The Influence of Solar Radiation, Temperature, Humidity and Water-Vapor Sorption on Microbial Degradation of Leaf Litter in the Sonoran Desert

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Decay of plant litter represents an enormous pathway for carbon (C) into the atmosphere but our understanding of the mechanisms driving this process is particularly limited in drylands. While microbes are a dominant driver of litter decay in most ecosystems,

Decay of plant litter represents an enormous pathway for carbon (C) into the atmosphere but our understanding of the mechanisms driving this process is particularly limited in drylands. While microbes are a dominant driver of litter decay in most ecosystems, their significance in drylands is not well understood and abiotic drivers such as photodegradation are commonly perceived to be more important. I assessed the significance of microbes to the decay of plant litter in the Sonoran Desert. I found that the variation in decay among 16 leaf litter types was correlated with microbial respiration rates (i.e. CO2 emission) from litter, and rates were strongly correlated with water-vapor sorption rates of litter. Water-vapor sorption during high-humidity periods activates microbes and subsequent respiration appears to be a significant decay mechanism. I also found that exposure to sunlight accelerated litter decay (i.e. photodegradation) and enhanced subsequent respiration rates of litter. The abundance of bacteria (but not fungi) on the surface of litter exposed to sunlight was strongly correlated with respiration rates, as well as litter decay, implying that exposure to sunlight facilitated activity of surface bacteria which were responsible for faster decay. I also assessed the response of respiration to temperature and moisture content (MC) of litter, as well as the relationship between relative humidity and MC. There was a peak in respiration rates between 35-40oC, and, unexpectedly, rates increased from 55 to 70oC with the highest peak at 70oC, suggesting the presence of thermophilic microbes or heat-tolerant enzymes. Respiration rates increased exponentially with MC, and MC was strongly correlated with relative humidity. I used these relationships, along with litter microclimate and C loss data to estimate the contribution of this pathway to litter C loss over 34 months. Respiration was responsible for 24% of the total C lost from litter – this represents a substantial pathway for C loss, over twice as large as the combination of thermal and photochemical abiotic emission. My findings elucidate two mechanisms that explain why microbial drivers were more significant than commonly assumed: activation of microbes via water-vapor sorption and high respiration rates at high temperatures.
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Neo-morphic missense mutant p53 proteins and the co-drivers promoting cell invasion

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Phenotypic and molecular profiling demonstrates a high degree of heterogeneity in the breast tumors. TP53 tumor suppressor is mutated in 30% of all breast tumors and the mutation frequency in basal-like subtype is as high as 80% and co-exists with

Phenotypic and molecular profiling demonstrates a high degree of heterogeneity in the breast tumors. TP53 tumor suppressor is mutated in 30% of all breast tumors and the mutation frequency in basal-like subtype is as high as 80% and co-exists with several other somatic mutations in different genes. It was hypothesized that tumor heterogeneity is a result of a combination of neo-morphic functions of specific TP53 driver mutations and distinct co-mutations or the co-drivers for each type of TP53 mutation. The 10 most common p53 missense mutant proteins found in breast cancer patients were ectopically expressed in normal-like mammary epithelial cells and phenotypes associated with various hallmarks of cancer examined. Supporting the hypothesis, a wide spectrum of phenotypic changes in cell survival, resistance to apoptosis and anoikis, cell migration, invasion and polarity was observed in the mutants compared to wildtype p53 expressing cells. The missense mutants R248W, R273C and Y220C were most aggressive. Integrated analysis of ChIP and RNA seq showed distinct promoter binding profiles of the p53 mutant proteins different than wildtype p53, implying altered transcriptional activity of mutant p53 proteins and the phenotypic heterogeneity of tumors. Enrichment and model-based pathway analyses revealed dysregulated adherens junction and focal adhesion pathways associated with the aggressive p53 mutants. As several somatic mutations co-appear with mutant TP53, we performed a functional assay to fish out the relevant collaborating driver mutations, the co-drivers. When PTEN was deleted by CRISPR-Cas9 in non-invasive p53-Y234C mutant cell, an increase in cell invasion was observed justifying the concept of co-drivers. A genome wide CRISPR library-based screen on p53-Y234C and R273C cells identified separate candidate co-driver mutations that promoted cell invasion. The top candidates included several mutated genes in breast cancer patients harboring TP53 mutations and were associated with cytoskeletal and apoptosis resistance pathways. Overall, the combined approach of molecular profiling and functional genomics screen highlighted distinct sets of co-driver mutations that can lead to heterogeneous phenotypes and promote aggressiveness in cells with different TP53 mutation background, which can guide development of novel targeted therapies.
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Reduction of Three Major Bottlenecks Limiting Current Commercial Microalgae Production: Light Utilization, Waste Nutrient Utilization, and Harvesting

