their performance and establish a robust calibration. The sensors were then deployed to the field to varying results; their calibration was further improved by cycling the sensors between deployment and reference locations throughout the summer. This calibrated NO2 data, along with volatile organic compound data, were combined to enhance the understanding of ozone formation in Maricopa County, especially during wildfire season. In addition to being in non-attainment for ozone standards, Maricopa County fails to meet particulate matter under 10 μm (PM10) standards. A large portion of PM10 emissions is attributed to fugitive dust that is either windblown or kicked up by vehicles. The third part of this work demonstrated that Enzyme Induced Carbonate Precipitation (EICP) treatments aggregate soil particles and prevent fugitive dust emissions. The final part of the work examined tire wear PM10 emissions, as vehicles are another significant contributor to PM10. Observations showed a decrease in tire wear PM10 during winter with little change when varying the highway surface type.
Date Created

The Habitability of Hyperarid Environments: The Physico-Chemical Dynamics of Water in Extremely Water-Limited Systems

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I present results of field and laboratory experiments investigating the habitability of one of Earth’s driest environments: the Atacama Desert. This Desert, along the west coast of South America spanning Perú and Chile, is one of the driest places on

I present results of field and laboratory experiments investigating the habitability of one of Earth’s driest environments: the Atacama Desert. This Desert, along the west coast of South America spanning Perú and Chile, is one of the driest places on Earth and has been exceedingly arid for millions of years. These conditions create the perfect natural laboratory for assessing life at the extremes of habitability. All known life needs water; however, the extraordinarily dry Atacama Desert is inhabited by well-adapted microorganisms capable of colonizing this hostile environment. I show field and laboratory evidence of an environmental process, water vapor adsorption, that provides a daily, sustainable input of water into the near (3 - 5 cm) subsurface through water vapor-soil particle interactions. I estimate that this water input may rival the yearly average input of rain in these soils (~2 mm). I also demonstrate, for the first time, that water vapor adsorption is dependent on mineral composition via a series of laboratory water vapor adsorption experiments. The results of these experiments provide evidence that mineral composition, and ultimately soil composition, measurably and significantly affect the equilibrium soil water content. This suggests that soil microbial communities may be extremely heterogeneous in distribution depending on the distribution of adsorbent minerals. Finally, I present changes in biologically relevant gasses (i.e., H2, CH4, CO, and CO2) over long-duration incubation experiments designed to assess the potential for biological activity in soils collected from a hyperarid region in the Atacama Desert. These long-duration experiments mimicked typical water availability conditions in the Atacama Desert; in other words, the incubations were performed without condensed water addition. The results suggest a potential for methane-production in the live experiments relative to the sterile controls, and thus, for biological activity in hyperarid soils. However, due to the extremely low biomass and extremely low rates of activity in these soils, the methods employed here were unable to provide robust evidence for activity. Overall, the hyperarid regions of the Atacama Desert are an important resource for researchers by providing a window into the environmental dynamics and subsequent microbial responses near the limit of habitability.
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Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Lithium-Content and Isotopic Compositions in Kerogen

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Lithium (Li) is a trace element in kerogen, but the content and isotopic distribution (δ7Li) in kerogen has not previously been quantified. Furthermore, kerogen has been overlooked as a potential source of Li to sedimentary porefluids and buried sediments. Thus,

