Measuring the Index of Refraction of a Medium through the use of a Michelson Interferometer

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In this experiment, an attempt was made to measure the index of refraction of a thin glass microscope slide, with a known thickness of 1.01 mm. A monochromatic laser with wavelength of 532nm was employed to generate the interference pattern

In this experiment, an attempt was made to measure the index of refraction of a thin glass microscope slide, with a known thickness of 1.01 mm. A monochromatic laser with wavelength of 532nm was employed to generate the interference pattern through the use of a Michelson interferometer. The slide was placed in the path of one of the beams. The slide could then be rotated through a series of angles, and, from the resulting changes in the interference pattern, the index of refraction of the slide could be extracted. The index of refraction was found to be 1.5±0.02.
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Non-Hermitian Wave Packet Approximation for Coupled Two-Level Systems in Weak and Intense Fields

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We introduce a non-Hermitian Schrödinger-type approximation of optical Bloch equations for two-level systems. This approximation provides a complete and accurate description of the coherence and decoherence dynamics in both weak and strong laser fields at the cost of losing accuracy

We introduce a non-Hermitian Schrödinger-type approximation of optical Bloch equations for two-level systems. This approximation provides a complete and accurate description of the coherence and decoherence dynamics in both weak and strong laser fields at the cost of losing accuracy in the description of populations. In this approach, it is sufficient to propagate the wave function of the quantum system instead of the density matrix, providing that relaxation and dephasing are taken into account via automatically adjusted time-dependent gain and decay rates. The developed formalism is applied to the problem of scattering and absorption of electromagnetic radiation by a thin layer comprised of interacting two-level emitters.

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Plasmonic Opals: Observation of a Collective Molecular Exciton Mode Beyond the Strong Coupling

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Achieving and controlling strong light-matter interactions in many-body systems is of paramount importance both for fundamental understanding and potential applications. In this paper we demonstrate both experimentally and theoretically how to manipulate strong coupling between the Bragg-plasmon mode supported by

Achieving and controlling strong light-matter interactions in many-body systems is of paramount importance both for fundamental understanding and potential applications. In this paper we demonstrate both experimentally and theoretically how to manipulate strong coupling between the Bragg-plasmon mode supported by an organo-metallic array and molecular excitons in the form of J-aggregates dispersed on the hybrid structure. We observe experimentally the transition from a conventional strong coupling regime exhibiting the usual upper and lower polaritonic branches to a more complex regime, where a third nondispersive mode is seen, as the concentration of J-aggregates is increased. The numerical simulations confirm the presence of the third resonance. We attribute its physical nature to collective molecule-molecule interactions leading to a collective electromagnetic response. A simple analytical model is proposed to explain the physics of the third mode. The nonlinear dependence on molecular parameters followed from the model are confirmed in a set of rigorous numerical studies. It is shown that at the energy of the collective mode molecules oscillate completely out of phase with the incident radiation acting as an effictive thin metal layer.

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Surface plasmon-polariton enhanced lasing: numerical studies

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The study of subwavelength behavior of light and nanoscale lasing has broad

potential applications in various forms of computation i.e. optical and quantum, as well as

in energy engineering. Although this field has been under active research, there has been

The study of subwavelength behavior of light and nanoscale lasing has broad

potential applications in various forms of computation i.e. optical and quantum, as well as

in energy engineering. Although this field has been under active research, there has been

little work done on describing the behaviors of threshold and saturation. Particularly, how

the gain-molecule behavior affects the lasing behavior has yet to be investigated.

In this work, the interaction of surface-plasmon-polaritons (SPPs) and molecules is

observed in lasing. Various phenomenologies are observed related to the appearance of the

threshold and saturation regions. The lasing profile, as a visual delimiter of lasing threshold

and saturation, is introduced and used to study various parametrical dependencies of lasing,

including the number-density of molecules, the molecular thickness and the frequency

detuning between the molecular transition frequency and the SPP resonant frequency. The

molecular population distributions are studied in terminal and dynamical methods and are

found to contain unexpected and theoretically challenging properties. Using an average

dynamical analysis, the simulated spontaneous emission cascade can be clearly seen.