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Microscopic algae have been investigated extensively by researchers for decades for their ability to bioremediate wastewater and flue gas while producing valuable biomass for use as feed, fuel, fertilizer, nutraceutical, and other specialty products. Reports of the exciting commercial

Microscopic algae have been investigated extensively by researchers for decades for their ability to bioremediate wastewater and flue gas while producing valuable biomass for use as feed, fuel, fertilizer, nutraceutical, and other specialty products. Reports of the exciting commercial potential of this diverse group of organisms started appearing in the literature as early as the 1940’s. However, nearly 80 years later, relatively few successful commercial microalgae installations exist and algae have not yet reached agricultural commodity status. This dissertation examines three major bottlenecks to commercial microalgae production including lack of an efficient and economical cultivation strategy, poor management of volatile waste nutrients, and costly harvesting and post processing strategies. A chapter is devoted to each of these three areas to gain a better understanding of each bottleneck as well as strategies for overcoming them.

The first chapter demonstrates the capability of two strains of Scenedesmus acutus to grow in ultra-high-density (>10 g L-1 dry weight biomass) cultures in flat panel photobioreactors for year-round production in the desert Southwest with record volumetric biomass productivity. The advantages and efficiency of high-density cultivation are discussed. The second chapter focuses on uptake and utilization of the volatile components of wastewater: ammonia and carbon dioxide. Scenedesmus acutus was cultured on wastewater from both municipal and agricultural origin and was shown to perform significantly better on flue gas as compared to commercial grade CO2 and just as well on waste nutrients as the commonly used BG-11 laboratory culture media, all while producing up to 50% lipids of the dry weight biomass suitable for use in biodiesel. The third chapter evaluates the feasibility of using gravity sedimentation for the harvesting of the difficult-to-separate Scenedesmus acutus green algae biomass followed by microfluidization to disrupt the cells. Lipid-extracted biomass was then studied as a fertilizer for plants and shown to have similar performance to a commercially available 4-6-6 fertilizer. Based on the work from these three chapters, a summary of modifications are suggested to help current and future microalgae companies be more competitive in the marketplace with traditional agricultural commodities.
Date Created

Development of fungicide resistance in the amphibian chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis

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Amphibians around the world are suffering the effects of the chytrid fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). Whenever amphibians are housed in captivity, they must go through a decontamination protocol to ensure they are not infected with diseases such as Bd. Itraconazole

Amphibians around the world are suffering the effects of the chytrid fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). Whenever amphibians are housed in captivity, they must go through a decontamination protocol to ensure they are not infected with diseases such as Bd. Itraconazole is the most commonly used fungicide used in these protocols. This study set out to determine if Bd could develop resistance or tolerance to itraconazole. Two 24 well plates were prepared with different concentrations of itraconazole with Bd zoospores added. Plate 1 had concentrations similar to what animals are currently being treated with in decontamination protocols. Plate 2 had concentrations at and below the published minimum inhibitory concentration values (MIC). Plate 1 displayed the ability of itraconazole to kill Bd sporangia with higher concentrations and Plate 2 showed that even under published MIC values, Bd still struggled to complete its reproductive cycle. I find the evolution of a resistant/tolerant strain of Bd unlikely given the efficacy of this drug, the sensitivity of Bd to itraconazole, and the lack of evidence of the completion of Bd’s reproductive cycle under the conditions used in this study.
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Isolation of anaerobic archaea and bacteria from Amazon peatlands and evaluation of syntrophic interactions