Lithium (Li) is a trace element in kerogen, but the content and isotopic distribution (δ7Li) in kerogen has not previously been quantified. Furthermore, kerogen has been overlooked as a potential source of Li to sedimentary porefluids and buried sediments. Thus, knowing the content and isotopic composition of Li derived from kerogen may have implications for research focused on the Li-isotopes of buried sediments (e.g., evaluating paleoclimate variations using marine carbonates).The objective of this work is to better understand the role of kerogen in the Li geochemical cycle. The research approach consisted of 1) developing reference materials and methodologies to measure the Li-contents and δ7Li of kerogen in-situ by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, 2) surveying the Li-contents and δ7Li of kerogen bearing rocks from different depositional and diagenetic environments and 3) quantifying the Li-content and δ7Li variations in kerogen empirically in a field study and 4) experimentally through hydrous pyrolysis. A survey of δ7Li of coals from depositional basins across the USA showed that thermally immature coals have light δ7Li values (–20 to – 10‰) compared to typical terrestrial materials (> –10‰) and the δ7Li of coal increases with burial temperature suggesting that 6Li is preferentially released from kerogen to porefluids during hydrocarbon generation. A field study was conducted on two Cretaceous coal seams in Colorado (USA) intruded by dikes (mafic and felsic) creating a temperature gradient from the intrusives into the country rock. Results showed that δ7Li values of the unmetamorphosed vitrinite macerals were up to 37‰ lighter than vitrinite macerals and coke within the contact metamorphosed coal. To understand the significance of Li derived from kerogen during burial diagenesis, hydrous pyrolysis experiments of three coals were conducted. Results showed that Li is released from kerogen during hydrocarbon generation and could increase sedimentary porefluid Li-contents up to ~100 mg/L. The δ7Li of coals becomes heavier with increased temperature except where authigenic silicates may compete for the released Li. These results indicate that kerogen is a significant source of isotopically light Li to diagenetic fluids and is an important contributor to the global geochemical cycle.
Date Created

Using Geochemistry and Geomorphology to Understand the Evolution of a Hot Spring System

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The Greater Obsidian Pool Area just south of the Mud Volcano area in Yellowstone National Park is an active and ever-changing hot spring region. Situated next to a lake in a meadow between several hills of glacial deposits, north of

The Greater Obsidian Pool Area just south of the Mud Volcano area in Yellowstone National Park is an active and ever-changing hot spring region. Situated next to a lake in a meadow between several hills of glacial deposits, north of the Elephant Back rhyolite flow, a diverse group of hot springs has been developing. This study examines the geologic and geomorphic context of the hot springs, finding evidence for a previously undiscovered hydrothermal explosion crater and examining the deposits around the region that contribute to properties of the groundwater table. Hot spring geochemical measurements (Cl- and SO4-2) taken over the course of 20 years are used to determine fluid sourcing of the springs. The distribution of Cl-, an indicator of water-rock interaction, in the hot springs leads to the theory of a fissure delivering hydrothermal fluid in a line across the hot spring zone, with meteoric water from incoming groundwater diluting hot springs moving further from the fissure. A possible second dry fissure delivering mostly gas is also a possible explanation for some elevated sulfate concentrations in certain springs. The combination of geology, geomorphology, and geochemistry reveals how the surface and subsurface operate to generate different hot spring compositions.
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Multi-scale Investigation of Biosignature Preservation and Post-depositional Alteration in Three Siliceous Hot Springs

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The ability to find evidence of life on early Earth and other planets is constrained by the current understanding of biosignatures and our ability to differentiate fossils from abiotic mimics. When organisms transition from the living realm to the fossil