Finally, theoretical derivations of simple 1D strands of dipoles are presented in both

the exact and mean-field approximation, within the density matrix formalism. Some

preliminary findings are presented, detailing the observed behaviors of some simple

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Optical properties of hybrid nanomaterials

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The interaction of light with nanoscale structures consisting of metal and two-level quantum emitters is investigated computationally. A method of tilting the incoming electromagnetic wave is used to demonstrate coupling between a sinusoidal grating and two-level quantum emitters. A system

The interaction of light with nanoscale structures consisting of metal and two-level quantum emitters is investigated computationally. A method of tilting the incoming electromagnetic wave is used to demonstrate coupling between a sinusoidal grating and two-level quantum emitters. A system consisting of metallic v-grooves and two-level emitters is thoroughly explored in the linear regime, where the spatially uniform fields provide a unique means of characterizing the coupling between the v-grooves and emitters. Furthermore, subwavelength spatial effects in the ground state population of emitters in the v-grooves are observed and analyzed in the non-linear regime. Finally, photon echoes are explored in the case of a one-dimensional ensemble of interacting two-level emitters as well as two-level emitters coupled to metallic slits, demonstrating the influence of collective effects on the echo amplitude in the former and the modifcation of the photon echo due to interaction with surface plasmons on the slits in the latter.
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Ferroelectric lithium niobate surfaces for depositions of metallic nanostructure and ZnO semiconducting thin film

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A distinct characteristic of ferroelectric materials is the existence of a reversible spontaneous polarization with the application of an electric field. The relevant properties ferroelectric lithium niobate surfaces include a low density of defects and external screening of the bound

A distinct characteristic of ferroelectric materials is the existence of a reversible spontaneous polarization with the application of an electric field. The relevant properties ferroelectric lithium niobate surfaces include a low density of defects and external screening of the bound polarization charge. These properties result in unique surface electric field distribution with a strong electric field in the vicinity of domain boundaries, while away from the boundaries, the field decreases rapidly. In this work, ferroelectric lithium niobate (LN) is used as a template to direct the assembly of metallic nanostructures via photo-induced reduction and a substrate for deposition of ZnO semiconducting thin films via plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition (PE-ALD). To understand the mechanism the photo-induced deposition process the following effects were considered: the illumination photon energy and intensity, the polarization screening mechanism of the lithium niobate template and the chemical concentration. Depending on the UV wavelength, variation of Ag deposition rate and boundary nanowire formation are observed and attributed to the unique surface electric field distribution of the polarity patterned template and the penetration depth of UV light. Oxygen implantation is employed to transition the surface from external screening to internal screening, which results in depressed boundary nanowire formation. The ratio of the photon flux and Ag ion flux to the surface determine the deposition pattern. Domain boundary deposition is enhanced with a high photon/Ag ion flux ratio while domain boundary deposition is depressed with a low photon/Ag ion flux ratio. These results also support the photo-induced deposition model where the process is limited by carrier generation, and the cation reduction occurs at the surface. These findings will provide a foundational understanding to employ ferroelectric templates for assembly and patterning of inorganic, organic, biological, and integrated structures. ZnO films deposited on positive and negative domain surfaces of LN demonstrate different I-V curve behavior at different temperatures. At room temperature, ZnO deposited on positive domains exhibits almost two orders of magnitude greater conductance than on negative domains. The conductance of ZnO on positive domains decreases with increasing temperature while the conductance of ZnO on negative domains increases with increasing temperature. The observations are interpreted in terms of the downward or upward band bending at the ZnO/LN interface which is induced by the ferroelectric polarization charge. Possible application of this effect in non-volatile memory devices is proposed for future work.
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