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Peatlands represent 3% of the earth’s surface but have been estimated to contain up to 30% of all terrestrial soil organic carbon and release an estimated 40% of global atmospheric CH4 emissions. Contributors to the production of CH4 are methanogenic

Peatlands represent 3% of the earth’s surface but have been estimated to contain up to 30% of all terrestrial soil organic carbon and release an estimated 40% of global atmospheric CH4 emissions. Contributors to the production of CH4 are methanogenic Archaea through a coupled metabolic dependency of end products released by heterotrophic bacteria within the soil in the absence of O2. To better understand how neighboring bacterial communities can influence methanogenesis, the isolation and physiological characterization of two novel isolates, one Methanoarchaeal isolate and one Acidobacterium isolate identified as QU12MR and R28S, respectively, were targeted in this present study. Co-culture growth in varying temperatures of the QU12MR isolate paired with an isolated Clostridium species labeled R32Q and the R28S isolate were also investigated for possible influences in CH4 production. Phylogenetic analysis of strain QU12MR was observed as a member of genus Methanobacterium sharing 98% identity similar to M. arcticum strain M2 and 99% identity similar to M. uliginosum strain P2St. Phylogenetic analysis of strain R28S was associated with genus Acidicapsa from the phylum Acidobacteria, sharing 97% identity to A. acidisoli strain SK-11 and 96% identity similarity to Occallatibacter savannae strain A2-1c. Bacterial co-culture growth and archaeal CH4 production was present in the five temperature ranges tested. However, bacterial growth and archaeal CH4 production was less than what was observed in pure culture analysis after 21 days of incubation.
Date Created

Phenotypic Plasticity and Early Life Cycle Development of the Chytrid Fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis

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The amphibian chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) has captured human attention because it is a pathogen that has contributed to global amphibian declines. Despite increased research, much is still unknown about how it develops. For example, the fact that Bd

The amphibian chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) has captured human attention because it is a pathogen that has contributed to global amphibian declines. Despite increased research, much is still unknown about how it develops. For example, the fact that Bd exhibits phenotypic plasticity during development was only recently identified. In this thesis, the causes of phenotypic plasticity in Bd are tested by exposing the fungus to different substrates, including powdered frog skin and keratin, which seems to play an important role in the fungus's colonization of amphibian epidermis. A novel swelling structure emerging from Bd germlings developed when exposed to keratin and frog skin. This swelling has not been observed in Bd grown in laboratory cultures before, and it is possible that it is analogous to the germ tube Bd develops in vivo. Growth of the swelling suggests that keratin plays a role in the phenotypic plasticity expressed by Bd.
Date Created

Analysis of Global Variance of the Thermal Maxima of an Amphibian Pathogen

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Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), the amphibian chytrid fungus causing chytridiomycosis, is the cause of massive amphibian die-offs. As with any host-pathogen relationship, it is paramount to understand the growth and reproduction of the pathogen that causes an infectious disease outbreak. The

Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), the amphibian chytrid fungus causing chytridiomycosis, is the cause of massive amphibian die-offs. As with any host-pathogen relationship, it is paramount to understand the growth and reproduction of the pathogen that causes an infectious disease outbreak. The life-cycle of the pathogen, Bd, is strongly influenced by temperature; however, previous research has focused on Bd isolated from limited geographic ranges, and may not be representative of Bd on a global scale. My research examines the relationship between Bd and temperature on the global level to determine the actual thermal maximum of Bd. Six isolates of Bd, from three continents, were incubated at a temperature within the thermal range (21°C) and a temperature higher than the optimal thermal range (27°C). Temperature affected the growth and zoosporangium size of all six isolates of Bd. All six isolates had proliferative growth at 21°C, but at 27°C the amount and quality of growth varied per isolate. My results demonstrate that each Bd isolate has a different response to temperature, and the thermal maximum for growth varies with each isolate. Further understanding of the difference in isolate response to temperature can lead to a better understanding of Bd pathogen dynamics, as well as allow us the ability to identify susceptible hosts and environments before an outbreak.
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A Study of an Inclusion Observed Under Transmission Electron Microscopy in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803

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Transmission electron microscopy has been used to identify poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) granules in cyanobacteria for over 40 years. Electron-transparent (sometimes containing a slightly electron-dense area in the inclusions) or slightly electron-dense spherical inclusions found in transmission electron micrographs of cyanobacteria are

Transmission electron microscopy has been used to identify poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) granules in cyanobacteria for over 40 years. Electron-transparent (sometimes containing a slightly electron-dense area in the inclusions) or slightly electron-dense spherical inclusions found in transmission electron micrographs of cyanobacteria are often assumed to be PHB granules. The aim of this study was to test this assumption in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, and to determine whether all inclusions of this kind are indeed PHB granules. Based on the results gathered, it is concluded that not all of the slightly electron-dense spherical inclusions are PHB granules in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. This result is potentially applicable to other cyanobacteria.
Date Created

Characterization of a Polyclonal Antibody Specific for Synechococcus WH8102 Plastoquinol Terminal Oxidase.

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Photosynthesis is a critical process that fixes the carbon utilized in cellular respiration. In higher plants, the immutans gene codes for a protein that is both involved in carotenoid biosynthesis and plastoquinol oxidation (Carol et al 1999, Josse et al

Photosynthesis is a critical process that fixes the carbon utilized in cellular respiration. In higher plants, the immutans gene codes for a protein that is both involved in carotenoid biosynthesis and plastoquinol oxidation (Carol et al 1999, Josse et al 2003). This plastoquinol terminal oxidase (PTOX) is of great interest in understanding electron flow in the plastoquinol pool. In order to characterize this PTOX, polyclonal antibodies were developed. Expression of Synechococcus WH8102 PTOX in E. coli provided a useful means to harvest the protein required for antibody production. Once developed, the antibody was tested for limit of concentration, effectiveness in whole cell lysate, and overall specificity. The antibody raised against PTOX was able to detect as low as 10 pg of PTOX in SDS-PAGE, and could detect PTOX extracted from lysed Synechococcus WH8102. The production of this antibody could determine the localization of the PTOX in Synechococcus.
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Deletion of the α-(1,3)-Glucan Synthase Genes Induces a Restructuring of the Conidial Cell Wall Responsible for the Avirulence of Aspergillus Fumigatus

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α-(1,3)-Glucan is a major component of the cell wall of Aspergillus fumigatus, an opportunistic human fungal pathogen. There are three genes (AGS1, AGS2 and AGS3) controlling the biosynthesis of α-(1,3)-glucan in this fungal species. Deletion of all the three AGS

α-(1,3)-Glucan is a major component of the cell wall of Aspergillus fumigatus, an opportunistic human fungal pathogen. There are three genes (AGS1, AGS2 and AGS3) controlling the biosynthesis of α-(1,3)-glucan in this fungal species. Deletion of all the three AGS genes resulted in a triple mutant that was devoid of α-(1,3)-glucan in its cell wall; however, its growth and germination was identical to that of the parental strain in vitro. In the experimental murine aspergillosis model, this mutant was less pathogenic than the parental strain. The AGS deletion resulted in an extensive structural modification of the conidial cell wall, especially conidial surface where the rodlet layer was covered by an amorphous glycoprotein matrix. This surface modification was responsible for viability reduction of conidia in vivo, which explains decrease in the virulence of triple agsΔ mutant.

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