Justice through School Gardens: Creating a First Grade Curriculum for School Gardens


This thesis project is a first-grade curriculum that is tailored for schools with school gardens. The curriculum contains worksheets and activities for the students, making it easier for teachers to take care of the school garden while also playing a

This thesis project is a first-grade curriculum that is tailored for schools with school gardens. The curriculum contains worksheets and activities for the students, making it easier for teachers to take care of the school garden while also playing a part in fighting food injustice. The curriculum has 4 subjects: Math, Language Arts, Science, and Nutrition Education.

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Are Tai Chi Videos Effective for Improving Mental Health and Sleep in Women with Mobility Impairments?


The purpose of this thesis is to determine whether Tai Chi Qigong or Health Information podcasts are more effective for improving mental health and sleep outcomes for midlife women with mobility impairments. No other studies have been done to investigate

The purpose of this thesis is to determine whether Tai Chi Qigong or Health Information podcasts are more effective for improving mental health and sleep outcomes for midlife women with mobility impairments. No other studies have been done to investigate whether Tai Chi can be more effective for sleep, depressive symptoms, and anxiety for midlife women with mobility impairments specifically. Overall, it was found that midlife women with mobility impairments experienced better sleep when they focused on health information podcasts in comparison to Tai Chi. Change in anxiety and depressive symptoms were negligible.

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Are Tai Chi Videos Effective for Improving Mental Health and Sleep in Women with Mobility Impairments?


The purpose of this thesis is to determine whether Tai Chi Qigong or Health Information podcasts are more effective for improving mental health and sleep outcomes for midlife women with mobility impairments. No other studies have been done to investigate

The purpose of this thesis is to determine whether Tai Chi Qigong or Health Information podcasts are more effective for improving mental health and sleep outcomes for midlife women with mobility impairments. No other studies have been done to investigate whether Tai Chi can be more effective for sleep, depressive symptoms, and anxiety for midlife women with mobility impairments specifically. Overall, it was found that midlife women with mobility impairments experienced better sleep when they focused on health information podcasts in comparison to Tai Chi. Change in anxiety and depressive symptoms were negligible.

Date Created

Engaging Parents to Promote Healthy Eating and Physical Activity in Hispanic Preschool Children: Parent Perception of Newsletters in the Sustainability via Active Garden Education (SAGE) Intervention

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Hispanic youth have the highest risk for obesity, making this population a key priority for early childhood interventions to prevent the development of adult obesity and its consequences. Involving parents in these interventions is essential to support positive long-term physical

Hispanic youth have the highest risk for obesity, making this population a key priority for early childhood interventions to prevent the development of adult obesity and its consequences. Involving parents in these interventions is essential to support positive long-term physical activity and nutrition habits. Interventions in the past have engaged parents by providing information about nutrition and fruit and vegetable intake through written materials or text such as newsletters and text messages. The Sustainability via Active Garden Education (SAGE) intervention used gardening and interactive activities to teach preschool children ages 3-5 about healthy eating and physical activity. It aimed to increase physical activity and fruit and vegetable intake in preschool children as well as improve related parenting practices. The intervention utilized newsletters to engage parents by promoting opportunities to increase physical activity and fruit and vegetable intake for their children at home. The newsletters also encouraged parents to discuss what was learned during the SAGE lessons with their children. The purpose of this paper is to describe the content of the newsletters and determine the parent perception of the newsletters through parent survey responses. This can help inform future childhood obesity interventions and parent engagement.