The ability to find evidence of life on early Earth and other planets is constrained by the current understanding of biosignatures and our ability to differentiate fossils from abiotic mimics. When organisms transition from the living realm to the fossil record, their morphological and chemical characteristics are modified, usually resulting in the loss of information. These modifications can happen during early and late diagenesis and differ depending on local geochemical properties. These post-depositional modifications need to be understood to better interpret the fossil record. Siliceous hot spring deposits (sinters) are of particular interest for biosignature research as they are early Earth analog environments and targets for investigating the presence of fossil life on Mars. As silica-supersaturated fluids flow from the vent to the distal apron, they precipitate non-crystalline opal-A that fossilizes microbial communities at a range in scales (μm-cm). Therefore, many studies have documented the ties between the active microbial communities and the morphological and chemical biosignatures in hot springs. However, far less attention has been placed on understanding preservation in systems with complex mineralogy or how post-depositional alteration affects the retention of biosignatures. Without this context, it can be challenging to recognize biosignatures in ancient rocks. This dissertation research aims to refine our current understanding of biosignature preservation and retention in sinters. Biosignatures of interest include organic matter, microfossils, and biofabrics. The complex nature of hot springs requires a comprehensive understanding of biosignature preservation that is representative of variable chemistries and post-depositional alterations. For this reason, this dissertation research chapters are field site-based. Chapter 2 investigates biosignature preservation in an unusual spring with mixed opal-A-calcite mineralogy at Lýsuhóll, Iceland. Chapter 3 tracks how silica diagenesis modifies microfossil morphology and associated organic matter at Puchuldiza, Chile. Chapter 4 studies the effects of acid fumarolic overprinting on biosignatures in Gunnuhver, Iceland. To accomplish this, traditional geologic methods (mapping, petrography, X-ray diffraction, bulk elemental analyses) were combined with high-spatial-resolution elemental mapping to better understand diagenetic effects in these systems. Preservation models were developed to predict the types and styles of biosignatures that can be present depending on the depositional and geochemical context. Recommendations are also made for the types of deposits that are most likely to preserve biosignatures.
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The Biochemistry and Energy of Sulfur Oxidations

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Sulfur oxidation is a process that is seen a wide variety of places. One particular place is Yellowstone national park where an abundance of hot springs are present. These acidic and hot places are prime locations for sulfur oxidation to

Sulfur oxidation is a process that is seen a wide variety of places. One particular place is Yellowstone national park where an abundance of hot springs are present. These acidic and hot places are prime locations for sulfur oxidation to occur. At a very basic level this is thought of as Sulfur, oxygen, and water forming sulfate and hydrogen. Many other reactions occur when an organism performs these processes, and many enzymes are used for this. This paper aimed to create, balance, and analyze the reactions involved in the paper Sulfur Oxidation in the Acidophilic Autotrophic Acidithiobacillus spp. (Wang et al., 2019) Once these reactions were balanced thermodynamic properties were found to evaluate the Gibbs Free Energy of these reactions. This allowed for a unique energy-based view of how this web of reactions relate to each other.

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Geochemical Modeling of the Yellowstone Mixing Zone

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In this study, the influence of fluid mixing on temperature and geochemistry of hot spring fluids is investigated. Yellowstone National Park (YNP) is home to a diverse range of hot springs with varying temperature and chemistry. The mixing zone of

In this study, the influence of fluid mixing on temperature and geochemistry of hot spring fluids is investigated. Yellowstone National Park (YNP) is home to a diverse range of hot springs with varying temperature and chemistry. The mixing zone of interest in this paper, located in Geyser Creek, YNP, has been a point of interest since at least the 1960’s (Raymahashay, 1968). Two springs, one basic (~pH 7) and one acidic (~pH 3) mix together down an outflow channel. There are visual bands of different photosynthetic pigments which suggests the creation of temperature and chemical gradients due to the fluids mixing. In this study, to determine if fluid mixing is driving these changes of temperature and chemistry in the system, a model that factors in evaporation and cooling was developed and compared to measured temperature and chemical data collected downstream. Comparison of the modeled temperature and chemistry to the measured values at the downstream mixture shows that many of the ions, such as Cl⁻, F⁻, and Li⁺, behave conservatively with respect to mixing. This indicates that the influence of mixing accounts for a large proportion of variation in the chemical composition of the system. However, there are some chemical constituents like CH₄, H₂, and NO₃⁻, that were not conserved, and the concentrations were either depleted or increased in the downstream mixture. Some of these constituents are known to be used by microorganisms. The development of this mixing model can be used as a tool for predicting biological activity as well as building the framework for future geochemical and computational models that can be used to understand the energy availability and the microbial communities that are present.

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