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Public Knowledge of Acne Scar Prevention

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Acne scarring can negatively affect individuals’ lives long after active acne has resolved. An online survey analyzed the public’s acne history and knowledge of acne scar prevention to determine acne scar risk factors and public awareness of acne scar prevention

Acne scarring can negatively affect individuals’ lives long after active acne has resolved. An online survey analyzed the public’s acne history and knowledge of acne scar prevention to determine acne scar risk factors and public awareness of acne scar prevention and yielded 209 complete data sets. Though types of acne scars vary in how long they persist on one’s skin, all forms were found to be equal in the negative psychological impact they inflict. Acne severity, acne duration, individual age, and family history of scarring were found to have associations with atrophic scarring The findings suggest a need for implementing a structured and standardized way for communicating acne scar prevention information to the general public. Practical implications of these findings are discussed further for increasing public awareness of acne scarring and prevention knowledge.
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Cultural Perceptions of Leisure and Well-being in Rock Climbing Communities of Peru and Arizona, USA

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In December of 2015, I made my way to rural Peru for a few weeks, my first visit to South America. While I was there, I observed a devotion to family and leisure activity, topics that were not heavily prioritized

In December of 2015, I made my way to rural Peru for a few weeks, my first visit to South America. While I was there, I observed a devotion to family and leisure activity, topics that were not heavily prioritized in my experience in Arizona. Upon my return, I became more involved in leisure activities, particularly running, hiking, yoga, and climbing. These involvements noticeably benefitted my health and well-being. The way the Peruvians I met prioritized these subjects fascinated me, and I wanted to study this difference between Arizona and Peru. In July of 2017, I returned to Peru for a semester abroad with my bags packed and the following research questions: 1) Are differences in motivation for rock climbing between Arizona and Peruvian climbers associated with cultural values? 2) Do leisure activities and the amount of time spent on them have an effect on quality of life? 3) Does the degree of climbing specialization impact perceptions of well-being? 4) What characteristics impact perceptions of quality of life among climbers? Are these characteristics affected by country of origin? My prediction was that Peruvians had higher quality of life due to their emphasis on leisure. Through this study, I learned that this conclusion was not as simple as I anticipated.
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The Rise in Prevalence of Food Allergies

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States announced that there has been roughly a 50% increase in the prevalence of food allergies among people between the years of 1997 - 2011. A food allergy can be

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States announced that there has been roughly a 50% increase in the prevalence of food allergies among people between the years of 1997 - 2011. A food allergy can be described as a medical condition where being exposed to a certain food triggers a harmful immune response in the body, known as an allergic reaction. These reactions can range from mild to fatal, and they are caused mainly by the top 8 major food allergens: dairy, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, soy, fish, and shellfish. Food allergies mainly plague children under the age of 3, as some of them will grow out of their allergy sensitivity over time, and most people develop their allergies at a young age, and not when they are older. The rise in prevalence is becoming a frightening problem around the world, and there are emerging theories that are attempting to ascribe a cause. There are three well-known hypotheses that will be discussed: the Hygiene Hypothesis, the Dual-Allergen Exposure Hypothesis, and the Vitamin-D Deficiency Hypothesis. Beyond that, this report proposes that a new hypothesis be studied, the Food Systems Hypothesis. This hypothesis theorizes that the cause of the rise of food allergies is actually caused by changes in the food itself and particularly the pesticides that are used to cultivate it.
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Music Therapy and Its Effects on Anxiety and Depression in Older Adults Living in Independent Living Homes

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Research supports that music therapy can be used in multiple aspects of care for patients living within different environments. There is a gap in the literature when it comes to the impact of music sessions for older adults who do

Research supports that music therapy can be used in multiple aspects of care for patients living within different environments. There is a gap in the literature when it comes to the impact of music sessions for older adults who do not have a diagnosed disease, therefore this study analyzes this population specifically. This study examines music therapy and its effects on anxiety and depression in adults aged 65 or older living in independent living homes. The adults participated in a mixed-methods study over the span of one month examining music as an intervention to decrease anxiety and depression. Each subject consented into the study, completed a demographic survey, answered open-ended questions regarding their experience with anxiety/sadness and ways to cope, as well as Profile of Moods Scale (POMS) during the first session. On the last week of the study, the participants were asked to fill out the same POMS scale to evaluate whether music influenced anxiety and depression. There was limited evidence found in this study to support the use of music therapy as an intervention to decrease anxiety and depression in adults over the age of 65.
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